Dr. Renata Avros

Dr. Renata Avros

Dr. Renata Avros

מחלקה: Software Engineering
תפקיד נוכחי: Senior Lecturer

Education :

Ph.D.2001-2004, Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University Lomonosov, Russia Dissertation: “'Periodic motions and motions in their vicinity in the restricted two-center problem and in the problem of the rigid body w

M.Sc.1988-1993, Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University Lomonosov, Russia Thesis: “Passive stabilization of Sputnik in gravitational and magnetic fields”.


Refereed Papers

  1. Z. Volkovich, G.-W. Weber, R. Avros, and O. Yahalom, On an adjacency cluster merit approach, Int. J. Operational Research, 13(3), 239–255, 2012.
  2. Z. Volkovich, D. Toledano-Kitai, Z. Barzily, G.-W. Weber and R. Avros, A Minimal Spanning Trees Approach to Cluster Stability Problem, Central European Journal of Operation Research, 20(1), 119-139, 2012.
  3. Z. Volkovich, Z. Barzily, G.-W. Weber, D. Toledano-Kitai and R. Avros, Resampling Approach for Cluster Model Selection, Machine Learning, 85(1-2), 209–248, 2011.
  4. Z. Volkovich, M. Golani and R. Avros, A comparative approach to cluster validation, Journal of Pattern Recognition Research, 6(2), 230-243, 2011.
  5. Z. Volkovich, Z. Barzily, R. Avros and D. Toledano-Kitai, On Application of a Probabilistic K-Nearest Neighbors Model for Cluster Validation Problem, Communications in Statistic, 40, 2997–3010, 2011.
  6. Z. Volkovich, M. Golani and R. Avros, On Initialization of the Expectation-Maximization Clustering Algorithm, The Global Journal of Technology and Optimization, Transaction on Evolutionary algorithm and Clustering, ISSN: 2229-8711, Online Publication, 2(2), 117-120 June 2011.
  7. O. N. Granichin, D. S. Shalymov, R. Avros and Z. Volkovich, A randomized algorithm for estimating the number of clusters, Automation and Remote Control, 72(4), 754-765, 2011.
  8. D. Toledano-Kitai, R. Avros and Z. Volkovich, A Fractal Dimension Standpoint to the Cluster Validation Problem, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 20 (2), 187-202, 2011.
  9. Z. Volkovich, Z. Barzily, D. Toledano-Kitai and R. Avros, The Hotelling’s metric as cluster stability measure, Computer Modeling & New Technologies, 14(4), 65-72, 2010.
  10. Z. Volkovich, D. Toledano-Kitai, and R. Avros, On analytical properties of generalized convolutions, Banach Center Publications, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences Warszawa, (invited paper), 90, 243-274, 2010.
  11. R. Avros, On two classes of simply periodic trajectories in the problem of solid motion near fixed point in case A=B=0.5C, Scientific Annals of Mathematics and Informatics Department, Moldova State University, vol. 3, nr. 1, 36-40, 2001.
  12. R. Frunza (R. Avros), About some classes of periodic orbits in a problem of two fixed centers, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol.7, nr. 2(20), 170-179, 1999.

    Accepted Refereed Papers:

    1. D. Toledano-Kitai, R. Avros, Z. Volkovich, G.- W. Weber and O. Yahalom, A binomial noised model for cluster validation, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Special, Issue: Recent Advances in Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (Accepted), 2012.
    Book Chapters
    1. R. Avros, O. Granichin, D. Shalymov, Z. Volkovich, G.-W. Weber, Randomized Algorithm of Finding the True Number of Clusters (Invited Chapter) DATA MINING: Foundations and Intelligent Paradigms, Springer, Edit. D.E. Holmes, (Accepted), 2011.

    Conference Proceedings and Abstracts
    Refereed Proceedings:

    1. D. Toledano Kitai, Z. Volkovich, R. Avros, Distance Learning for Cluster Validation, Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference (SMTDA2012), Chania Crete Greece, June 5-8, 2012
    2. Z. Volkovich, D. Toledano Kitay and R. Avros, On Energy Based Cluster Stability Criterion, Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference (SMTDA 2010), Chania Crete Greece, June 8-11, 2010.
    3. Z. Volkovich, Z. Barzily, D. Toledano-Kitay and R. Avros, Probability metrics standpoint on the cluster stability problem, The International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management, Beer Sheva, Israel, February 8-11, 2010.
    4. Z. Volkovich, G.-W. Weber and R. Avros, On an Adjacency Cluster Merit, The third Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization (PCO 2010), Gold Coast, Australia, February 2-4, 2010.
    5. Z. Volkovich, Z. Barzily, R. Avros and D. Talidano-Katay, On application of the K-nearest neighbors approach for cluster validation, The XIII International Conference Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2009), Vilnius, 2009.

