About IN2IT

The IN2IT Community of Practice (CoP) is the place where you can share experiences and ideas about internationalization among Colleges, Universities and Industries or Companies . The aim of this CoP is to develop international cooperation among Higher Education Institutions in the field of research and didactics.
Your involvement and contribution is important to create and enlarge an effective network able to improve internationalization capabilities of Universities!


 IN2IT Partners

ORT Braude College

Kaye College International

Sapir College


Beit-Berl College

Tel Aviv Yaffo Academic College

Project number 561642-EPP-1-2015-1-IL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication]


IN2IT: Internationalization by Innovative Technology
Project IN2IT aims to develop and implement an innovative technological infrastructure for the purpose of advancing internationalization in higher education, and thereby to expand the practical applications of internationalization in Israeli academic colleges, to strengthen the capacities for teaching, learning, research, and training, and to improve the quality and positioning of Israeli state-funded academic colleges in higher education.
Internationalization will be accomplished by focusing on three core international academic activities:
(a) teaching and learning academic curriculum;
(b) knowledge sharing by research communities;
(c) academy-industry/community cooperation.
All three core academic activities will be internationalized with the support of contemporary innovative technologies.In the current era of globalization, the role of HEIs as providers of global citizenship competencies increases. In this context, internationalization in HEIs contributes to the development of students’ skills and employability in the 21st century. The successful results of Tempus IRIS, which introduced internationalization to the colleges, yielded an environment that encourages the colleges to move forward by taking internalization to practical realization. Project IN2IT aims to build on the strategic capabilities developed in TEMPUS IRIS by developing and delivering operational capabilities for internationalizations. Project IN2IT aspires to exploit available information and communications technologies (ICT), as relatively low cost available tools to be used in the service of advancing internationalization and make it accessible to all global citizens, in the classroom and at home.
The IN2IT project was awarded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency – EACEA in the Erasmus Plus Programme for education, training, youth and sport. The IN2IT is a three-year project (2015-2018) that will be executed by 14 partners from Israel and the EU.
IN2IT Partners
The eight Israeli partner colleges are ORT Braude College of Engineering (Coordinator), Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Beit Berl College, Kaye Academic College of Education, Sapir Academic Collage, Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art, Tel Aviv Yaffo Academic College, and Tel Hai Academic College. In addition, Varam, the Board of Public Academic Colleges in Israel is an associate partner. The six European partner universities are Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg / Ludwigsburg University of Education (Germany), Université de Montpellier (France), Kingston University London (UK), and Warsaw University of Technology (Poland).
The collaboration of Israeli colleges, which have strong entrepreneurial and technological capabilities, with EU universities, which have solid substantial international experience, creates a unique opportunity for the development and implementation of an advanced, state-of-the-art, sustainable technological platform for internationalization in higher education that will create a competitive advantage for colleges in Israel.

IN2IT execution will consist of ten work packages: WP1: International Capability Maturity Framework; Wp2: International Team Building; WP3: International Virtual Curriculum; WP4: International CoP (Communities of Practice) for knowledge sharing; WP5: Academy-industry/community cooperation; WP6: Innovative technological platform; WP7: Quality Assurance; WP8: Dissemination; WP9: Sustainability and Exploitation; and WP10: Project Management.Each work package will be managed by a supervising leader. The project consists of detailed and organized work procedures, with allocated resources and budget, on a three-year schedule. The project will be managed by communication, control and follow-up programs – the various stakeholders will make informed decisions on the basis of these programs.


