Assoc. Prof. Sarit Sivan

Assoc. Prof. Sarit Sivan

Assoc. Prof. Sarit Sivan

מחלקה: לשכת הנשיא
תפקיד נוכחי: President

Education :

Ph.D. 2000, Biomedical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

M.Sc. 1995, Biomedical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

B.Sc. 1992, Biology (Cum Laude), Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Research Interests
  • 1. Biomaterials
  • 2. Bio-inspired materials for tissue regeneration
  • 3. Multi-functional systems for tissue engineering and drug delivery
  • 4. Microencapsulation
  • 5. Drug delivery and sensing
  • 6. Biophysics of connective tissue in health, pathology and ageing
  • 1. Technologies in Cells and Tissue Engineering
  • 2. Metabolism and Enzymology
  • 3. Methods in Separation and Diagnostics
  • 4. Scientific Writing


שם הקובץ
Sarit Sivan-CV_2021



Ph.D. (2000), “Molecular engineering of bioactive materials with predefined specificity: design and synthesis of hemoglobin derivatives”, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion (Supervisors: Prof. N. Lotan and Prof. R. Beyar).
M.Sc. (1995), “Biochemical logic systems for molecular electronics: enzyme-based systems”, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion (Supervisor: Prof. N. Lotan).


Refereed Papers

1. Sivan S, Lotan N. A biochemical logic gate using an enzyme and its inhibitor.1. The inhibitor as switching element. Biotechnology Progress (1999) 15(6):964-70. (Invited paper).
2. Sivan S., Lotan N. Molecular Engineering of Proteins with Predefined Function: Part I: Design of hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier. Biomolecular Engineering (2003) 20(3):83-90.
3. Sivan S, Lotan N. A biochemical logic gate using an enzyme and its inhibitor. 2. The logic gate. BioSystems (2003) 70(1):21-33.
4. Filo O, Guzy S, Sivan S, Sideman S, Lotan N. Process analysis of a reactor-separator system: enzymic degradation of polymeric substrates. Israel Journal of Chemistry (2005) 45(4):495-505.
5. Sivan S, Neidlinger-Wilke C, Wurz K, Maroudas A, Urban JPG. Diurnal fluid expression and activity in intervertebral disc cells. Biorheology (2006) 43(3-4):283-291.
6. Sivan S, Wachtel E, Merkher Y, Maroudas A. Correlation of swelling pressure and intra-fibrillar water in young and aged annuli of human intervertebral discs. Journal of Orthopedic Research (2006) 24 (6), 1292-1298
7. Sivan S, Tsitron E, Wachtel E, Roughley P, Sakkee AN, van-der Ham F, DeGroot J, Roberts S, Maroudas A. Aggrecan turnover in human intervertebral disc as determined by the racemization of aspartic acid. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2006) 281(19):13009-14.
8. Merkher Y, Sivan S, Etsion I, Maroudas A, Halperin G, Yosef A. A rational human joint friction test using a human cartilage-on-cartilage arrangement. Tribology Letters (2006) 22(1):29-36.
9. Sivan S, Tsitron E, Wachtel E, Roughley P, Sakkee N, van der Ham F, DeGroot J, Merkher Y, Maroudas A. Age-related accumulation of pentosidine in aggrecan and collagen from human intervertebral disc. Biochemical Journal (2006) 398(1):29-35.
