Curriculum vitae,
פרופ' מיכל שוורץ
Michal Schwartz, Professor
Professorial of Neuroimmunology
Academic Address: Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Tel: 972-8-9342467; Fax: 972-8-9346018
Home address: Weizmann Institute of Science, 4 Eshbal St., Rehovot, Israel
Married + 4
Academic Education
1969–1972 B.Sc. Chemistry (Cum Laude), the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
1972–1977 Ph.D. in Chemical Immunology, Department of Chemical Immunology, Weizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Thesis: “The molecular and cellular basis of the genetic control of the immune response
to newly synthesized ordered polypeptides.”
Supervisors: Profs. Michael Sela and Edna Mozes
1977–1978 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemical Immunology,
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Supervisor: Prof. Sara Fuchs
Research subject: Neuroimmunology
1978–1980 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Neuroscience, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Supervisor: Prof. Benard Agranoff
Research subject: Nerve regeneration
Academic Appointments
1980-1985 Senior Scientist, Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of Science
1985-1998 Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of Science
1987 Maurice and Ilse Katz Professorial Chair in Neuroimmunology.
1998 Professor, Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of Science.
1988–1992 Visiting Professor, Department of Anatomy, Medical College of Pennsylvania, PA, USA.
2009-2011 Visiting Professor, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Neurosurgery Department.
2009-2011 Visiting Professor, UCLA, Department of Psychiatry, LA, USA.
2011-2015 Visiting Honorary Doctor, University of Manchester, UK.
2017-2021 Visiting Professor, Broad, MIT
Awards and Honors
1970 Bnei-Brith prize, Distinguished Student (Hebrew University, Israel).
1971 Prize for Distinguished B.Sc. Students (Hebrew University, Israel).
1977 Landau Prize for Distinguished Ph.D. Students (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel).
1978 Chaim Weizmann Award for Postdoctoral Training.
1981-1985 The Helena Rubinstein Career Development Chair.
1985 Prof. Stein Prize for Distinguished Work on the Visual System, Tel Aviv University.
1995 International Award in Ophthalmology, Singapore.
1996 Glaucoma Foundation Award.
1998 Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis award; “Skilled Scientist and Eminent
1999 Alcon Research Awardee for Outstanding Contributions in vision research.
2000 Career Woman of the Year 2000, Israel.
2001 The 22nd Annual Peter and Eva Safar Annual Lectureship in Medical Sciences and
Humanities, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine.
2002 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Award
(Friedenwald Award) for outstanding research in the basic or clinical sciences in vision
and ophthalmology.
2002 The G. Heiner Sell Memorial Lectureship for outstanding achievement in the field of
spinal cord injury; the American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA).
2002 International Glaucoma Review Award for daring, breakthrough, creative, original
research in glaucoma.
2006 Jewish Woman's Magazine award, “10 women to watch in 5767”.Advanced European
2008 NARSAD (National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression),
Distinguished Investigator award.
2008 Honorary doctorate, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
2009 Advanced ERC award, “Can immune system rejuvenation restore age-related memory
loss?” 1,720,000 EUR, 2009-2012.
2009 Shaked Prize, National award for outstanding brain research.
2010 A member of ARVO Fellows Class – Selected members who serve as role models and
mentors for individuals pursuing careers in ophthalmology research.
2014 Honorary Member by the World Immunopathology Organization (WIPO).
2015 The 2015 Blumberg Prize for excellence in medical science, Israel.
2016 Accolade from the annual PROSE Awards for the book “NEUROIMMUNITY: How Brain
Science Will Revolutionize the Way We Live and Age”, by Michal Schwartz with Anat
London, Yale University Press (
2016 Profiled by Britannica Book of the Year (recognized among the scientists that advanced
science and humanity), published since 1938 by Encyclopaedia Britannica
2016-2018 President of the International Society of Neuroimmunology.
2017 The Rappaport Prize for Excellence in the field of Biomedical Research.
2017 Selected as the most influencial woman of the year 2017 by Lady Globes.
2017 Advanced European Research Council grant (Advanced ERC award), “Immune checkpoint
blockade for fighting Alzheimer’s disease –ImmuneCheckpointsAD.” 2,500,000 EUR, 2017-2022.
2018 Global Leader of Innovation Award, iNNOVEX2018.
2018 Honorary doctorate, The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel.
2019 2019 outstanding mentor of the year by the Israel Neuroscience society.
2019 EMET Prize in biomedical research
2020 Her Alzheimer’s disease therapy, currently under expedited development, received an award for
clinical translation from The Alzheimer's Association 'Part the Cloud' + Bill Gates
2021 Her Alzheimer’s disease therapy, currently under expedited development, received an award for
clinical translation from National Institute of Health
2022 FENS-EJN award given to her in recognition of her outstanding career in the area of
Honorary/award lectures/keynote ( of more than 300 invited lectures)
1. Presidential lecture, International Congress of Academy of Ophthalmology. June, 1998.
2. Keynote lecture, FASEB Summer Conference on Interaction of the Nervous and the Immune
Systems, Copper Mountain, CO, USA, July, 1998.
3. Award lecture, Alcon Research Institute Symposium (Alcon Awardee for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Vision Research), Texas, USA, March 1999.
4. Keynote lecute, The 3rd International symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics –ISOPP, Lisbon, February, 2000.
