Seminar – Data acquisition and pre-processing with MS Power BI

VIP room, EF Building

 Industrial Engineering and Management Department


Speaker: Prof. Kaspars Osis

Affiliation: Associate Professor, Head of the Board, Faculty of Engineering, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Title: Data acquisition and pre-processing with MS Power BI

Abstract: The aim of this course is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge about data acquisition options and data pre-processing (e.g. for later use in data mining or decision making) by using MS Power BI Desktop. The study course encompasses introduction to basic concepts related with data, NOIR data types, types of data sources, paradigms and approaches of data analytics, as well as with MS Power BI for support of data analytics process. With the support of this tool there are introduced a variety of data acquisition, pre-processing and analytics opportunities including ones using advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) support. By performing practical assignments students will have an opportunity to improve their practical skills in this area.

About the speaker: Background and professional experience: Dr. Kaspars Osis is Associate professor and Head of the Board at Faculty of Engineering at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA), Latvia. Dr. Osis has 20 years of international professional work experience in IT industry, specializing on software solutions, project management and consulting enterprise resource planning system modelling and development (e.g. as SAP consultant for Siemens and Lattelecom Technology). For 6 years Dr. Osis served as Director of the Knowledge and Technology Center at ViA. He has undergraduate degree BSc. in computer science at University of Latvia. Dr. Osis is a graduate of Central Michigan University majoring in computer science and in business computing, as well as holds his in 2012 at Riga Technical University majoring in computer science. Dr. Osis has 19 years of academic and research work experience focusing in areas of knowledge management, knowledge discovery and machine learning as well as he has participated in several national and international projects. He is author of 15 international publications. Dr. Osis has served as editorial board member and is a member of IEEE.

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