10. Johnson WEB, Sivan S, Wright KT, Eisenstein SM, Maroudas A, Roberts S. Human intervertebral disc cells promote nerve growth over substrata of human intervertebral disc aggrecan. Spine (2006) 31(11):1187-93. (Invited paper).
11. Sivan S, Filo O, Siegelmann H. Application of expert networks for predicting proteins secondary structure. Biomolecular Engineering (2007) 24(2):237-43.
12. Schroeder Y, Sivan S, Wilson W, Huyghe JM, Merkher Y, Maroudas A. Baaijens FPT. Are disc pressure, stress and osmolarity affected by intra- and extrafibrillar fluid exchange? Journal of Orthopedic Research (2007) 25(10):1317-43.
13. Sivan S, Wachtel E, Tsitron E, Sakkee AN, van-der Ham F, DeGroot J, Maroudas A. Collagen turnover in healthy and pathological human intervertebral disc as determined by the racemization of aspartic acid. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2008) 283(14):8796-801.
14. Roberts S, Menage J, Sivan S, Urban JPG. Bovine explant model of degeneration of the intervertebral disc. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2008) 9(1):24.
15. Sivan S, Schroeder A, Verberne G, Merkher Y, Diminsky D, Priev A, Maroudas A, Halperin G, Nitzan D, Etsion I, Barenholz Y. Liposomes act as effective biolubricants for friction reduction in human synovial joints. Langmuir (2010) 26(2):1107-16.
16. Boubriak O, Watson N, Sivan S, Stubbens N, Lee RB, Urban JPG. Cell density of the intervertebral disc is regulated by blood supply. International Journal of Experimental Pathology (2011) 92(6):A14-A15.
17. Sivan S, Merkher Y, Wachtel E, Van El B, Zuurmund AM, Schmeltzer C, Heinz, A, Varga PP, Lazary A, Brayda M, Maroudas A. Longevity of elastin in human intervertebral disc as probed by the racemization of aspartic acid. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (2012) 1820(10):1671-7.
18. Boubriak OA, Watson N, Sivan S, Stubbens N, Lee RB, Urban JPG. Journal of Anatomy (2013) 222(3):341-8.
19. Sivan S, Merkher Y, Wachtel E, Urban JPG, Lazary A, Maroudas A. A needle micro-osmometer for determination of glycosaminoglycan concentration in excised nucleus pulposus tissue. European Spine Journal (2013) 22(8):1765-73.
20. Ne’eman N, Marbach D, Chen-Konak L, Kaufman-Francis K, Berkovich M, Levenberg S, Lotan N, Sivan S. Multi-factor, sequentially releasing scaffolds for tissue engineering: Fabrication by the novel solvent/non-solvent sintering technology. Israel Journal of Chemistry (2013) 53:821-8. (Invited paper).
21. Brayda-Bruno M, Tibiletti M, Ito K, Fairbank J, Galbusera F, Zerbi A, Roberts S, Wachtel E, Merkher Y, Sivan S. Advances in the diagnosis of degenerated discs and their possible clinical applications. European Spine Journal (2014) 3:315-23.
22. Sivan S, Hayes A, Wachtel E, Caterson B, Merkher Y, Brown S, Maroudas A., Roberts, S. Biochemical composition and turnover of the extracellular matrix of the normal and degenerate intervertebral disc. European Spine Journal (2014) 23(3):344-353.
