Prof. Emeritus Emil Bashkansky

Prof. Emeritus Emil Bashkansky

Prof. Emeritus Emil Bashkansky

מחלקה: Industrial Engineering and Management
תפקיד נוכחי: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management.

Education :

Ph.D. 1973, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Department of physics, Gorky University, Gorky, USSR, Diploma No. MFM 019 577

B.S.c & M.Sc.,1968, Physics (cum laude), Department of Physics, Gorky University, Gorky, USSR, Diploma No. P 455 144

Research Interests
  • 1. Quality Engineering
  • 1. Statistical Quality Management
  • 2. Advanced Tools of Quality Engineering
  • 3. Advanced Topics in Quality Engineering

Refereed Papers

Note: Papers published in the journals of the USSR Academy of Science were translated into English after the USSR signed the copyright convention. These papers are marked by an asterisk.

  1. *E. Bashkansky, V. Mitjugov, “Group theory methods of the photon statistics.” Theoretical & Mathematical Physics, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 584-590, 1971.
  2. E. Bashkansky, A. Protogenov, “Transition rules for the interaction between electron and electromagnetic excitations in presence of magnetic field.” Scientific Transactions of Gorky University, Serial of Physics, issue 126, pp. 3-5, 1971.
  3. E. Bashkansky, V. Mitjugov, “Some properties of supercoherent states.” Scientific Transactions of Gorky University, Serial of Physics, issue 126, pp. 10-12, 1971.
  4. E. Bashkansky, A. Protogenov, “Principles of electron transmissions in the presence of constant magnetic field.” Scientific Transactions of Gorky University, Serial of Physics, issue 149, pp. 6-8, 1972.
  5. E. Bashkansky, V. Mitjugov, “To the statistical theory of non – linear interaction between waves.” VINITI, dep. Manuscript, no. 4802-72, ref. 2D946, 1973.
  6. *E. Bashkansky, V. Mitjugov, “Conservation laws in processes of non–linear transformation of light.” Optics & Spectroscopy, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 183-185, 1973.
  7. *A. Gurevitch, E. Bashkansky, P. Gluzman, “Statistical quality control of manufacturing processes in which the influence of functional errors predominate.” Mechanical Engineering Journal, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 39-40, 1975.
  8. E. Bashkansky, P. Gluzman, V. Judin, “Theoretical analysis algorithms of inductron devices.” Magneto – Semiconductive and Electromagnetic Elements of Automatics, Collected articles published by the Ryazan Institute of Radio–engineering, issue 4, pp. 124-128, 1975.
  9. *E. Bashkansky, A. Gurevitch, V. Ogvozdin, “Optimal tactics for a statistical quality control in the view of inadmissibility of defectives in adopted product.” Mechanical Engineering Journal, no. 7, pp. 76-79, 1976.
  10. E. Bashkansky, A. Gurevitch, “Calculation of the optimal periodicity of quality control in the view of fixed probability of non–exceeding limited level of the output quality.” Aircraft Industry, no. 7, pp. 74-79, 1976.
  11. E. Bashkansky, P. Gluzman, A. Gurevitch, “Periodicity of the quality control for group technological operations.” Quality Control and Reliability, no. 5, 1976.
  12. E. Bashkansky, V. Milovzorov, P. Gluzman, V. Judin, “About one method of solving field problems for ferromagnetic modules with unevenly distributed parameters.” Theoretical Electrotechnics, issue 22, pp. 101-106, 1977.
    E. Bashkansky, P. Gluzman, M. Morozov, V. Judin,
  13. “Analysis of the distribution of magnetic flux in inductrons in an asymptotic approximation.” Problems of Automation of Technological and Industrial Processes, Collected articles published by the Aircraft Technological Institute, Rybinsk-Yaroslavl, issue 1, pp. 72-76, 1976.
  14. E. Bashkansky, V. Milovzorov, P. Gluzman, V. Judin, “Calculation of inductrons by the similitude method.” Problems of Automation of Technological and Industrial Processes, Collected articles published by the Aircraft Technological Institute, Rybinsk-Yaroslavl, issue 1, 1976.