OBC – Ort Braude College: ORT Braude College (OBC) was established in Karmiel with the goal of developing an academic center that would teach the different engineering fields and simultaneously work in cooperation with industry. The College’s mission and vision is to serve as a leading higher education institution of engineering, technology, and related fields, whose goal is to promote equal opportunities in Israeli society through education and professional training.
SAP – Sapir Academic College: Sapir is located at the south periphery of Israel with large minorities population among students and lecturers. Sapir Academic campus is one of a kind in Israel, home to 12 different institutions of education ranging from first grade to a seniors’ day center. As such, Sapir is at the heart of large community center for education services in the south of Israel.
QSM – Al-Qasemi Academy is the first academic institution located in an Arab town in Israel. Accredited by the Higher Council of Education, and as a winner of the 2009 Excellence and Quality Prize of the Public Service, Al-Qasemi has proven to be a unique academic stronghold, which gives hope to the Arab minority in Israel.
BBC – Beit Berl College is a multidisciplinary and multicultural leading academic institution in the areas of education, society, and the arts. Jews and Arabs work and study side by side at Beit Berl, where education is considered a means for enhancing social change and advancing social justice.
KC – Kaye College is the leading academic institution for teacher education and professional development of educators in the south region of Israel, serving both Jewish and Bedouin populations. Its goal is to provide students with advanced academic knowledge, broad practical experience, competencies and skills to integrate themselves into the changing future of the educational system in Israel.
THC – Tel-Hai College is the leading public academic college in Israel and an engine of change for the educational, economic and social development of the Upper Galilee. Tel-Hai’s innovative curriculum, diverse student life and pluralistic atmosphere, and growing reputation for academic excellence have attracted students from across the country to join in building our unique community of learning, and gained the attention of scholars and researchers around the world.
MTA – The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo: Academic excellence and contribution to the local community have been at the heart of the College’s vision since its establishment. The College’s five schools offer six undergraduate programs and five MA programs. 4,000 students are currently enrolled in the College, which already boasts 11,000 graduates.
WUT – Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) is the oldest and the largest university of technology in Poland. Our priorities are multi-layered study programmes supported by an advanced scientific research. Modern study programmes and an extensive range of scientific and research works, including international partnerships with many universities, research institutions and high-tech industries, make our graduates thoroughly prepared for the global labor market.
UCSC – Founded in Milan in 1921 by Father Agostino Gemelli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) is Europe’s largest private Catholic university. UCSC is the only university in Italy with 4 campuses all over the country: in Milan, Piacenza – Cremona, Brescia and Rome – which is also home to the Agostino Gemelli General Hospital. Founded in Milan in 1921 by Father Agostino Gemelli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) is Europe’s largest private Catholic university.
PoliMi – Established in 1863 in Milan, Politecnico di Milano (PoliMI) is one of the leading science and technology universities in Europe, producing engineers, architects and industrial designers through a variety of innovative specializing courses. The University has always focused on the quality and innovation of its teaching and research developing a fruitful relationship with business.
PHL/LUE – Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg/ Ludwigsburg University of Education is the largest of the six Universities of Education in Baden-Württemberg, with more than 5,000 students and over 450 members of staff. The Universities of Education concentrate on educational science in research and teaching. The LUE is a modern centre of excellence for educational sciences in four closely-related areas: school and pre-school education, extra-curricular education for children and teenagers, adult/further education as well as education in cultural and social areas.
UM – Created in January 2015, Université de Montpellier (UM) is the result of the merge of Montpellier Universities 1 and 2, benefiting from the excellence and complementarity of both institutions. Université de Montpellier is a research-intensive university which brings together a vast community of knowledge, from science, techniques and medicine to environmental and educational science, as well as economics, law and political sciences. Its strategy revolves around inter-disciplinary and multi-skill training programs.
KU – For over four decades, The Design School has established itself as a centre of excellence in design education. Our UG and PG design courses in Fashion, Illustration Animation, Graphic Design, Product & Furniture Design and Interior Design have helped reshape global creative industries during a period of unprecedented social and technological change. This year we are commemorating the 140 year old legacy of the Kingston School of Art and are pleased that we are recognized as one of the best art and design schools in teaching and research in Europe.
Brunel University London is a public research university located in Uxbridge, London, United Kingdom. Founded in 1966, it was named after the Victorian engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Brunel’s campus is located on the outskirts of Uxbridge. It is organised into three colleges and three major research institutes. Brunel has over 12,900 students and 2,500 staff. Brunel is ranked as the 93rd best university worldwide in the field of engineering and technology, 32nd among European institutions and 11th among British institutions according to THES world rankings.
VARAM – The Board of Public Academic Colleges is a voluntary body whose
 members are the leaders of Israel’s twenty academic public colleges. These institutions serve 68,000 students, who constitute approximately 40% of all Bachelor’s degree students in Israel’s higher education system. The Committee promotes the colleges’ shared policy on various issues, including the following: planning and budgeting, academic matters, future development, legislation, participation in Knesset committee discussions, and more.