5. Named Honorary Lecturer The 22nd Annual Peter and Eva Safar Annual Lectureship in Medical Science and humanities, University of Pittsburgh, December 2001.
6. Named lecture, distinguished lectureship, The G. Heiner Sell Memorial Lectureship in the Jointmeeting of the American Spinal Injury Association and the International Medical Society of Paraplegia, Vancouver, Canada, May 2002.
7. Award lecture, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Lecturer as Recipient of the Friedenwald Award), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 2002.
8. Presidential lecture, European Neurological Society Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2003.
9. Keynote lecture, American Uveitis Society Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, May 2003.
10. Keynote lecture, Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Trust Symposium, Louisville, Kentucky, June 2003.
11. Chancellor’s Award Lecture in Neuroscience, New Orleans, 2007.
12. Presidential Lecture, at the Annual Meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Breckenridge Colorado, June 3-6, 2009.
13. Keynote lecture, The World Conference on Regenerative Medicine, Leipzig, Germany, October 29 – 31, 2009.
14. Presentation of the Curtin Medal for 2009 and JCSMR Symposium: New Perspectives in Clinical Neuroscience and Mental Health, The John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University, Australia, August 2010.
15. Keynote lecture, University of Sydney- Israel Research Partnership Forum, “Shared Challenges, Future Solutions”, October 31, 2011.
16. Presidential Lecture, Canadian Association of Neuropathologists, Mont Tremblant, Quebec, October 25-27, 2012.
17. Sweden Neuroscience Day, May 2013, Lund, Sweden
18. Keynote Lecture, British Society for Research on Ageing, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 2013 .
19. Selected Scientist in “Meet-the-Experts”, by the Society for Neuroscience, The 44rd Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington, 2014.
20. Named lecture, The Gabriele M. Zu Rhein Lectureship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, November, 2015.
21. Keynote guest lecture, Finnish National Symposium on MS disease, February 2016, in Helsinki, Finland.
22. Keynote lecture, Fourth Annual Broad-ISF Cell Circuits Symposium, at the Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA, June, 2016.
23. Named lecture, Rita Levi Moltanchini, Keynote lecture, International Society of Neuroimmunology meeting, Jerusalem, September, 2016.
24. Keynote lecture, UNSW Brain Science Symposium, Keynote lecture, Sydney, Australia, May 2017.
25. Keynote lecture 'New World: Science, Technology & Trade – Shaping the next Framework Programme', Brussels, Belgium, June 2017.
26. Keynote Speaker at the BBB Symposium on Signal Transduction at the Blood-Brain Barriers, Krakow, Poland, September 2017.
27. Named lecture, WALS lecture, NIH (the highest-profile lecture program at the NIH. Each season includes some of the biggest names in biomedical and behavioral research), Maryland, USA. October 2017
28. Keynote Speaker at the 2017 Symposium on Neurodegenerative Disorders: From Basic Research to Clinical Translation, Shanghai, China, November 2017.
29. 50th Anniversary Symposium sponsored by the National Eye Institute NEI, Bethesda USA, March 2018.
30. Keynote Speaker at the Allen Institute Workshop, Seattle USA, April 2018.
31. Keynote lecture, AAIC Alzheimer‘s Association International Conference, Chicago USA, July 2018.
32. Keynote lecture, BIRAX Conference 2018, London UK, Sept 2018.
33. Keynote, 1st Simons Society of Fellows Conference, New York USA, October 2018.
34. Keynote lecture “New Frontiers in the brain: unexpected roles of the Choroid plexuscerebrospinal fluid system in health and disease” Company of Biologists Workshop 2019. West Sussex, UK. July 2019.
35. Keynote lecture, EMBO meeting “Genes and Molecules in Precision Medicine” Basel, Switzerland. September 2019
36. Keynote lecture, 33rd Annual Conference EMDS 2019, Marseille, France. September 2019
37. Keynote lecture, WCI 2019 (World Congress on Inflammation). Sydney, Australia, September 2019
38. Keynote lecture, SINS 2019 (Congress of the Italian Society for Neuroscience). Perugia, Italy. September 2019.
39. Keynote lecture, 28th ISFN Meeting Eilat, Israel January 2020
40. Keynote lecture, Bressone, Italy 8th Inter Symposium on Dementia, January 2020
41. Keynote lecture, BrainHT, the virtual Congress on Brain Health, Innovation and Technologies, October, 2020.
42. Keynote lecture, 4th World Congress on “Genetics, Geriatrics and Neurodegenerative diseases research” GeNeDis2020, Heraklion, Crete, October 2020.
43. FENS-EJN Award Lecture at FENS Forum 2022, Paris, July 2022
Invitations to give plenary lectures at international workshops and conferences (more than 300 invitations)
1. European Association of Neurological Societies: European Course on Neurosurgery. Jerusalem, Israel, September, 1990.
2. 6th International Symposium on Development, Transplantation and Plasticity of the NervousSystem, September, 1990.
3. 3rd International Conference on Tumor Necrosis Factors and Related Cytokines. Tokyo, Japan, November, 1990.
4. 4th Otto Loewi Center Meeting on Development and Functioning of Neuronal Networks. Jerusalem, Israel, April, 1991.
5. Regional Meeting on Physiological Sciences. Prague, Czechoslovakia, June, 1991.
6. Rockefeller University – The Weizmann Institute of Science Symposium on Neuronal Plasticity. Rehovot, Israel, October, 1991.