  15. E. Bashkansky, V. Ogvozdin, “About possibility of creating an apparatus for optimal strategy of statistical control determination.” Problems of Automation of Technological and Industrial Processes, Collected articles published by the Aircraft Technological Institute, Rybinsk-Yaroslavl, issue 1, pp. 13-16, 1976.
  16. E. Bashkansky, V. Lando, V. Ogvozdin, “Optimal strategy for statistical control of hole stamping in printed circuit boards.” Quality Control and Reliability, no.4, pp. 58-64, 1977.
  17. *E. Bashkansky, V. Judin, P. Gluzman, A. Dvorson, “Variational method for calculation a magnetic field in non–linear inhomogeneous media by the means of a generalized functional.” Electric Technology USSR, no. 7, pp. 85-87, 1977.
  18. E. Bashkansky, “Some problems of adoptive approach to the statistical control of technological processes.” Problems of Automation of Technological and Industrial Processes, Collected articles published by the Aircraft Technological Institute, Rybinsk-Yaroslavl, issue 2, 1978.
  19. E. Bashkansky, V. Judin, A. Dvorson, “Approbation of variational method of magnetic field calculation.” Problems of Automation of Technological and Industrial Processes, Collected articles published by the Aircraft Technological Institute, Rybinsk-Yaroslavl, issue 2, 1978.
  20. *E. Bashkansky, V. Stanevko, “Nonlinear circuit analysis by the view of Lagrange formalism.” Theoretical Electrotechnics, issue 33, pp. 93-101, 1982.
  21. E. Bashkansky, P. Gluzman “Solving of non–linear problem connected with the calculation of inductron’s behavior.” Electromechanics, no. 7, 1983.
  22. E. Bashkansky, V. Chernyaev, V. Korzo, A. Condrashin, “Analysis of physical phenomena in plazma separator.” Activated Processes in Microelectronics Technology, Collected articles, published by the Taganrog Radio-engineering Institute, issue 7, pp. 89-109, 1984.
  23. E. Bashkansky, A.C Chernyaev, “Parametrical classification in the collision theory.” VINITI, dep. manuscript No. 6581-83 Physics, no. 4, 1984
  24. E. Bashkansky, P. Gluzman, A. Dvorson, “Calculation of the electromagnetic parameters of controllable transformer elements.” Theoretical Electrotechnics, issue 38, pp. 66-72, 1985.
  25. E. Bashkansky, V. Chernyaev, A. Condrashin, N. Ostroukhov, “Mechanizm of plazma separation in the process of pellicle precipitation.” Electronical Technics, Series 6 – “Materials”, issue 4/203/, pp. 28-32, 1985.
  26. E. Bashkansky, N. Netzer “The role of mediation in collisions and related analogs”, American Journal of Physics, vol. 74, no. 12, pp. 1083-1087, 2006.
  27. E. Bashkansky, S. Dror, R. Ravid, P. Grabov, “Effectiveness of a Product Quality Classifier”, Quality Engineering, vol. 19, issue 3, pp.235-244, 2007
  28. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich “Evaluating Quality Measured on a Ternary Ordinal Scale”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International , vol. 24, issue 8, pp. 957 – 971, 2008
  29. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich, “Some Metrological Aspects of Ordinal Measurements”, Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Vol. 15(6), pp. 331-336, 2010.
  30. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich, “Some metrological aspects of the comparison between two ordinal measuring systems”, Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Vol. 16, pp. 63-72, 2011.
  31. R. Ravid, E. Bashkansky, S. Dror, “Integrating AHP in an FMECA Framework for Ranking Down Syndrome Tests”, IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering , Vol.1, pp. 91-100, 2011
  32. T. Gadrich, E. Bashkansky, “Revealing latent quality information hidden within inspection reports of curtailed tests”, International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp.306-327, 2011
  33. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich, “Statistical Quality Control for a Ternary Ordinal Quality Data”, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Vol.27, pp. 586-599, 2011 (DOI: 10.1002/asmb.868).
