Dr. Elena Ravve

Dr. Elena Ravve

Dr. Elena Ravve

מחלקה: Software Engineering
תפקיד נוכחי: Senior Lecturer

Education :

Ph.D.1999, Computer Science, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

M.Sc.1995, Computer Science, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

B.Sc.1985, Applied Mathematics, Moscow Rail Way Institute, URSS


שם הקובץ

Refereed Papers

  1. Johann A. Makowsky, Elena V. Ravve: BCNF via Attribute Splitting, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer vol. 7260: 73-84 (2012)
  2. Eldar Fischer, Johann A. Makowsky, Elena V. Ravve: Counting truth assignments of formulas of bounded tree-width or clique-width. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(4): 511-529 (2008)
  3. Johann A. Makowsky, Elena V. Ravve: Dependency Preserving Refinements and the Fundamental Problem of Database Design. Data Knowl. Eng. 24(3): 277-312 (1998)
  1. J. A. Makowsky and E.V. Ravve : Logical Methods in Combinatorial Computations, 15th European Summer School in Logic, Languages and Information, August 18-29, 2003, Universität Wien, Austria
  2. J. A. Makowsky and E. Ravve (eds.): Logic Colloquium '95, Lecture Notes in Logic, vol. 11 Springer (1998)

Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

  1. Tomer Kotek, Johann A. Makowsky and Elena V. Ravve: A Computational Framework for the Study of Partition Functions and Graph Polynomials (Extended Abstract). Accepted to 14th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, September 26-29, 2012 Timisoara, Romania
  2. Ilia Averbouch, Tomer Kotek, Johann A. Makowsky and Elena V. Ravve:The Universal Edge Elimination Polynomial and the Dichromatic Polynomial. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 38: 77-82 (2011)
  3. Johann A. Makowsky, Elena V. Ravve: The Fundamental Problem of Database Design. Software Seminar (SOFSEM) 1997: 53-69
  4. Johann A. Makowsky, Elena V. Ravve: Translation Schemes and the Fundamental Problem of Database Design. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 1996: 5-26
  5. Johann A. Makowsky, Elena V. Ravve: Incremental Model Checking for Decomposable Structures. Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 1995: 540-551

Other Publications

Industrial Conference Proceedings:

  1. Elena V. Ravve: Increase Efficiency of PDK Creation using PDK Automation System (PAS). User Group Meeting, Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) (2004), Paris

Technical reports and pre-prints:

  1. J.A. Makowsky and E. Ravve, Views and Updates over Distributed Databases, June 1998

Academic Appointments

2010-present Lecturer, Ort Braude College, Department of Software Engineering

2008-2012 Senior lecturer, Netanya Academic College, Department of Computer Science

ESSLI 2003 Teaching assistant: Logical Methods in Combinatorial Computations, Universität Wien,  Austria

ESSLLI 1997 Teaching assistant: Translations, Interpretations and Reductions, Université à Aix-en- Provence, France

1992-1998 Graduate chief teaching assistant, Faculty of Computer Science, Technion– Israel  Institute of Technology

Teaching Experience

ORT Braude College:
  • Graduate Courses:Definability and Computability (New course)
  • Undergraduate Courses:Digital Systems Testing and Design Verification (New course)Parallel and Distributed ComputationsTheory of Compilation
Netanya Academic College
  • Undergraduate Courses:Operating Systems, Introduction to Computer (Assembly)
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
  • Graduate Courses:Database TheoryEffective and Parallel ComputationsNumerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
  • Undergraduate Courses:Database DesignLogic in Computer ScienceProgram Languages
Universität Wien, Austria
  • Graduate Course:Logical Methods in Combinatorial Computations
Université à Aix-en-Provence, France
  • Graduate Course:Translations, Interpretations and Reductions

Academic and Professional Awards and Grants

1998 Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Prize of Excellence

Professional Activities

ORT Braude College:
2011 – present Responsible for the departmental seminar2011 – present Responsible for relationship with industry 2012 – present Adviser: First Year Software and Systems Engineering2012 – present Member, College Computing Committee2012 – present Member, Systems Engineering M.Sc. program teaching committee
2003-2008 Integration Section Manager, Tower Semiconductor2000-2003 Senior Computer Aided Design/Validation Engineer, Intel Israel1998-2000 Senior Computer Aided Design Engineer, Motorola Semiconductor Israel (Freescale now), CAD1985-1990 Computer Aided Design Engineer, Academic Institute of Theoretical Engineering, USSR

• Model theory, parametrized descriptive complexity theory• Multi-criteria identification, optimization and clustering• Effective parallel and distributed computations on decomposable structures• Database theory• Graph polynomials• CAD tools for both logical and physical VLSI design• Verification of logical designs, using both simulation and formal verification methods and tools • Verification of physical designs

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