7. International Society of Neuroimmunology: 3rd International Congress Jerusalem, Israel, October, 1991.
8. 2nd International Symposium on Ocular Trauma. Geneva, Switzerland, April, 1992.
9. International Symposium on Eye Research. Stressa, Italy, September, 1992.
10. Satellite Symposium of the European Neuroscience Association on Stimulation of Brain Repair. Munich, Germany, September, 1992.
11. Philippe Laudat Conference on Cytokines and the Brain. Le Bischenberg, France, October, 1992.
12. Taniguchi Foundation Symposium on Development and Function in the Visual System. Katata, Japan, November, 1992.
13. International Symposium on Low-Energy Laser Biostimulation. Los Angeles, CA, USA, January,1993.
14. Fifth International Symposium on Neural Regeneration. Asilomar CA, USA, December, 1993.
15. Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Eye and Vision Research (honorary guest lecturer). Israel, December, 1994.
16. FASEB Summer Conference on Interactions of the Nervous and Immune Systems: Peptides, Neurotransmitters, Cytokines, Adhesion Molecules and their Receptors. Copper Mountain, CO,USA, July, 1994.
17. Fourth International Conference on Transglutaminases and Protein Cross-Linking Reactions.Budapest, Hungary, August, 1994.
18. European Society for Neuroscience: Workshop on the Cross Talk between the Immune and the Nervous Systems, August, 1994.
19. International Symposium on Low-Energy Laser Biostimulation. Los Angeles, CA, USA, January,1995.
20. 2nd Annual Think Tank on Optic Nerve Regeneration. Glaucoma Foundation, New York, NY,USA, May, 1995.
21. 9th International Congress of Immunology. San Francisco, CA, USA, July, 1995.
22. International Symposium on Experimental and Clinical Ocular Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics. Geneva, Switzerland, September, 1995.
23. 11th European Congress on Multiple Sclerosis. Jerusalem, Israel, September, 1995.
24. Leading Scientists Meeting on Glaucoma. Temple, AZ, USA, March, 1996.
25. The 3rd Annual Think Tank on Optic Nerve Regeneration. Glaucoma Foundation, New York, NY, USA, May, 1996.
26. Fourth Altschul Symposium on Cell Biology and Pathology of Myelin: Evolving BiologicalConcepts and Therapeutic Approaches. Saskatoon, Canada, June, 1996.
27. CNS Regeneration Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA, June, 1996.
28. FASEB Summer Conference on Interactions of the Nervous and Immune Systems. Copper Mountain, CO, USA, July, 1996.
29. Amgen Symposium on Trophic Factors in Glaucoma. San Diego, CA, USA, July, 1996.
30. International Symposium on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair and Regeneration. Brescia, Italy, October, 1996.
31. Winter Glaucoma School. The Grand Cayman, February, 1997.
32. Symposium on Neuroprotection and Apoptosis. Uppsala, Sweden, April, 1997.
33. First Annual Conference in Association with Vision Research; Molecular, Cellular and Genetic Approaches to Function and Dysfunction of the Retina. Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, May, 1997.
34. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Symposium on Neuroprotection
in Glaucoma. Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, May, 1997.
35. New Horizons in Neuroimmunology, 9th Rappaport Symposium. Israel, May, 1997.
36. 3rd Meeting of ETRO Working Party on Factor XIII. Eger, Hungary, May, 1997.
37. 4th Think Tank in Glaucoma. New York, NY, USA, June, 1997.
38. XIth Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology (guest lecturer). Budapest, Hungary ,June, 1997.
39. International Symposium on Experimental and Clinical Ocular Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics. Munich, Germany, September, 1997.
40. American Academy of Ophthalmology. San Francisco, CA, October, 1997.
41. Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection in Neurodegenerative diseases. Jerusalem, Israel ,November, 1997.
42. International Meeting on Optic Nerve Structure, Function and Neuroprotection, supported by Santen Pharmaceuticals. Portland, OR, USA, November, 1997.
43. Bat-Sheva Seminar on Cellular, Molecular and Genetic Aspects of Aging and Longevity. Israel, December, 1997.
44. 2nd International Glaucoma Symposium. Jerusalem, March, 1998.
45. Joint Minerva-GIF meeting on New Strategies and Perspectives in Understanding CNS Disorders. Jerusalem, May, 1998.
46. Boehringer Ingelheim Symposium on Brain Repair Strategies for the Treatment of Chronic Neurodegenerative Diseases. Germany, May, 1998.
47. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Symposium on Neuroprotection and Regeneration in Glaucoma (symposium moderator). Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, May, 1998.
48. The Ocular Drug and Surgical Therapy Update. Laguna Niguel, California, June, 1998.
49. XIIIth International Congress of Eye Research. Paris, July, 1998.
50. International Society of Neuroimmunology. Montreal, August, 1998.
51. The 4th Annual Think Tank on Optic Nerve Regeneration. Glaucoma Foundation, New York, NY,USA, September, 1998.
52. International Symposium on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair and Regeneration. Brescia, Italy,October, 1998.
53. Retinal Ganglion Cell Catalyst. Quebec, October, 1998.
54. Second Joint Meeting of the International Cytokine Society, Symposium on Cytokines and Neuroimmunomodulation. Jerusalem, October, 1998.
55. Invited Teacher at Tufts Medical School in a “Course on Neurotoxicity and Neuroprotection"(Continuing Education in Medicine). Boston, October, 1998.