  34. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich, I. Kuselman, “Interlaboratory comparison of measurement results of an ordinal property”, Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Vol. 17, Issue 3, pp. 239-243, 2012
  35. E. Bashkansky, V. Glizer, “Novel Approach to Adaptive Statistical Process Control Optimization with Variable Sampling Interval and Minimum Expected Loss", International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2012
  36. T. Gadrich, E. Bashkansky, “ORDANOVA: Analysis of Ordinal Variation”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 142, 3174-3188, 2012
  37. T. Gadrich, E. Bashkansky, I. Kuselman “Comparison of biased and unbiased estimators of variances of qualitative and semi-quantitative results of testing”, Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 85-90, 2013
  38. S. Dror, E. Bashkansky and R. Ravid, “House of security”, International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering , Vol. 2, No. 4, 317–329, 2012
  39. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich, “Some statistical aspects of binary measuring systems”, Measurement, Vol. 46, 1922–1927, 2013
  40. Kuselman I., Kardash E., Epstein M., Bashkansky E., Ginsbury K., Pennecchi F., Fajgelj A., Stephen L.R. Ellison, S. Karpov Y., “House-of-security approach to measurement in analytical chemistry: quantification of human error using expert judgments”, Accreditation and Quality Assurance,18 (6): 459–467, 2013
  41. V. Glizer, V. Turetsky, E. Bashkansky, “Statistical Process Control Optimization with Variable Sampling Interval and Nonlinear Expected Loss “,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (JIMO), 11: 105 – 133, 2015
  42. T. Gadrich, E. Bashkansky, R. Zitikis, “Assessing variation: a unifying approach for all scales of measurement”, Quality and Quantity, May 2015, Volume 49, Issue 3, pp 1145-1167, 2015
  43. E. Bashkansky, S. Dror " Matrix Approach to Human Errors Analysis and their Prevention by Quality Engineering and Managerial tools", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32 , pp.535–545, 2016
  44. V. Turetsky, E. Bashkansky "Testing and evaluating one-dimensional latent ability", Measurement, 78, pp. 348–357, 2016
  45. E. Bashkansky, V. Turetsky, "Proficiency Testing: Binary Data Analysis", Accreditation and Quality Assurance 21 (4), 265-270, 2016
  46. T. Gadrich, E. Bashkansky, " A Bayesian approach to evaluating uncertainty of inaccurate categorical measurements", Measurement 91, 186–193, 2016
  47. Bashkansky E.Turetsky, V. "Ability evaluation by binary tests: Problems, challenges & recent advances", Journal of Physics, Conference Series 772 (2016) 012012. Berkeley: Institute of Physics, IOP Publishing House, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/772/1/012012, 2016
  48. Y.N. Marmor & E. Bashkansky "Abrupt Change of Process Behavior: TheAnderson-Darling Detection Tool", Quality Engineering, 30(2), 283-292, 2018
  49. Turetsky V., Steinberg D., Bashkansky E. "Binary Test Design Problem", Measurement 122, 20-26, 2018
    50. A. Vanacore, Y.N. Marmor and E. Bashkansky "Some Metrological Aspects of Preferences Expressed by Prioritization of Alternatives", Measurement , 135, 520-526, 2019
    51. A. Vanacore, MS Pellegrino, YN Marmor, E Bashkansky " Analysis of consumer preferences expressed by prioritization chains", Quality and Reliability Engineering International 35 (5), 1424-1435, 2019
    52. Yariv N. Marmor, Emil Bashkansky " Processing new types of quality data" Quality and Reliability Engineering International 36 (8), 2621-2638, 2020
    53. Turetsky V., Steinberg DM., Bashkansky E. "Item Response Function in Antagonistic Situations", Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 36 (5), 917-931, 2020
    54. Yariv N. Marmor, Tamar Gadrich, Emil Bashkansky "Accuracy of multi-experts' prioritization under Mallows’ model of errors creation", Quality Engineering, (2020) DOI: 10.1080/08982112.2020.1830419

