The Master of Science (M.Sc.) program in Software Engineering provides
students with the tools that enable software engineering professionals
to complete quality software development within an assigned budget
and timeframe.
Its courses include advanced software development methods, learning
systems, complexity of algorithms, software quality assurance,
numerical analysis, requirements engineering and coding.
Graduates are fully capable of analyzing and developing software using
the most modern computer science methods.
Biotechnology is a dynamic field with a constant accumulation of new
scientific knowledge and technologies.
The biotechnology industry encompasses unique and challenging
technologies, regulations, and ethical issues.
The Master of Science (M.Sc.) program in Biotechnology offers
up-to-date, advanced courses in biotechnology with two optional tracks
of specialization: Biotechnology Product Development and Research &
Clinical Trials.
The first track includes courses in design, process analysis, and
management, all necessary tools for the development of
biotechnological products.
The second track includes advanced courses in design, analysis and
regulatory issues, as well as the performance of medical research
and clinical trials.
In order to compete in the international arena, industry and service
sectors need engineers with modeling capabilities, systemic perception,
and advanced managerial skills.
The Master of Science (M.Sc.) program in Industrial Engineering and
Management is an application-oriented program that focuses on
providing academic knowledge while nurturing creative and thoughtful
Graduates will be equipped with an array of skills and knowledge,
ranging from critical reading of professional publications to the
necessary tools and methods for developing, analyzing and implementing
complex models, case studies, and fielddata analysis. Studies are
designed to accommodate students working as fulltime engineers.
The Master of Science (M.Sc.) program in Mechanical engineering
enables students to expand and to deepen the knowledge acquired
during their B.Sc. study in order to get to the cutting edge of
the research and development in their discipline.
The program offers further analytical/engineering background together
with a focus on production processes, solid mechanics, and materials
The above expertise can bridge the gap a mechanical engineer may face
during his work in the field of materials, a discipline that is known
to be developing rapidly.
In addition, a national need for experts in the field of manufacturing
processes has been identified over the last two decades.
The M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering program meets these needs and
gives its graduates an added value in the labor market.
Contemporary technological systems are typically comprised of several
components, integrating specific knowledge from fields such as
electrical, mechanical, and software engineering. The Master of
Science (M.Sc.) program in Systems Engineering provides students with
system-wide, multidisciplinary understanding and the ability to
engineer complex products, processes, and services by leveraging
a methodological systems engineering approach.
The core courses provide a profound understanding of the theories
and principles of systems engineering and technology management,
and a set of tools for engineering management, analysis, and