56. European Association of Vision and Eye Research (EVER), Symposium on Neuroprotection in Relation to Ischemia and Glaucoma. Palma de Mallorca, October, 1998.
57. Federation of The Israel Societies of Experimental Biology (FISEB), Symposium on Development and Regeneration in the Nervous System. Jerusalem, December, 1998.
58. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Symposium on Brain-Immune Connection: From Popular Myth to Hard Science. Anaheim, California, January, 1999.
59. Glaucoma Experts Meeting 1999. St. Moritz, Switzerland, March, 1999.
60. 2nd International Congress of Autoimmunity. Tel Aviv, March, 1999.
61. Second Spinal Cord Symposium, Paralyzed Veterans of America. Arlington, VA., April, 1999.
62. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Opening symposium of the 1999 meeting on Neuroprotection and Neuro-regeneration. Florida, May, 1999.
63. Frontiers in Spinal Cord Regeneration. 5th Annual Kentucky Spinal Cord and Head Injury Research Trust Symposium. Louisville, June, 1999.
64. Fourth Annual Mayo-Luther forum on Hematopoietic Cells. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, June, 1999.
65. The XIIth Congress of European Society of Ophthalmology, Symposium on Neuroprotection in Glaucoma. Stockholm, June, 1999.
66. Fifth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Symposium on CNS Ischemia and Traumatized Neuroprotective Approaches. Jerusalem, July, 1999.
67. 4th International Congress of International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation, Lugano, September, 1999.
68. Neural Regeneration Symposium, Asilomar, California, USA, December 1999.
69. International Symposium on Neuroprotection, (keynote lecturer). San Antonio, February, 2000.
70. International Symposium on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair and Regeneration, Brescia, Italy, April, 2000.
71. National Health Institute Workshop. The Role of the Immune System in Spinal Cord Injury. Bethesda, MD, April, 2000.
72. International Neuroimmunology Symposium. The Next Neuroscience Generation. Berlin,
Germany, May, 2000.
73. American Association of Immunologists (chairperson of ISNIM symposium and lecturer). Seattle, May, 2000.
74. Tenth Meeting of The European Neurological Society. Jerusalem, June, 2000.
75. New England Eye Center, Neuroprotection in Glaucoma – 2000. Boston, Massachusetts, June, 2000.
76. 2nd Neuroprotection Consensus Meeting: “Neuroprotection: Possibilities in Perspective”. London,UK, June, 2000.
77. FASEB Summer Conference on Interaction of the Nervous and the Immune Systems, (elected Conference Chairperson). July, 2000.
78. International Seminar. Inflammatory Cytokines and Chemokines in the Context of Extracellular Matrix. Jerusalem, Israel, September, 2000.
79. Frontier in Molecular Basis of Diseases. Conference on Cell Biology of Neuronal Dysfunction, Paris, October, 2000.
80. International Society for Neurotrauma, Xian, China, December, 2000.
81. Research to Prevent Blindness Workshop. Glaucoma: A Novel Neuronal Degeneration? Sarasota, Florida, March, 2001.
82. National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Neuronal Injury in MS and Related Disorders: Mechanisms and Prevention. New Orleans, Louisiana, March, 2001.
83. The American Society of Immunologists (Plenary lecture). Orlando, Florida, April, 2001.
84. European Society of Neuroimmunology (Plenary lecture). Bordeaux, June 2001.
85. European Society of Neuroimmunology. Paris, June 2001.
86. The 8th Annual Glaucoma Foundation Optic Nerve Rescue and Restoration Think Tank: Gene Therapy. New York, NY, July 2001.
87. International Society of Neuroimmunology (Plenary lecture). Scotland, September 2001.
88. The 2nd European-American Intensive Course in Clinical and Forensic Genetics. Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2001.
89. XV International Congress of Eye Research (ICER). Geneva, Switzerland, October 2001.
90. The 3rd Congress of Asian-Oceanic Glaucoma Society (AOGS) (Plenary lecture). Seoul, Korea, October 2001.
91. Neurological Congress of Rehabilitation. Dusseldorf, Germany, November 2001.
92. Association Pour La Recherche Sur La Sclerose En Plaques: Immunomodulation and Induction of Tolerance in Multiple Sclerosis. Paris, December 2001.
93. The Gordon Conference on Myelin. Ventura, California, February 2002.
94. Workshop on Neuroprotection in Ophthalmology. Rome, Italy, February 2002.
95. 3rd International Congress on Autoimmunity. Geneva, Switzerland, February 2002.
96. Brain Plasticity in Health and Disease, National Institute for Psychobiology in Israel. Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 2002.
97. The Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences (guest lecture). Canada, May 2002.
98. 4th International Symposium on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair and Regeneration. Brescia, Italy, March 2002.
99. 7th Annual Think Tank. Glaucoma Foundation, Chicago, IL, USA, July 2002.
100. FASEB Meeting on Neuro-immune Interactions. Tucson, AZ, USA, August 2002.
101. 4th International Symposium on Experimental and Clinical Neurology. Slovak Republic, September, 2002.
102. The First Joint Meeting of The National and International Neurotrauma Societies: The Sixth International Neurotrauma Symposium and The 20th Annual National Neurotrauma Society Symposium. Tampa, Florida, October, 2002.
103. 10th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Gene Therapy. Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France,
October 2002.