Book Chapters

  1. E. Bashkansky and T. Gadrich, “Reliability of Continuous-State Systems in View of Heavy-Tailed Distributed Performance Features”, a chapter in a book Recent Advances in System Reliability: Signatures, Multi-state Systems and Statistical Inference, Eds. Anatoly Lisnianski and Ilia Frenkel, Springer-Verlag, London Limited, pp. 295-306, 2011
  2. E. Bashkansky and T. Gadrich “Mathematical and computational aspects of treatment ordinal measurement results”, Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing, vol.9 (F Pavese, M Bär, J-R Filtz, A B Forbes, L Pendrill, H. Shirono, eds.), Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, vol. 84, World Scientific, Singapore, 2012
  3. Y.N. Marmor & E. Bashkansky " Patient Diagnostic State Evolution during Hospitalization: Developing a Model for Measuring Clinical Diagnostic Dynamics", a chapter in a book Recent Advances in System Reliability: Eds. Anatoly Lisnianski and Ilia Frenkel, Springer International Publishing AG, 2017

Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

  1. E. Bashkansky, “The Influence of the second harmonic of gyro-frequency on the statistical properties of the electron acceleration process in the presence of a constant magnetic field.” Proceedings of the 1st All-union Congress Devoted to Light-echo phenomenon, published at Scientific Transactions of Kazan Pedagogical Institute, issue 125, pp. 120-125, 1973.
  2. E. Bashkansky, V. Lando, “The statistical control of holes stamping by the means of decreasing expenditure.” Theses of the seminar of young scientists and specialists “Problems of Automation of Measuring”, Rybinsk-Yaroslavl, pp. 10-14, 1976.
  3. E. Bashkansky, V. Levin, A. Fishhoff, A. Fishman. H. Kolan, “Quality Assurance Learning at the ORT Braude College.” Proceedings of the 11th International conference of the Israel Society for Quality, Jerusalem, pp. 239-241, November, 1996.
  4. E. Bashkansky, S. Dror, R. Ravid, P. Grabov, “Effectiveness of Product Quality Classifier” , Proceedings of the 18th ICPR Conference on Production Research, Salerno, Italy, July,31-August,4, 2005.
  5. R. Ravid, E. Bashkansky,S. Dror, "Repeated Measurements in Sorting Systems" , Proceedings of the 14th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Tel Aviv, March 20-21, 2006.
  6. E. Bashkansky, R. Ravid, S. Dror, “Accuracy of Redundant Quality Classification Systems”, The 16-th International Conference of the Israel Society for Quality, Tel Aviv, November 14-16, 2006.
  7. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich, E. Godik “ How to Estimate Quality on a Ternary Categorical Scale ? ” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Quality and Reliability, Chang Mai, Thailand, November 5-7, 2007.
  8. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich " Realization of SPC for ordinal quality measures ", Proceedings of the 15th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 10-11, 2008.
  9. R. Ravid, S. Dror, E. Bashkansky " Identifying Downs Syndrome Fetuses Using Tagichi's Approach: Selecting the Most Appropriate Detection Method ", The 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management, Tokyo, Japan, August 5-8, 2008
  10. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich “SPC performance for ordinal quality measures – theory and practice”, The 17-th International Conference of the Israel Society for Quality, Tel Aviv, November 18-20, 2008.
  11. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich “SQC for ordinal quality measures” Proceedings of the 3rd Israeli Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Malot, March 4-5, 2009.
  12. T. Gadrich, E. Bashkansky, “Ternary ordinal quality data: interpretation and process control”, Proceedings of the 20th ICPR Conference on Production Research, Shanghai, China, August, 2-6, 2009
  13. R.Ravid, S.Dror, E.Bashkansky “FMECA framework for ranking down syndrome tests”, Proceedings of the 20th ICPR Conference on Production Research, Shanghai, China, August, 2-6, 2009
  14. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich “Some metrological aspects of ordinal measurements in analytical chemistry”, ISRANALYTICA 2010, the 13th Annual Meeting of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society, Tel Aviv, Israel, January 19-20, 2010
  15. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich “How to Evaluate and Monitor Quality on an Ordinal Scale Basis”, SMLRO’10 – the International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Management, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering (SCE), Beer Sheva, Israel, February 8-11, 2010
  16. E. Bashkansky, Y.Dror, R.Ravid, P.Grabov “How to Measure Effectiveness of the Quality Classification Station?”, SMLRO’10 – the International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Management, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering (SCE), Beer Sheva, Israel, February 8-11, 2010
  17. R.Ravid,Y.Dror, E. Bashkansky “FMECA Framework for Ranking DS Tests”, SMLRO’10 – the International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Management, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering (SCE), Beer Sheva, Israel, February 8-11, 2010
  18. T. Gadrich, E. Bashkansky “Revealing Latent Quality Information Hidden Within Inspection Reports of Curtailed Tests”, Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) , Vancouver, Canada. July 31-August 5, 2010
  19. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich “Metrological Characteristics of Ordinal Data”, the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) , Vancouver, Canada. July 31-August 5, 2010.
  20. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich “Metrological aspects of ordinal data”, The 18th International Conference of the Israel Society for Quality, Tel-Aviv, November 15-17, 2010.
  21. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich “The comparison between two ordinal measuring systems”, The 18-th International Conference of the Israel Society for Quality, Tel-Aviv, November 15-17, 2010.
  22. E. Bashkansky, T. Gadrich “Some Metrological Aspects of Ordinal Quality DataTreatment”, Proceedings of the 5-th Israeli Research Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management, Ein Bokek, Dead Sea, Leonardo hotel, March 16-17, 2011.
  23. T. Gadrich, E. Bashkansky, “ORDANOVA: Analysis of Ordinal Variation”, Proceedings of the 58th World Statistics Congress, Dublin, August 21-26, 2011
  24. V.Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky, E. Bashkansky, “Application of Pontryagin’s maximum principle to statistical process control optimization", Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 12-15, 2012
  25. T. Gadrich, E. Bashkansky, “Correlation paradox of binary classification system ”, Proceedings of the 59th World Statistics Congress, Hong Kong, China, August 25-30, 2013
  26. E. Bashkansky and V. Turetsky "A New Approach to Simultaneous Latent Ability and Test Difficulty Estimation", SMLRO’16 – the International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Management, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering (SCE), Beer Sheva, Israel, February 15-18, 2016
  27. Bashkansky E.Turetsky, V. "Ability evaluation by binary tests: Problems, challenges & recent advances", IMEKO2016 TC1-TC7-TC13, University of California, Berkeley August 3-5, 2016, Journal of Physics, Conference Series 772 (2016) 012012. Berkeley: Institute of Physics, IOP Publishing House, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/772/1/012012, 2016