The Erasmus+ Programme

The Erasmus+ programme aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernising Education, Training, and Youth work. The seven year programme will have a budget of €14.7 billion; a 40% increase compared to current spending levels, reflecting the EU’s commitment to investing in these areas.
Erasmus+ will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain work experience and volunteer abroad.
Erasmus+ will support transnational partnerships among Education, Training, and Youth institutions and organisations to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of Education and work in order to tackle the skills gaps we are facing in Europe.
It will also support national efforts to modernise Education, Training, and Youth systems. In the field of Sport, there will be support for grassroots projects and cross-border challenges such as combating match-fixing, doping, violence and racism.
Erasmus+ brings together seven existing EU programmes in the fields of Education, Training, and Youth; it will for the first time provide support for Sport. As an integrated programme, Erasmus+ offers more opportunities for cooperation across the Education , Training , Youth , and Sport sectors and is easier to access than its predecessors, with simplified funding rules.
Capacity Building
This action aims to support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of higher education in the Partner Countries. Capacity Building projects must to be carried out in the context of the national and geographical priorities and through international cooperation.
Capacity Building Projects are transnational cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships primarily between higher education institutions (HEIs) from Programme and eligible Partner Countries (like Israel). They can also involve non-academic partners to strengthen the links with society and business and to reinforce the systemic impact of the projects. These projects aim to support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of the higher education field in the eligible Partner Countries; contribute to cooperation between the EU and the eligible Partner Countries (and amongst the eligible Partner Countries); improve the quality of higher education and enhance its relevance for the labour market and society; improve the level of competences and skills in HEIs by developing new and innovative education programmes; enhance the management, governance and innovation capacities, as well as the internationalisation of HEIs.

Bologna Process

Bologna Process Implementation in the Israeli Higher-Education System

The Bologna Process, launched in 1999, is the result of decisions made by international committees of the participating states’ ministries of education. The process takes place in numerous countries in Western and Eastern Europe, the Balkan, North Africa and the Middle East (Bologna Declaration, 1999; Voegtle, Knill & Dobbins, 2011). The process purports to create cultural and structural changes both in established medieval higher education systems, and also in recently-established systems in newly-independent states. The Bologna Process’ initial objective is the institutional standardization of higher education in the participating states. Yet, higher-Education standardization has wide-ranging extra-academic effects, clearly evident in the economic, social and political arenas.

The Bologna Process subscribes to the unification of Europe and its neighbors into a single powerful entity, which could compete globally with economic superpowers such as the USA, China, Japan and India. To achieve such unity, European Union member states cannot limit their efforts to an economic community characterized by a single currency and a unified, holistic economic policy. Rather, they must create broad infrastructures, commonly consolidating education, welfare, employment, etc. Higher education plays a central role in the infrastructural consolidation of Europe and its neighbors: future major-scale transformations in each state’s education system will impact professional training and mobility throughout and outside the continent. These transformations are designed to restructure European culture, society and economy; and also to establish a comprehensively potent common denominator and an influential mobilizing force that will buttress European competitiveness vis-à-vis the superpowers, and concomitantly will contribute to the wellbeing of the participating states.

These are the six major aspects of the Bologna Process (Bologna Declaration, 1999):
1. Adopting a three-cycle system of study (bachelor, master, doctorate)
2. ECTS: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. Creating a standardized system for cross-European higher education performance and attainment.
3. The Diploma Supplement (DS): higher education diploma, providing a standardized description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed by its holder.
4. National academic training.
5. Independent systems for national academic assessment.
6. Treaty of Lisbon.