104. American Glaucoma Society Subspecialty Day for presenting the IGR Award. Orlando, Florida, October, 2002.
105. Allergan Neuroprotection Symposium. Goa, India, November 2002.
106. Congress of the British Society for Neuroimmunology. Harrogate, UK, December 2002.
107. Italian Neuroimmunology Society Conference on Autoimmunity and Neurodegeneration. Bergamo, Italy, March 2003.
108. 4th International Glaucoma Symposium. Barcelona, Spain, March, 2003.
109. Neuroinflammation and Stroke. Berlin, Germany, April 2003.
110. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Organizer and Chairperson of Special Interest Group Meeting). Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 2003.
111. 3rd International Magdeburg Conference on Neuroprotection and Neurorepair. Magdeburg, Germany, May, 2003.
112. 2nd Mickeln Symposium on Neurodegeneration and CNS Repair. Dusseldorf, Germany, May,
113. “Spinal Cord Injury: Conventional and Alternative Approaches”. Bourges, France, June 2003.
114. Lecturer, FENS Summer Course on Neuroimmunology. Oporto, Portugal, July 2003.
115. Meeting on Regeneration and Cell Therapy: Clinical Advances. Paris, France, July 2003.
116. Lecturer, Baltic Summer School. University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany, August 2003.
117. 33rd Cambridge Ophthalmological Symposium. Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 2003.
118. International Symposium on “Inflammation, degeneration and regeneration from basic mechanisms to clinical manifestations”. Magdeburg, Germany, October 2003.
119. Allergan Special Symposium on Neurodegeneration. Shanghai, China, October 2003.
120. Glial Inflammation in HIV-1 and Chronic Neurodegenerative Diseases, NIH Workshop. Washington, DC, December 2003.
121. The European Charcot Foundation Symposium. Lisbon, Portugal, December 2003.
122. International Campaign for Cures for Spinal Cord Injury Paralysis (ICCP), Workshop on Experimental Cellular and Pharmaceutical Interventions for the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury. Vancouver, Canada, February 2004.
123. The 5th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmaceuticals and Therapeutics (ISOPT). Monte Carlo, Monaco, March 2004.
124. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). San Francisco, California, March 2004.
125. National Academy of Sciences Sackler Colloquium “Therapeutic Vaccines – Realities of Today and Hopes for Tomorrow”. Washington, DC, April 2004.
126. Beijing International Glaucoma Conference. Beijing, China, April 2004.
127. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, April
128. IX Spinal Cord Monitoring Meeting. Rome, Italy, May 2004.
129. The Use of Stem Cells in Treatment of Spinal Cord Injuries: Reality and Perspectives. Meeting, Imola, Italy, June 2004.
130. 4th International Congress on Genetics and Regeneration in Neuroscience. Terni, Italy, June 2004.
131. FENS. Lisbon, Portugal, July 2004.
132. 12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Conference of FOCIS. Montreal, Canada, July 2004.
133. International Society for Neuroimmunology (ISNI). Venice, Italy, September 2004.
134. Annual Think Tank. The Glaucoma Foundation. New York, NY, USA, September 2004.
135. 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SFN) (Plenary lecture and elected symposium organizer). San Diego, USA, October 2004.
136. National Neurovision Research Institute and Foundation Fighting Blindness 1st International Symposium on Translational Clinical Research for Inherited and Orphan Retinal Diseases .Washington, DC, USA, November 2004.
137. The Peres Center for Peace; The Tuscan Partnership: Saving Children, Medicine in the Service of Peace, Celebrating the 1st Anniversary. Florence, Italy, November 2004.
138. 7th Meeting of the Association for Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (AOPT). Catania, Italy, February 2005.
139. Immunomodulation Strategies for Stroke Prevention Workshop. Bethesda, MD, USA, March 2005.
140. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, April
141. International Symposium on New Approaches to Understanding the Basis of Multiple Sclerosis. Valencia, Spain, June 2005.
142. BioIsrael 2005. Philadelphia, PA, USA June 2005.
143. World Glaucoma Congress. Vienna, Austria, July 2005.
144. International Neurobionic Symposium. Hannover, Germany, July 2005.
145. 2nd meeting of the Brazilian Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (BRAVO). Brazil, August 2005.
146. 1st Moscow International Working Conference: Natural Autoimmunity in Physiology and Pathology. Moscow, Russia, September 2005.
147. Glaucoma Symposium at the DOG/SOE Congress. Berlin, Germany, September 2005.
148. XXXVI Congress of the Italian Neurological Society, Symposium on ‘Neuroprotection in Multiple Sclerosis’. Cernobbio, Italy, October 2005.
149. American Academy of Opthalmology, Glaucoma Subspeciality Day. Chicago, USA, October 2005.
150. International Stem Cell Symposium. Los Angeles, CA USA, November, 2005.
151. World Ophthalmology Congress, Glaucoma Subspeciality Day. Sao Paolo, Brazil, February 2006.
152. 8th Residential Course of Neuroimmunology (CRNI). Bergamo, Italy, March 2006.
153. 26th National Turkish Ophthalmological Society Course Meeting. Ankara, Turkey, April 2006.
154. 4th International Symposium on Neuroprotection and Neurorepair. Magdeburg, Germany, May
155. 8th International Congress of the Cell Transplant Society. Milan, Italy, May 2006.
156. 25th Princeton Conference on Cerebral Vascular Disease, Portland, Oregon, May 2006.