    Other Publications

    Ph.D. Thesis:E.Bashkansky, Some problems of quantum – statistical theory of non – linear parametrical interaction between waves, Gorky University, USSR (in Russian).
    ISO/TR 79:2015 "Reference materials – Examples of reference materials for qualitative properties", First edition 2015-04-15, Ch.6, see:


  1. E. Bashkansky, P. Gluzman, V. Judin A. Dvorson, “Functional convertor of oscillation form.” Patent USSR No.769564, 1980
  2. E. Bashkansky, V. Judin, “Stabilizer of alternating voltage.” Patent USSR No.1001064, 1983

Academic Appointments

  • Member, ORT Braude College Academic Council (since 2008)

    Founder and permanent chair of the Galilee quality conference “Quality – Theory and Practice ”, held annually at the ORT Braude College of Engineering (27.05.2008, 26.05.2009, 01.06.2010, 12.05.2011, 15.05.2012, 02.05.2013, 01.05.2014, 10.06.2015, 02.06.2016) and integrated in the frame of Israeli “week of quality” events.Member of the Doctorate Examination Committee, by appointment of the Doctorate Board of the University of Amsterdam, doctoral thesis of Mr. Thomas Akkerhuis "Measurement System Analysis for Binary Tests", September 16, 2016

  • Member of the Doctorate Examination Committee, by appointment of the Doctorate Board of the University of Naples, doctoral thesis of Mrs. Maria Sole Pelegrino "Assessing and inferring intra and inter-rater agreement", November 2018
  • Member of the International Program Committee of the International Conference "Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing" (St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2014).
  • Member of the International Program Committee of the International Symposium SMLRO’16 – the International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Management, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering (SCE), (Beer Sheva, Israel, February 15-18, 2016).
  • Member of the Israel Society for Quality (ISQ) 2017 Annual Conference Program Committee
  • Member of the Israeli Statisticians Association (ISA) 2012 Annual Conference Program Committee
  • Member, Research Committee, ORT Braude College, 2010-2013
  • Examiner, graduate students theses in Technion and Tel-Aviv University
  • Reviewer of manuscripts submitted to journals:
  • Quality and Reliability Engineering International
  • Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
  • Journal of Testing and Evaluatio
  • Accreditation and Quality Assurance
  • Measurement
  • Journal of Probability and Statistics
  • Computers & Industrial Engineering
  • Quality Engineering

  • Reviewer of chapter 9 in a book:

    Operational Risk Management: A practical approach to intelligent data analysis, Eds. Ron Kenett and Yossi Raanan, John Wiley & Sons, UK, 2011