23. Sivan S, Roberts S, Urban JP, Menage J, Bramhill J, Campbell D, Franklin V, Lydon F, Merkher Y, Maroudas A, Tighe B. Injectable hydrogels with high fixed charge density and swelling pressure for nucleus repair: biomimetic glycosaminoglycan analogues. Acta Biomaterialia (2014) 10(3):1124-1133. (Q1).
24. Alagem M, Kivovich E, Tzchori I, Falah M, Flugelman M, Lanir N, Beyar R, Lotan N, Sivan S. The formation of an anti-restenotic/anti thrombotic surface by immobilization of nitric oxide synthase. Acta Biomaterialia (2014) 10(5):2304–2312.
25. Sivan S, Wachtel E, Roughley P. Structure, function, ageing and turnover of aggrecan in the intervertebral disc. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (2014) 1840(10):3181-3189.
26. Schmelzer CEH, Nagel M, , Dziomba S, Merkher Y, Sivan S, Heinz A. Prolyl hydroxylation in elastin is not random. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (2016) 1860(10):2169-77.
27. Perlman O, Weitz IS, Sivan S, Abu-Khalla H, Benguigui M, Shaked Y, Azhari H. Copper oxide loaded PLGA nanospheres: toward a multifunctional nanoscale platform for ultrasound-based imaging and therapy. Nanotechnology (2018) 4:29(18) doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/aab00c.
28. Li Z, Behrens AM, Ginat N, Tzeng SY, Lu X, Sivan S, Langer R, Jaklenec A. Probiotics: Biofilm-inspired encapsulation of probiotics for the treatment of complex infections (2018) Advanced Materials. 30(51). 1870389 doi: 10.1002/adma.201803925.
29. Benguigui M, Weitz IS, Timaner M, Kan T, Shechter D, Perlman O, Sivan S, Raviv Z, Azhari H, Shaked Y. Copper oxide nanoparticles inhibit pancreatic tumor growth by targeting tumor initiating cells (TICs). (2019) Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 36(2):155.
30. Benguigui M, Weitz IS, Timaner M, Kan T, Shechter D, Perlman O, Sivan S, Raviv Z, Azhari H, Shaked Y. Copper oxide nanoparticles inhibit pancreatic tumor growth primarily by targeting tumor initiating cells. (2019) Scientific Reports. 9(1):1-10.
31. Knani D, Eilon M, Sivan S. Molecular modeling of glycosaminoglycan-analogues for intervertebral disc repair. (2020) Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 31:2733–2741.
32. Weitz IS, Perlman O, Azhari H, Sivan S. Synthesis and characterization of MRI-visible, copper-containing PLGA-based nanospheres: in vitro evaluation. (2021). Journal of Materials Science. 56:718–730.
33. Sheskin T, Geyer O, Lotan N, Sivan S. Controlled and time-scheduled delivery of drugs: Polyanhydride-based nanoparticles as carriers for ocular medication. (2021). Polymers for Advanced Technology. 32 (12), 4851-4859.
34. Sivan S, Bonstein I, Marmor Y, Peled G, Gazit Z, Amit M. Encapsulation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in small alginate beads using emulsification by internal gelation. Submitted.
35. Mordechai HS, Ben-Yehuda A, Bonshtein I, Sivan S, Sharabi M. Towards intervertebral disc engineering: simultaneous biomimetics of the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus. To be submitted.