157. Symposium on ‘Pathogenesis of Rare Neuroimmunological Disorders’. Baltimore, Maryland, July 2006.
158. Annual Think Tank. The Glaucoma Foundation. New York, NY, USA, September 2006.
159. The Foundation Mérieux Meeting entitled “Control of anti-tumoral and anti-infectious immune responses by regulatory T cell subsets: potential clinical applications”. France, September 2006.
160. 8th International Congress of Neuroimmunology, (Plenary lectures) Nagoya, Japan, October 2006.
161. XVI International Congress of Eye Research (ICER). Buenos Aires, Argentina, November, 2006.
162. 6th International Symposium on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair and Regeneration. Brescia, Italy, December 2006.
163. European Association of Neurosurgical Societies. Antalya, Turkey, February 2007.
164. ASIA/ARVO (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) (Plenary lecture). Singapore, March, 2007.
165. 27th Blankenese Conference on ‘Routes to Therapy: From stem cell tailoring to nanoknitting’.Hamburg May 2007.
166. International Symposium Fundacion Ramon Areces. Pamplona, Spain, March 2007.
167. 6th Annual International Conference on Hormesis. University of Massachusetts at Amherst, May,
168. International Stem Cell Meeting. Tel Aviv, June, 2007.
169. AIGS. Singapore July, 2007.
170. 5th Annual Nathan W. Sock Aging Symposium, National Institute of Health. Baltimore, MD, USA, September, 2007.
171. 7th Course of the European School of Neuroimmunology. Oxford UK, September 2007
172. XVII AINI Congress. Verona, Italy, September 2007.
173. The 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Plenary lecture, elected symposium and chair). San Diego, USA, November 2007.
174. Berlin Brain Days 2007. Berlin, Germany, November 2007.
175. 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Neurochemistry. Texas USA, March 2008.
176. International Neuroimmunology Symposium. Dublin, Ireland, March 2008.
177. ARVO/Pfizer Ophthalmics Research Institute Conference. Fort Lauderdale, USA April, 2008.
178. 5th International Conference on Neuroprotection and Neurorepair. Magdeburg, May 2008.
179. Dutch Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meeting, Session on Functional Neural-Glial Interactions in Health and Disease. Doorwerth, Holland June 2008.
180. FOCIS. Boston, USA June 2008.
181. SEAGIG Symposium on Neuroprotection in Glaucoma. Seoul, Korea, Sept 2008
182. French-Israeli Workshop on Regulatory T cells, Tolerance and Immunotherapy. Jerusalem September 2008.
183. 4th Annual Symposium on ALS of the Fondation André-Delambre. Montreal, September 2008.
184. 5th International Stem Cell School in Regenerative Medicine. Berlin October 2008.
185. Asia/ ARVO. Hyderabad, India, January 2009.
186. 7th International Symposium on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair and Regeneration. Brescia, February 2009.
187. 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Neurochemistry, session on Immune Regulation of Neural Plasticity. March 2009.
188. IXth European Meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease, symposium on "How inflammatory and degenerative insults alter gliogenesis and neurogenesis in the adult central nervous system". Paris September, 2009.
189. The 23rd European Macrophage and Dendritic Cell Society (EMDS) Meeting. Regensburg, Germany, September, 2009.
190. First International Conference on Inflammation and Retinal Disease: Complement Biology and Pathology. Aldemar Knossos Royal Village Hersonissos Crete, Greece June, 2009.
191. Sunday Symposium. Inflammation: Different diseases, common themes. ARVO, May 3, 2009.
192. The second Joint Symposium of the International and National Neurotrauma Societies. Santa Barbara, California, September, 2009.
193. 5th International Scientific Symposium on Tourette Syndrome. New York, June, 2009.
194. Satellite symposium of the 5th Kuopio Alzheimer Symposium. Kuopio, Finland, June, 2009.
195. 5th Annual Symposium on ALS of the Fondation André-Delambre. Quebec, September 2009.
196. 6th International Symposium of Neuroprotection and Neurorepair. Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany October 2010.
197. The Fourth International HMGB1 Symposium -Signals of Tissue Damage. Helsinki, June, 2010.
198. Israeli-Italian Neuroimmunology meeting, September 2010.
199. FENS, Amsterdam, 2010.
200. European School of Neuroimmunology. Spain, October, 2010.
201. 17th Annual PNIRS meeting. Dublin, Ireland, June 2010.
202. 6th Symposium of the Andre'-Delambre Foundation: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Causes and Therapeutic Perspectives. Quebec September 2010.
203. Asia-ARVO meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Singapore, January 2011.
204. 6th FASEB. Eilat, Israel February, 2011.
205. Spinal Cord Regeneration Meeting, Step by Step Foundation. Barcelona, Spain, March 2011.
206. 31st European Winter Conference on Brain Research. Switzerland, March 2011
207. EU project Edu-GLIA – Summer School in Sweden, invited teacher. June 2011.
208. The 19th Tel-Aviv University Alzheimer’s Disease Conference. June, 2011
209. Takeda Think Tank Meeting on Neuroimmunology. Paris, France July, 2011.
210. Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin, Seminar series, Molecular and Cellular Aspects of the Developing and Pathological Brain. Berlin, September 2011.
211. 7th Symposium of the Andre'-Delambre Foundation: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Causes and Therapeutic Perspectives. Quebec, September, 2011.
