Dr. Samy Abu-Salih

Dr. Samy Abu-Salih

Dr. Samy Abu-Salih

D1 - Room ב' 394
Tuesday 17:40 – 15:40
מחלקה: Mechanical Engineering
תפקיד נוכחי: Senior Lecturer

Education :

Ph.D.2006, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

M.Sc.2002, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

B.Sc.1999, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Research Interests
  • 1. Electromechanical Buckling (EMB) of micro structures
  • 2. Modeling of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) g
  • 3. Modeling of the Chemo-Electro-Mechanical Response of Micro Hydrogel Structures
  • 1. Solid mechanics
  • 2. Solid mechanics
  • 3. Introduction to mechanical design
  • 4.  Design of mechanical elements
  • 5. Modeling and fabrication of micro systems (MEMS)
  • 6.  Finite element analysis
  • 7.  Kinematics of particle, rigid bodies, and mechanisms

Refereed Papers

  1. Samy Abu-Salih, “Analytical study of electromechanical buckling of a micro spherical elastic film on a compliant substrate Part II: Postbuckling analysis”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 110-111, 251-264, 2017.
  2. Samy Abu-Salih, “Analytical study of electromechanical buckling of a micro spherical elastic film on a compliant substrate Part I: Formulation and linear buckling of periodic patterns”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, (109), 180-188, 2017.
  3. Samy Abu-Salih, “Analysis of Thermo Electromechanical Buckling of Micro Annular Plate”. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 11(4), 1-7, 2014.
  4. T. Khaleque, S. Abu-Salih, J.R. Saunders and W. Moussa, “Experimental Methods of Actuation, Characterization and Prototyping of Hydrogels for BioMEMS/NEMS Applications”. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11(3), 2470-2479, 2011.
  5. J. R. Saunders, S. Abu-Salih, T. Khaleque, S. Hanula and W. Moussa, “Modeling Theories of Intelligent Hydrogel Polymers”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 5(10), 1942-1960, 2008.
  6. J. R. Saunders, S. Abu-Salih and W. Moussa, “Parametric Chemo-Electro-Mechanical Modeling of Smart Hydrogel Polymers”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 5(10), 1961-1975, 2008.
  7. S. Abu-Salih and W. Moussa, “Electromechanical Buckling and Postbuckling of Micro Cylindrical Shells”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 5(10), 2045-2053, 2008.
  8. S. Abu-Salih and D. Elata,”Experimental validation of ElectroMechanical Buckling”, IEEE JMEMS , 15(6), 1656-1662, 2006.
  9. D. Elata and S. Abu-Salih, “Analysis of the electromechanical buckling of a pre-stressed micro beam which is bonded to an elastic foundation”, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 1(5), 921-927, 2006.
  10. D. Elata and S. Abu-Salih, “Analysis of a novel method for measuring residual stress in micro-systems”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 15(5), 921 – 927, 2005.
  11. S. Abu-Salih and D. Elata, “Analytic postbuckling solution of pre-stressed infinite beam bonded to linear elastic foundation”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42(23), 6048–6058, 2005.
    1. Samy Abu Salih, "An analytical study of electromechanical buckling of micro spherical thin film bonded to a spherical compliant substrate", PCM-CMM-2015 – 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics & 21st Computer Methods in Mechanics, Gdansk, September 2015, Poland.
    2. Samy Abu-Salih, "Analysis of thermo-electromechanical buckling of micro annular plate", Israel, The 9th Interdisciplinary research conference, ORT Braude College, 2013.
    3. Samy Abu Salih, “Chemo-Electro-Mechanical Modeling of Hydrogel Structures”, Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME32ed), 2012, Tel-Aviv.
    4. D. Elata and S. Abu-Salih, "Analysis and experimental validation of electromechanical buckling", TRANSDUCER’07, Lyon, France.
    5. S. Abu-Salih and D. Elata, "Using electromechanical buckling for measuring residual stress". EuroSimE 2006, Como, Italy, 90-93.
    6. S. Abu-Salih and D. Elata, "The affect of internal stress on the electromechanical buckling of a clamped-clamped beam". European Micro and Nano Systems 2004, Paris, France, 93-96.
    7. S. Abu-Salih and D. Elata, "Electromechanical buckling of a pre-stressed layer bonded to an elastic foundation". MSM 2004, Boston, USA, 2, 223-226.
    8. S. Abu-Salih and D. Elata, "Electromechanical buckling of a pre-stressed layer bonded to an elastic foundation", Israel MEMS 2003, Tel-Aviv

      Other Publications

      1. D. Elata and S. Abu-Salih, "Motion Imparting Device". PCT application No. PCT/IL2004/000562.
      2. S. Abu-Salih and D. Elata, "Electrostatic modulation of surface roughness" PCT application No. PCT/IL2004/000856.

      S. Abu-Salih and E. Altus, “One-dimensional constitutive behavior for pseudoelasticity effect in shape memory alloys”, Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Materials 14(6), 397-412, 2003.

      Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

Academic Appointments

2012 – Present Lecturer, ORT Braude College, Department of Mechanical Engineering

2009-2010 Lecturer, ORT Braude College, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Tel- Hai Practical Eng. College; Sakhnine Practical Eng. College.

2007-2008 Postdoc Researcher, University of Alberta, Mechanical Engineering Department, BioMEMS  Lab, Canada.

Teaching Experience

1. ORT Braude College of Engineering
Undergraduate Courses:Introduction to Machine Design Design of Machine PartsSolid Mechanics 1Engineering Drawing Lab (SolidWorks)

2. The Technion–Israel Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Courses (TA):Solid Mechanics 1Solid Mechanics 2DynamicsIntegral and Differential Calculus 2

3. Sakhnine Practical Engineering College: Solid Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics)Strength of MaterialsMachine Parts

4. Tel-Hai Practical Engineering College: Introduction to MaterialsStrength of Materials

Academic and Professional Awards and Grants

2007 Brazani Prize and Award for excellent Ph.D. Thesis.
2006 Best Teaching Assistant Award, Undergraduate Students Union of the  Technion I.I.T. (ASAT).
2004-2006 Excellence in Teaching Award (each semester), Technion – I.I.T.
2000-2003 Excellence in Teaching Award and Prize (each semester), Technion – I.I.T.
2000 Special Scholarship for Excellence in Research, Faculty of Mechanical  Engineering, Technion I.I.T.
1998 Award for Excellence in B.Sc. achievements, President of the Technion – I.I.T.
1997 Award for Excellence in B.Sc. achievements, Dean of the Faculty of  Mechanical Engineering, Technion – I.I.T.

Professional Activities

 2011 – 2012 Process and Equipment Engineer, Intel Electronics, Lacish- FAB28 Israel.

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