1. Wilke CN, Urban JPG, Roberts S, Maroudas A, Sivan S, Kletsas D, Videman T, Huyghe J. (Wilke AJ. Ed.). (2006). Why do intervertebral discs degenerate? Presentation of the European Research Project EURODISC. In: Proceeding of the Ergo Mechanics 2, Shaker-Verlag GMBH (Germany) pp. 124-137. Co-authors have equal contribution.
Book Chapters

1. Sivan S, Lotan N. (2006). Artificial blood. In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering (Akay, M. Ed.) pp. 1:130-143.
2. Wilke CN, Urban JPG, Roberts S, Maroudas A, Sivan S, Kletsas D, Videman T, Huyghe J. (Wilke, A.J. Ed.). (2006). Why do intervertebral discs degenerate? Presentation of the European research project EURODISC. In: Proceeding of the Ergo Mechanics 2, Shaker-Verlag GMBH (Germany) pp. 124-137.
3. Wachtel E, Maroudas A, Sivan S. (Casado-Zapico. Ed.). (2017). Aspartic acid racemization and aging in cartilaginous tissue. In: Mechanisms linking aging, diseases and biological age estimation. CRC Press. pp. 39-53.

Conference Proceedings

1. Sivan S, Lotan N. Modification of hemoglobin with NAD-based molecules: design and synthesis. Proceedings of the International Journal of Artificial Organs, Italy, 1998, 21(10):600.
2. Sheskin T, Sivan S, Geyer O, Lotan N. Controlled release of local anesthetics from biodegradable and eye-injectable nanoparticles. XXIVth Annual Meeting Israeli Society for Vision and Eye Research. Israel, 2004, p. 88.
3. Sivan S, Tsitron E, Roughley P, DeGroot J, Verzijl N, Bank RA, Maroudas A. Turnover of human disc constituents using aspartic acid as a marker of molecular age. XIXth Annual Federation of European Connective Tissue Society, FECTS Meeting, Italy, July, 2004.
4. Rougley PJ, Melching L, Mort JS, Pearce RH, Sivan S, Maroudas A. The structure, degradation and life-span of aggrecan in the human intervertebral disc. European Cells and Materials, ECM VI, Switzerland, 2005, 10(3):17.
5. Sivan S, Tsitron E, Roughley P, DeGroot J, Verzijl N, Bank RA, Merkher Y, Maroudas A. Racemization of aspartic acid and non-enzymatic glycation of human intervertebral disc constituents as measures of turnover. 51st Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, ORS, Washington D.C. February, 2005.
6. Roughley PJ, Melching LI, Sivan S, Tsitron E, Maroudas A, DeGroot J, Mort JS. The origin of proteoglycans heterogeneity in the human intervertebral disc. 51st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, ORS, Washington D.C. February, 2005.
7. Merkher Y, Sivan S, Halperin G, Nahir M, Etsion I, Nitzan D, Barenholtz Y. Effect of active additives on the friction of human articular cartilage. World Tribology Congress-III, Washington D.C. September, 2005.
8. Schroeder A, Sivan S, Merkher Y, Rahamim E, Diminisky D, Priev A, Yosef A, Maroudas A, Halperin G, Barbur A, Nitzan D, Etsion I, Barenholz Y. Liposomes as potential biolubricant and wear reduction in human synovial joints. International Society of Liposomes (ISL), London, December, 2006.
9. Schroeder Y, Sivan S, Wilson W, Huyghe A, Maroudas A, Baaijens FPT. Intra- and extrafibrillar exchange in the disc. Proceeding of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC2007-176329), Keystones, Colorado, June 2007, pp. 367-368.
10. Schoroeder A, Verberne G, Merkher Y, Diminsky D, Maroudas A, Halperin G, Nitzan D, Etsion I, Barenholz Y, Sivan S. Surface active phospholipids as cartilage lubricants. ASME 2008 9th Biennial ASME Conference on Design and Analysis (ESDA2008), Proc. ASME ESDA. Israel, 2008, pp. 549-553.
11. Bramhill JH, Tighe BJ, Campbell DC, Lydon F, Urban J, Roberts S, Sivan S. A sulphonate based hydrogel for nucleus pulposus repair. 23rd European Society for Biomaterials, ESB2010. Finland, September, 2010.
12. Boubriak OA, Stubben N, Watson S, Sivan S, Urban JPG. Bovine caudal discs: relationship between disc height, cell density and blood supply. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, ISSLS, Sweden, June, 2011.
13. Jung MC, Dcharm M, Heinz A, Pankau R, Wohlrab J, Sivan S, Merkher Y, Maroudas A, Neubert RHH, Schmeltzer CEH. Molecular comparison of elastins from different human tissues. Gordon Research Conference (GRC) Elastin & Elastic Fibers, Biddeford, ME, USA, July 2011.
14. Sivan S, Roberts S, Urban JP, Menage J, Bramhill J, Campbell D, Franklin V, Lydon F, Merkher Y, Maroudas A, Tighe B. Injectable hydrogels with high fixed charge density and swelling pressure for nucleus repair: biomimetic glycosaminoglycan analogues. The 2nd Conference of the Israel Society for Biotechnology Engineering (ISBE) Tel-Aviv, December, 2013.