212. European Neurodegenerative Diseases Meeting-2011. CNR Inst, Tor Vergata-Rome, Italy, October, 2011.
213. University of Sydney- Israel Research Partnership Forum “Shared Challenges, Future Solutions”. October, 2011.
214. The 'Weizmann Lecture', Scientific Symposium on New Therapies for Brain and Spinal cord Injuries. the University of Zurich, November 23, 2011.
215. The Australasian Society for Immunology 2011 conference, Adelaide, December, 2011.
216. Winter Conference on Brain Research. Symposium on The Immune System in the CNS: Friend and Foe. Snowbird, Utah, USA January, 2012.
217. The World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC). February, 2012.
218. 11th Psychoimmunology Expert Meeting. Germany, March, 2012.
219. Hilton Head Workshop- Regenerative Medicine: Harnessing Biology for Regenerative Medicine. Atlanta GA USA, March, 2012.
220. 5th ISMISS Congress on Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Interventional Treatments. Antalya Turkey, April, 2012.
221. Italian Society of Neuroscience (SINS)- 1st Joint Meeting with the Israel Society for Neuroscience. Catania Italy, April, 2012.
222. Sunday Symposium, Neuroprotection for Retinal Neuropathies: The benefits of a well-regulated immune response. ARVO, Florida, May 6, 2012.
223. Vision Restoration: Regenerative Medicine in Ophthalmology. Pittsburgh USA, May, 2012.
224. Brain Tumors, 2012 Meeting. Warsaw Poland, May, 2012.
225. Joint Israel-Greek Neuroimmunological Meeting. Halkidiki Greece, June/July, 2012.
226. Frontiers in Glial Research. FENS, Barcelona Spain, July, 2012.
227. SSO Congress. Fribourg Switzerland, Aug/Sept, 2012.
228. 8th Annual Symposium on ALS of the Foundation Andre-Delambre (Laval University). Quebec Canada, September, 2012.
229. Alzheimer Workshop. New Orleans USA, October, 2012.
230. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Neuropathologists (CANP). Quebec Canada, October, 2012.
231. 11th International Congress of Neuroimmunology (ISNI), November, 2012.
232. ESNI Course, Boston USA, November, 2012.
233. 21st Israel Society for Neuroscience (ISFN) Annual meeting. Eilat Israel, December, 2012.
234. 5th EMBO Workshop- Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: The Macrophage in Inflammation and Immunity. Marseille France, January, 2013.
235. New York Academy of Sciences Biochemical Pharmacology Discussion Group (BPDG) ‘T Cells at the Interface of Immune –CNS Cross-talk, New-York USA, January, 2013.
236. Step by Step Foundation- 2nd International Spinal Cord Repair Meeting, Barcelona Spain, April 2013.
237. Sweden Neuroscience day, Lund, Sweden, May 2013.
238. World Congress of Immunology, Plenary lecture, August 2013, Italy.
239. British Society for Research on Ageing, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK 2013.
240. 9th Annual Symposium on ALS of the Foundation Andre-Delambre, Quebec, September, 2013.
241. The 4th Institute Cochin Symposium- Macrophages, not just scavengers after all. Paris, October, 2013.
242. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, USA, November 2013(Plenary lecture, elected symposium).
243. The eighth Symposium on Genes and Physiology, organized by The Salk Institute with the journal Nature and the Ipsen Foundation, an Annual Symposium on Biological Complexity. Salk Institute, USA January, 2014.
244. 12th Psychoimmunology Expert Meeting 2014. Gunzburg, Germany, March, 2014.
245. The COST Action NanoNet and Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg. Training School and International Research Conference. Astrocyte Intermediate Filaments (Nanofilaments) and Astrocyte Function in Health and Disease. Gothenburg, Sweden, March, 2014.
246. TAKEDA Symposium, Neuroinflammation: Role in Alzheimers Disease and Schizophrenia. March, 2014.
247. EMBO Workshop, Mechanisms of neuronal remodeling, Kibbutz Ein-Gedi, Israel, March 2104.
248. 2nd BIRAX Regenerative Medicine Conference. The Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. Haifa, Israel March, 2014.
249. Trauma and Blast Inflammation, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. Birmingham, UK March, 2014.
250. AIBL (Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle) Science Day, Florey Inst. of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia, 13 May 2014.
251. Meetings for Minds-BMRI University of Sydney. Sydney, Australia, May, 2014.
252. 10th Annual Symposium on ALS of the Foundation Andre-Delambre, Montreal Neurological Institute-McGill University, Canada, September 2014.
253. 9th Congress of the International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation (ISNIM). Liege, Belgium, September, 2014.
254. IX World Congress on Immunopathology and Respiratory Allergy. Sochi, Russia, October 2014.
255. BIOCAPS Seminar “Basic clinical strategies to study Multiple Sclerosis” University of Vigo, Spain, October, 2014.
256. Mental Health and Neuroscience, Invited Lecturer at Institutes Research Day. Maastricht, Holland, October, 2014.
257. 12th International Congress of Neuroimmunology (ISNI) Mainz, Germany, November, 2014.
258. DGPPN Congress, Berlin, Germany, November, 2014.
259. Russia WIPO Award: International Conference. “Allergy & Immunology-View to future”. Moscow, January, 2015.
260. Japan Mini symposium “Microglia: key to understanding neural development and pathology”, Okinawa, Japan, February, 2015.