Israel’s initial application to the Bologna process was submitted in January 2007. The application’s re-submission in 2008 was rejected. The rejection appears to rest on formal-political grounds: non-European states cannot sign the Bologna Declaration and join the process; they may only observe the process and its implementation. Nevertheless, Israeli students and researchers do participate in EU programs under the Bologna Process, e.g., “Erasmus Mundus” and “Tempus.”

These programs promote academic and research cooperation between Bologna Process participants and non-participant states; this cooperation purports to bolster Europe’s global status and extend the process to neighboring geographical areas.

In order to include Israeli higher education system in European academic transformations, the Israeli Council for Higher Education (CHE) joined the Tempus program, launching a national office supported by EU funding.
Excerpted from Dr. Miri Yemini and Prof. Yossi Ben-Artzi’s essay, Dapim Journal, 2013, Vol. 55.
The international activities of universities dramatically expanded in volume, scope, and complexity during the past decades. To address the integration of international, intercultural and global dimension into the purpose, function and delivery of higher education, we usually use the term ‘internationalisation’, as it is commonly applied in this context (Knight, 2004).
Several studies (Altbach and Knight, 2007; Beerkens et al., 2010) indicated an increase in the importance of and attention granted to supporting internationalisation in the higher education sector in recent years. Internationalisation over last years has moved from a reactive to a pro-active strategic issue, from added value to mainstream, and its focus, scope and content evolved substantially (de Wit, 2010). This growing interest has translated into active development of policies, programs, and infrastructure at institutional, local and national levels. As this expansion and investment in internationalisation are welcome and indeed requisite in this global era, institutions and even nations have recognized the need to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of this process as an urgent priority. Moreover, as internationalisation is perceived as a vital process for further development of higher education, differences in the intensity and scope of internationalisation, and certainly the inability to internationalize, might affect the competitiveness and even the survival of higher education institutions (Yemini, 2012). The academic debate on internationalisation assessment is including differing visions of the purposes of assessment (should it serve as an internal improvement measure, or for the purpose of comparative ranking or benchmarking); the agency responsible for the assessment (internal versus external); the frequency and means of assessment (surveys, observations, etc.); the diversity in assessment models needed for different types of institutions (research universities versus teaching-orientated academies); and the role of assessment in different countries (Europe versus US and Asia) (Beerkens et al. 2010; de Wit 2010). Ultimately, the reasons behind institutions’ differences in internationalisation levels and the factors that affect the intensity and scope of internationalisation have not yet been fully revealed.
Altbach, P. J., & Knight, J. (2007). The internationalisation of Higher Education: Motivations and Realities. Boston: Boston College- Center for International Higher Education.
Beerkens, E., Branderburg, U., Evers, N., Leichsenring, H. & Zimmermann, V. (2010). Indicator Projects on internationalisation – Approaches, Methods and Findings. A report in the context of the European project “Indicators for Mapping & Profiling internationalisation” (IMPI). European Commission.
De-Wit, H. (2010). internationalisation of higher education in Europe and its assessment, trends and issues. NVAOh
Knight, J. (2004). internationalisation Remodeled: Definition, Approaches, and Rationales. Journal of Studies in International Education, 8(1), 5-31.
Dr. Miri Yemini and Prof. Yossi Ben Artzi. 2012. Mind the Gap: Bologna Process Implementation in Israeli Higher Education System. Dapim. 55. (Hebrew).
Internationalization in Teacher-Training Institution (Pia-Maria Rabenstener)

Problems and Challenges in Implementing Internationalization Strategy/A>(Marek Polak)

Research into Practice? How Can Research Make a ‘Difference’ in Internationalising Higher Education?(Sheila Trahar)

Implementing internationalisation processes for the 21st century (Uwe Brandenburg)

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