1. Sivan S, Lotan N. Enzyme-based molecular logic systems. Annual meeting of the Israeli Society of Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE), Israel, September, 1993.
2. Tzor O, Sivan S, Lotan N. Immobilized biochemical systems: design and optimization of their spatial arrangement. 5th Annual meeting of the Israeli Chapter of the Controlled Release Society, ICRS, Israel, September, 2004.
3. Schroeder A, Sivan S, Merkher Y, Rahamim E, Diminisky D, Priev A, Yosef A, Maroudas A, Halperin G, Barbur A, Nitzan D, Etsion I, Barenholz Y. Liposomes as potential biolubricant for friction and wear reduction in human synovial joints. Israeli Controlled Release Society, ICRS, Caesarea, September 2007.
4. Sivan S, Lotan N, Dinnar U. Drug factories on stents. Innovations in Cardiovascular Innovations, ICI, Tel-Aviv, December, 2007.
5. Etsion I, Verbene G, Schroeder A, Sivan S, Merkher Y, Halperin G, Maroudas A, Barenholz Y. Phospholipid liposomes as potential biolubricants agents for friction and wear reduction in cartilage of human synovial joints: The role of phospholipid physical chemistry and nanoism. Soft Matter at Interfaces: From Self Assembly to Nano-Confiment. Neve Ilan, June, 2009.
6. Alagem M, Sivan S, Flugelman M, Beyar R, Dinnar U, Lotan N. Targeted delivery at stent surface of in-situ produced drugs: A novel therapeutic approach. 17th International LDDR – Local Drug Delivery meeting and cardiovascular course on Revascularization (LDDR) and Molecular Strategies. Geneva, February, 2010.
7. Ne’eman N, Marbach D, Chen-Konak L, Kaufman-Francis K, Berkovich M, Levenberg S, Lotan N, Sivan S. Sequential multi-factorial releasing scaffolds for tissue engineering: fabrication by the solvent/non-solvent sintering technology. 7th Israeli Chapter of Controlled Release Society, Haifa, October 2010.
8. Alagem M, Sivan S, Flugelman M, Beyar R, Dinnar U, Lotan N. A novel therapeutic approach: drug factories on stent. Israeli Heart Society (IHS), Haifa, Israel, February, 2010.
9. Alagem M, Kivovich E, Lanir N, Zchori I, Falah M, Sivan S, Flugelman M, Beyar R, Dinnar U, Lotan N. Therapeutically-active implants exhibiting improved biocompatibility: an ex vivo study. Israeli Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, ISMBE, Afeka, February, 2011.
10. Boubriak OA, Watson N, Sivan S, Stubbens N, Lee RB, Urban JPG. Cell density of the intervertebral disc is regulated by blood supply, BSMS, Bristol, UK, April, 2011.
11. Schmelzer CEH, Jung MC, Sivan S, Scharm M, Pankau R, Neubert RHH, Heinz A. Molecular insights into alterations of elastic fibers, 7th European Elastin Meeting, September 2012, Ghent, Belgium.
12. Nagel MBM, Heinz A, Sivan S, Pankau R, Neubert RHH, Schmelzer CEH. Insights into the proline hydroxylation of elastin derived from different tissues and species, 7th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gdańsk, May, 2013.
13. Alagem M, Kivovich E, Tzchori I, Lanir N, Falah M, Flugelman M, Dinnar U, Beyar R, Lotan N, Sivan S. Bio-inspired implants for the treatment of restenosis. 10th OBC Research Day, Nahariya, October, 2014.
14. Alagem M, Kivovich E, Tzchori I, Lanir N, Falah M, Flugelman M, Dinnar U, Beyar R, Lotan N, Sivan S. Bio-inspired, enzymatically active, anti-restenotic/anti-thrombotic carrier. BIT's 5th World Gene Convention-2014 (WGC-2014), Theme: Olympic Campaign of New Biotechnology¸ Co-Chair: Path 6: Biocatalysis and biotransformation and scale up of bioprocesses, Haikou, China, November 2014.
15. Benguigui M, Weitz IS, Timaner M, Kan T, Shechter D, Sivan S, Raviv Z, Azhari H Shaked Y. Copper oxide nanoparticles inhibit pancreatic tumor growth by targeting tumor initiating cells. 17th Biennial Congress of the Metastasis Research Society and Young Investigator Satellite Meeting. Princeton University, August 2018.
16. Weitz IS, Perlman O, Sivan S, and Azhari H, Synthesis and characterization of copper oxide based polymeric nano-systems for biomedical imaging, CIMTEC 2018, 8th Forum on New Materials, Perugia, Italy, June, 2018.
17. Weitz IS, Sivan S, Perlman O, Azhari H. Preparation of PLGA nanospheres as carriers for copper oxide nanoparticles based imaging contrast agent. BioNanoMed 2019.

