מרצים אורחים



Murat Caner Testik, Ph.D

A Professor and Chair in the Department of Industrial Engineering and head of the Quality and Conformity Assesment Engineering graduate program at Hacettepe University. He currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief (2016-2018) of the Quality Engineering journal, a scholarly publication of the American Society for Quality. Furthermore, he is the chair of the Journal Editors Committee (2017-2019) of the American Society for Quality. Dr. Testik is also the President-Elect (2017-2019) of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS). Dr. Testik has a Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering from Arizona State University with a major in quality engineering. His research interests and publications are mainly in the area of quality engineering and data mining for quality and process improvement. Dr. Testik was a council member and a Vice President (2009-2011, 2011-2013) of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics.



 Carmit Bardugo-Cohen

Carmit is a forward-thinking Quality Manager who embraces bold and visionary strategies to reach world-class results while making quality a priority, adding value and increasecustomer satisfaction with over 15 years of experience. Carmit’s approach to quality is unorthodox, as she is heavily utilize out-of-the-box creativity in her professional life. To her opinion, the biggest drawback industry is facing is an outdated approach to quality. Therefore, a personal goal of her is to innovate quality thinking and adjust it to the era of Industry 4.0. She truly believe the quality, when properly executed, is an exponential engine for growth and shorter time to market.

BTW – The title of my lecture: The future of quality is E.P.I.C.

Prof. Shuki Dror

Prof. Shuki Dror is the head of the M.Sc. program in systems engineering, the most popular M.Sc. program in Ort Braude College, since 2010. He served as the head of the department of industrial engineering and management (IE&M) from 2008 to 2011. Prof. Dror has been consulting to industry on the application of quality since 1990. He has worked in the statistical consulting laboratory at the University of Haifa, participated in a network of excellence project funded by the European community, and is a member of the IE&M committee of the Council for Higher Education. He is currently coordinating the activities of the Israeli local network of the European network for business and industrial statistics (IsENBIS), and serves as permanent member in the organizing committee of the annual IE&M conferences. Prof. Shuki Dror received his Ph.D. in industrial engineering from Tel Aviv University. He earned a M.A. degree in mathematics and a B.A. in statistics and political science from University of Haifa. His research and teaching interests focus on total quality management and strategy implementation, statistical methods for improving quality and design and analysis of simulation experiments for improving service systems. He has published his research in the following journals: Biometrics, International Journal of Production Research, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Quality Engineering, IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Journal of Modelling in Management and Journal of Modern Project Management.


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