C. Abramihin and R. Avros, Social-economic analysis of “Man-exercise” system, International Conference The role of science and economic training in realization of economic reforms in Republic of Moldova, Kishinev, 217-220, September 2003.


  1. Z. Volkovich, Z. Barzily, R. Avros and D. Talidano-Katay, K-nearest neighbors' stochastic models in the cluster stability problem, The 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, 2009.
  2. C. Abramihin and R. Avros, Data System of Registration and Treatment of Patients in Medical Institutions, The First National Conference of Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics, 276-277, May 2006.
  3. C. Abramihin and R. Avros, Some Aspects of Applying Data System of Registration and Treatment of Patients in Medical Institutions, BIT + The VI International Conference on Information Technologies, 150-151, April 2006.
  4. R. Frunza (R. Avros), Research of Periodic Solid Motion with a Fixed Point in Case А=В=С/2, The III International Symposium on Classical and Celestial Mechanics, Velikie Luki, Russia, 160-161, August 1998.

Other Publications


  1. D.T.-Kitai, R.Avros, Z.Volkovich, G.-W.Weber and O.Yahalom, Cluster Validation: A Binomial Noised Model, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2010.
  2. R.Avros, O.Granichin, D.Shalymov, Z.Volkovich and G.W-Weber, Randomized Algorithm of Finding the True Number of Clusters Based on Chebychev Polynomial Approximation, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2010.
  3. Z. Volkovich, Z. Barzily, G. -W. Weber, D. Toledano-Kitai, R. Avros, Resampling Approach for Cluster Model Selection, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2010.
  4. Z. Volkovich, G. –W. Weber, R. Avros, On an Adjacency Cluster Merit, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2009.
  5. Z. Volkovich, Z. Barzily, G. –W. Weber, D. Toledano-Kitai, R. Avros, A Minimal Spanning Trees Approach to Cluster Stability Problem, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2009.
  6. R. Frunza (R. Avros), Researsh of Solid Motion in Periodic Trajectories. Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Publishing house at Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, no. 14, Preprint, 32 p., 2005.

Academic Appointments

2009-Present Lecturer, ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel
2004-2007 Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied Informatics, Faculty of Informatics and Mathematics, Moldova State University
2004-2007 Research Fellow, Department of Informatics, Moldova Science Academy, R. Moldova
2001-2004 Researcher Fellow, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University Lomonosov, Russia
1996-2001 Lecturer, Department of Applied Informatics, Faculty of Informatics and Mathematics, Moldova State University
1993-1996 Research Fellow, Institute of Mechanics, Russian Science Academy, Moscow

Teaching Experience

 ORT Braude College of EngineeringORT Braude College

Undergraduate Courses:Lab on Ecological System Modeling (Software Engineering Department) (new course)Database Management Systems (Software Engineering Department)Introduction to Computer Science (Software Engineering Department) Introduction to Computer Science 1 (Applied Mathematics Department) Introduction to Computer Science 2 (Applied Mathematics Department)
Graduate Courses: Ecological System Modeling (new course at
the ORT Braude Software Engineering M.Sc. program)

Other Universities or Colleges

Undergraduate Courses:Relative Databases and Database Management Systems (2004-2007) (Moldova State University, R. Moldova) Theory of Databases (2001, 2004-2007) (Moldova State University, R. Moldova)
Graduate Courses:Database Security (2005, 2006) (Moldova State University, R. Moldova)Lab on DBMS: SQL Server (2005-2006) (Moldova State University, R. Moldova)Transact-SQL, (2004-2006) (Moldova State University, R. Moldova)

Development of laboratories and research groups:

Data Mining Institute, ORT Braude College, Israel.Data Security and Data Mining Laboratory of the Software Engineering Department, ORT Braude College, Israel

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