Invited Talks/Colloquia

2004 – Major biochemical components of the intervertebral disc, their turnover and some functional properties. Annual EuroDisc Meeting: Institut für Unfallchirurgische Forschung und Biomechanik, Universität Ulm, Germany.
2005 – Correlation of swelling pressure, intra-fibrillar water and collagen tensile in young and aged human intervertebral discs. Annual EuroDisc Meeting: Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
2005 – Turnover of the major components of the intervertebral disc. Annual EuroDisc Meeting: University of Warwick, England.
2007 – Biomimetic approach to nucleus disc replacement and repair. University of Oxford, England.
2008 – Tissue turnover and matrix degradation: production and role of matrix fragments. Annual GenoDisc Meeting: Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milan, Italy.
2009 – A needle micro-osmomter for measurement of glycosaminoglycans. Annual GenoDisc Meeting: Institute of Biology NCSR Demokritos, Athens.
2010 – Determination of the turnover of collagen, aggrecan and elastin in the human intervertebral disc using aspartic acid. Annual GenoDisc Meeting: Budapest, National Center for Spinal Disorders, Buda Health Center.
2013 – Structure, degeneration and repair of intervertebral disc. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion, IIT, Haifa, Israel.
2013 – Biomimetic approach to repair of cartilaginous tissues. Institute of Pharmacy, Biosciences, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
2013 – Biologically-inspired materials for connective tissue repair. Annual Research Conference, ORT Braude College.
2019 – Liposomes as effective biolubricants for friction, wear and pain reduction in human synovial joints. Annual Research Conference, ORT Braude College.


1. Sivan S, Dinnar U, Lotan N. Intravascular apparatus and method. (2003) US Pat 6569688.
2. Barenholz C, Nitzan D, Etsion I, Schroeder A, Halperin G, Sivan S. Methods for joint lubrication and cartilage wear prevention making use of glycerophospholipids (2006) US 20100098749.
3. Tighe B, Franklin V, Lyndon FJ, Roberts S, Urban JP, Sivan S. Intervertebral disc and intraocular lens. (2008) US Pat. 12/736,540.
4. Sivan S, Elata D, Merkher Y, Maroudas A. A micro-device for measuring water in vivo and in vitro. (2009) Patent Pending.
5. Sivan S, Merkher Y, Maroudas A. A micro device for in vivo and in situ measurements in cartilaginous tissues (2011) US Patent 61/633571.
6. Molinari M, Coussios CC, Gibbons DS, Arora M, Urban JP, Sivan S. Intervertebral disc treatment method and apparatus (2016) US Patent 9,408,624.
7. Karpuj MV, Sivan S. Composition for sampling body fluids and secretions for detecting pathogenic agents nucleic acids and for disinfection (2020) US 63/032,650.

Academic Appointments

2019 –            Visiting Scientist, MIT (Prof. Langer’s Lab)
2015 (Nov)     Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology Engineering, ORT Braude College, Israel
2013-2015     Senior Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology Engineering, ORT Braude College, Israel
2012-2015     Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion-IIT, Israel
2008-2013     Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion-IIT, Israel
2006-2008     Postdoctoral Associate, Marie-Curie Fellow, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, UK
2003-2005     Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion-IIT, Israel
2001-2003     Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion-IIT, Israel
2000-2001     Research Fellow, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion – IIT, Israel
1992-2000     Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion-IIT, Israel

Offices in Academic Administration

2018-present   Vice President for Academic Affairs, Braude – College of Engineering, Karmiel, Israel
2019-present   Head, Research Authority, Braude – College of Engineering, Karmiel, Israel
2013-2018        Head, Department of Biotechnology Engineering, ORT Braude College, Israel
2013-2018        Chairman of: Internship Committee, Curriculum Committee, Student Advisory Committee, Purchasing Committee