  • Reviewer of the draft of the “Vocabulary for Nominal Properties and Nominal Examinations” – INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE

    member, technical committee 1816 – quality and reliability engineering of the standard institute of israel (sii)

member, sub – committee of technical committee 1816- destined to adopt standard iso 22514-3:2008- statistical methods in process management — capability and performance – part 3: machine performance studies for measured data on discrete parts, 2011

Consultant and member (from June, 2012) of ISO/REMCO WG13 destined to prepare ISO Guide 79 on the production of reference materials (RMs) for ‘qualitative analysis’ (testing of ‘nominal properties’), since 2011
Member, Steering Committee of the Galilee Quality and Excellence Award, since 2008)

  • Member, Teachers Appraisal Committee (2008-2010)

  • Member, IE&M curriculum committee (since 2007)

  • Member, College Quality Management Subcommittees: Lecturers – Students Relationships Improvement, ORT Braude College, 2007

  • Abiturients' consultant, 2007-2008, 2011-present

  • Head, Computer Services Procedure Development Committee, ORT Braude College, 2005-2007

  • Member, Academic Affairs Subcommittee: Excellence Route Program Development and Lecturer Facilities Improvement, ORT Braude College, since 2005

  • Responsible for the development of the department laboratories, ORT Braude College, 2003-2006

  • Member, Academic Affairs Committee, ORT Braude College, 2003-2006, since 2013

  • Member of the ad-hoc committee “Teaching Physics at the ORT Braude College”, 2003

  • Academic consultant for students, ORT Braude College, 2002-2007

  • Member, Academic Assessment Committee, ORT Braude College, 2002-2004

  • Member, “College Quality Management Committee”, ORT Braude College, since 2001

  • Member, College Quality Management Subcommittees: Customer Satisfaction Surveys (administrative, academic, employers), ORT Braude College, since 2001

  • Responsible for the permanent department seminar of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, ORT Braude College, 2000-2003

  • Member of Enrichment Educational Center for Youth Council, ORT Braude College, 1999-2003

  • Member, Internet educational project, ORT Braude College, 1999-2000

  • Academic monitoring of an outstanding students, 2006 – 2009

Teaching Experience

  • . ORT Braude College
    Undergraduate Courses:• Quality Engineering • Advanced Tools of Quality Engineering • Statistical Quality Management • Quality Assurance for Engineers • Metrology • University Physics
    Graduate course: Advanced topics in Quality Engineering
    Department of Continuing Education:• Quality Assurance (basic course)• Quality Assurance (advanced course)• Applied Statistics for Industrial Applications
    Undergraduate Student Supervision:
    Research project supervision (Lidia Lerner), 2004
    Research project supervision (Naama Shitrit), 2010
    Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
    Department of Quality and Reliability Engineering: Product Quality AssuranceDivision of Continuing Education and External Studies: Preparation for the Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Examinations of American Society for Quality (ASQ)
    ALD Ltd
    ALD Ltd. Preparation for the Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Examinations of American Society for Quality (ASQ) (for Israel Standard Institute engineers)

Leningrad Technological Institute, Department of Physics, Leningrad, USSRUndergraduate course:University Physics I, II, III
Aircraft Technological Institute
Department of Radio Engineering, Rybinsk, USSRGraduate courses:• Theoretical Principles of Electrical Engineering• The Theory of Electromagnetic Field• Antenna Design and Wave Propagation• Physical Fundamentals of Microelectronics• Microelectronics Technologies
Gorky University, Department of Physics, Gorky, USSR

Graduate courses:Theoretical Physics (seminars)

University of Naples, ITALY
1-week course for Ph.D. students

Academic and Professional Awards and Grants

2020 "Lifetime Achievement Award" from Israeli Society for Quality (ISQ)

2014 Certificate of Appreciation from Israeli Society for Quality (ISQ)

2013 Outstanding Faculty member, ORT Braude College

2010 Outstanding Faculty member, ORT Braude College

2009 Outstanding Faculty member, ORT Braude College

2003 Outstanding Lecturer, ORT Braude College

Professional Activities

ISQ – Israel Society for Quality, since 1991

IMS – Israel Metrological Society, since 2002

ISA – Israel Statisticians Association , since 2015

  • Statistical Tools in Quality Engineering

  • Metrology of Nominal and Ordinal properties

  • Human Errors and its Prevention

  • Latent Abilities Testing and Evaluation

ייעוץ לימודים

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