General Information on Exams – Braude College of Engineering
Students must enroll for all exams – either written or oral. The Office of the Academic Secretary issues the date, time and the location (Building and Room number) of the exam, at least one week before the exam, and the students are informed via electronic media about the upcoming exam. If a student fails an exam, they may take it again by choosing the next available exam date. Exchange students are required to stay at Braude College until all exam results have been registered. At the end of each study period the International Office issues the Transcript of Records, which is sent to the student’s Home University.
Exam Procedure
- Types of examinations
- Final examination – occurring at the end of the semester
- Intermediate examination – occurring during the semester. A lecturer has the authority to hold intermediate examinations as he sees fit and as is detailed in the syllabus that is distributed to the students at the beginning of the semester.
- The lecturer is authorized to grade students even in the absence of a final examination, basing the grade only on intermediate exams, exercises, midterms and homework, if this has been noted in the syllabus at the beginning of the semester.
- Oral examinations are to be held in the presence of two lecturers. An oral exam can be given only with the permission of department head.
- Implementation of Exams
- General – Students must bring a valid photo identification document to the exam: Israeli identification card, passport, driver’s license with a photograph or student identification. Updates on exam procedures will appear on bulletin boards and on the college Internet site, from time to time. The student must check for updated exam procedures every semester.
- Entrance procedure
- The student must come to the exam room at least 10 minutes before the exam is scheduled to begin.
- Seating arrangement in the examination classroom will be published by the monitor approximately a half hour before the examination is scheduled to begin.
- Cellular telephones and other electronic instruments whether on the student’s person or among his belongings are forbidden during the exam (except for calculators, when they have been permitted by the person responsible for the course).
- All material and equipment that may not be used during the exam, including cellular telephones, will be placed together in a corner of the examination room.
- Examination Procedure
- The time when the examination has actually begun will be written on the blackboard.
- From the moment when the examination booklets are distributed the following rules must be followed:
- All contact of any sort and by any means, by the examinees, is totally forbidden.
- There is a total prohibition of passing any object among the examinees.
- The examinees must write the required personal details in the examination booklet.
- The examinees must read carefully the instructions appearing on the examination form and on the accompanying sheet.
- The use of any written material that has not been authorized for use by the lecturer is totally prohibited.
- The examinees will write their examinations in the official booklets that will be distributed to them by the monitors. All draft material will be written in the examination booklet. Parts of the examination that have been crossed out will not be read by the lecturer. The examination form will not be reviewed unless it has been so specified. If it has been specified on the examination form to do so, then answers must be written on the examination form only.
- No other paper may be used to solve the examination of parts of it, except the examination booklet or the examination form.
- Students must listen for the monitors’ guidelines and instructions during the entire examination. The monitors are responsible for fair and proper execution of examination procedures. The supervising monitor is authorized to stop an examinee from continuing to take the examination if there is a breach of discipline or unacceptable behavior and to remove the examinee from the examination room. The monitors will report this in the examination proceedings.
- Any case of copying or any irregular event will be written in the proceedings and reported to the department head and to the head of the disciplinary committee, to be handled according to students’ disciplinary regulations. The monitor will inform the student at the end of the examination on any such report.
- Conclusion of Examination – When the monitor announces the conclusion of the examination, all of the examinees must cease their writing immediately and hand in the examination.
- Passing and Failing
- General – Usually, a semester course will be graded between 0 and 100. In a few cases a “pass” or “fail” grade will be issued. A grade lower than 55 is a failing grade. The grade will reflect the results of the final examination as well as the student’s homework and mid-term exams during the semester, according to the details in the course syllabus. A student will receive credit points for every course in which he received a passing grade (55 and above). Within the framework of the course, a lecturer is authorized to specify the conditions necessary to pass the course (for example: compulsory participation in lectures, compulsory attendance in practice sessions, handing in a minimum number of exercises). If someone does not fulfill these conditions, he will receive a grade of “did not participate”, which is equivalent to a zero, and will be calculated as part of his grade average.
Grading System – Summary
Courses are graded according to the percentage scale (0 to 100). To pass, a student must achieve a grade of at least 55%. The grade is based on the various components of assessment, as defined in the syllabus for the course (available and published for the students’ information before the beginning of the semester). A grade of under 55% signifies failure in the course. Students may appeal their grade if they are not satisfied with the result and may re-take the exam. The schedule for the second exam is typically 1-2 weeks after the first exam.
Grade Statistics
Graduating students must have an average cumulative grade that is higher than 65%. Four‐year Degree (B.Sc.) ‐ Percentages for academic year 2014
(%)Grade Range |
Percent of Grade |
65-70 |
0.5 |
70-75 |
14.3 |
75-80 |
33.5 |
80-85 |
32.3 |
85-90 |
14.2 |
90-95 |
4.7 |
95-100 |
0.5 |
Total |
100 |