Joint Research Projects

2012-present     ‘Development of affinity-based methods for the purification of lubricin’, with Prof. Maroudas Alice (Technion) and Prof. Azhari Rosa (ORT Braude College).
2008-present     ‘A novel approach for targeted delivery at stent surface of in-situ produced drugs’, with Prof. Dinnar Uri, Prof. Lotan Noah (Technion) and Prof. Beyar Raphael (Rambam Medical Centre).
2008-2013     ‘Disc-degeneration linked pathologies: novel biomarkers and diagnostics for targeting, treatment, prevention and repair’, a participating scientist in the European Union-funded (FP7) consortium, Genodisc (with 10 labs throughout Europe).
2008-2013     ‘A micro osmometer for in-vivo and in-vitro measurement of glycoaminoglycans in intervertebral disc’, with Dr. Urban Jill (Oxford Universty) and Prof. Maroudas Alice (Technion).
2008-present     ‘The molecular origin of lubrication in human joints’, with Prof. Maroudas Alice (Technion) and Prof. Klein Jacob (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel).
2008-present     ‘Elastin – structure and function’, with Prof. Winlove Peter (University of Exeter, UK), Prof. Maroudas Alice (Technion, Dr. Schmelzer Chritian (Martin-Luther University, Germany) and Dr. Wachtel Ellen (Weizmann Institute of Science).
2006-present     ‘Injectable glycosaminoglycan analogue implant for nucleus pulposus replacement’, with Prof. Tighe Brian (Aston University, UK), Prof. Roberts Sally (Keele University, UK) and Dr. Urban Jill (Oxford University, UK).
2006-2012     ‘High intensity ultrasound as a first step in the repair and replacement of nucleus pulposus in the intervertebral disc’, with Dr. Coussios Constantin and Dr. Urban Jocelyn (Oxford University, UK).
2006-present     ‘Liposomes as effective biolubricants for friction reduction in human synovial joints’, with Prof. Barenholz Yechezkel (Hebrew University), Prof. Maroudas Alice (Technion) and Prof. Etsion Izhak (Technion).
2005-2007     ‘Effects of aggrecan on disc cells and sensory nerves’, with Prof. Roberts Sally (Keele University, UK).
2003-2005     ‘Intervertebral disc degeneration: Interplay of age, environmental and genetic factors’, a participating scientist in the European Union-funded (FP6) consortium, Eurodisc (with 7 labs throughout Europe).

Scholarly Positions and Activities Outside the Institution

2007-present     Reviewing for referred journals: Acta Biomaterialia; Cartilage; Connective Tissue Research; Spine; Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews; Israel Journal of Chemistry; European Spine Journal.
2018-present     Reviewing for Funding Bodies: Israel Science Foundation (ISF)
2016-present     Reviewing for Conferences (Member in the Judge Panel): Marie-Curie Actions Conferences; World Biomaterials Conference.
2003-2012         Member in Professional Societies: Orthopedic Research Society (ORS); American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB); Israel Society for Medical and Biomedical Engineering (ISMBE)

Selected Honors and Awards

2012 – The 2012 Marie-Curie Prize for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2009 – Spine Award in Regenerative Technologies for the Intervertebral Disc Biomaterial
2011 – EU-ERG Marie-Curie Fellow, EU FP7
2006 – EU-IRG Marie-Curie Fellow, EU, FP6

Selected Grants

2017-2021     Israel Science Foundation (ISF): 383/17
2011-2014     EU-ERG, EU – FP7
2006-2008     EU-IRG, EU – FP6

Teaching Experience

Technion – Department of Biomedical Engineering
Engineering Principles in Biology and Biotechnology
Molecular Engineering
Methods in Biochemical Engineering
Methods in Biomaterial Engineering

Students Supervision

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (M.Sc)
1. Algem M, (2011) ‘Converging technologies at the interface between natural and artificial bio-systems (with Prof. N. Lotan and Prof. R. Beyar).
2. Merkher Y, (2006) ‘The Effect of new lubricants on the friction of human cartilage’ (with Prof. I. Etsion and Prof. A. Maroudas).
3. Ne’eman N, (2006) ‘Biological materials in polymeric matrices: multi-functional systems for Applications in tissue engineering’ (with Prof. N. Lotan).
4. Langzam-Sinai R, (2006) ‘Neutral and ionizable polymeric hydrogels in biomedical engineering’ (with Prof. Y. Lanir and Prof. N. Lotan).
5. Tsitron E, (2006) ‘Molecular age and turnover of proteoglycans and collagen of the human intervertebral disc’ (with Prof. A. Maroudas).
6. Sheskin T, (2005) ‘Polymeric systems for ocular drug delivery’ (with Prof. N. Lotan and Prof. O. Geyer).

ייעוץ לימודים

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