261. Lyon Research Neuroscience Center (CRNL) workshop “CNS Barriers: in and out”, France, March, 2015.
262. PhD course and BRIC scientist – “Neuroinflammation of CNS diseases”, Denmark, Copenhagen, May, 2015.
263. Neuroscience in the Intensive Care International Symposium (NICIS), Institute Pasteur, “Neuroscience of repair regeneration and recovery from critical illness”. Paris, France, June, 2015.
264. XXII Euro Meeting on Glial cells in Health and Disease. “Role of microglial cells in the control of T-Cells responses to the CNS”, Bilbao, Spain, July, 2015.
265. Guest Lecture at the Inaugural Asia-Pacific School of Neuroimmunology (APSNI), Tokyo, Japan, 30th August, 2015.
266. FENS Featured Regional Meeting 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece, 7-10th, October, 2015.
267. European Charcot Foundation (EFC) 23rd Annual Meeting, “Enhancing Recovery in Multiple Sclerosis: from Basic Science to Rehabilitation” Baveno, Italy, November, 2015.
268. 49th Annual Miami Winter Symposium 2016-Inflammation, Miami, FL, USA, Jan. 2016.
269. 13th Psychoimmunology Expert Meeting, Gunzburg Germany, March, 2016.
270. Multiple Sclerosis Management 2016: A Lifetime of Treatment, Vienna, Austria, March 2016.
271. Invitation to IBRO School NBRC, New Delhi, India, March, 2016.
272. CNS Inflammation in Neurodegenerative Disease and Brain Cancer, Institute for Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapy, Georg-Speyer-Haus. Frankfurt, Germany, May, 2016.
273. Gordon Research Conference, Barriers of the CNS, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire, June, 2016.
274. 4th Annual Broad-ISF Cell Circuits Symposium, Cambridge MA, USA, June 20016.
275. The 2016 Alzheimer's Disease, London, UK, June 2016.
276. NSAS Course -The Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies Bressanone, Italian Alps, Sept, 2016.
277. Champalimaud Neuroscience Symposium, Lisbon, September, 2016.
278. Symposium of Foundation Andre-Delambre (Laval University), Quebec, Canada, September, 2016.
279. 17th Cambridge Immunology Forum- 2016 theme “Neuro-immunology”, Cambridge UK.
280. ISNI 2016, 13th International Congress of Neuroimmunology, Jerusalem, Israel, September, 2016.
281. Catalan Society for Neuroscience, Barcelona, Spain, October, 2016.
285. Colloquium on Immuno-Psychiatry at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, October, 2016.
286. Neuroscience Symposium- Albert Einstein Hospital, , Sao Paulo, Brazil, Oct 2016.
287. Gordon Research Conference, Immune System in Support of Brain Function. Ventura, CA, January, 2017.
288. Invitation from UCSD Stem Cell Program. San Diego, USA, January, 2017.
289. Indiana University lecture in Neuroscience and the Gill Center. Indiana, USA January, 2017.
290. Invited Speaker NNIM (Nordic Neuro Immunology Merck Meeting). Stockholm, Sweden, February 2017.
291. Leibniz Research Centre for working Environment and Human Factors. Review board evaluation. Dortmund, Germany, February 2017.
292. ISNI Meeting, Novartis Campus, Basel, Switzerland, February, 2017.
293. Nantz National Alzheimer Center symposium. Neuroinflammation in Cognitive disorders, Houston Texas, USA, February 2017.
294. 2017 ILANIT, Eilat, Israel February, 2017.
295. ERC Panel Meeting- Step 1 Brussels, Belgium. March 2017.
296. ACWIS Invite Luncheon on Alzheimer’s Disease, Miami, USA, March, 2017.
297. The 13th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases. Vienna, Austria, March, 2017.
298. Plenary Lecture at EMIM2017 European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Cologne, Germany, April 2017.
299. UNSW Brain Science Symposium. Sydney, Australia, May, 2017.
300. Course on Neuroinflammation, NSAS. Tuscany, Italy, May, 2017.
301. Immunology 2017 (AAI/ISNI) Washington, USA, May 2017.
302. New world order: Science, technology and trade – Shaping the next framework programme”. Brussels, Belgium, June, 2017.
303. 13th World Congress on Inflammation. London, UK. July, 2017.
304. Summer School Noto 2017. Catania, Italy 2017.
305. Invitation to FBRI workshop (F-Prime Biomedical Research Initiative). Jackson Hole, USA, August ,2017.
306. 5th Basel Immunology Focus Symposium, BIFSS. Basel, Switzerland, August, 2017.
307. Acedemia Europaea/ALLEA Conference 2017. Budapest, Hungary, September, 2017.
308. 13th Annual Symposium on ALS of the Foundation Andre-Delambre, Montreal, Canada, October 2017.
309. American Neurology and Neuro-Immune Science, Maryland, USA, October, 2017.
310. Alzheimer’s disease Association Meeting, Varna, Bulgaria, October, 2017.
311. MSPARIS 2107 7th Joint ECTRIMS-ACTRIMS Meeting, Paris, France, October, 2017.
312. 2018 Keystone Symposia on New Frontiers in Neuroinflammation: What happens when the CNS and Periphery Meet?, Colorado USA, June 2018.
313. 11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Berling Germany, July 2018.
314. Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar on Current Challenges in Amyloid Diseases: From Molecular Mechanisms to the Cell and Clinics, Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, September, 2018, Israel.
315. 14th International Congress of Neuroimmunology, Brisbane Australia, August. 2018.
316. The Lancet Neurology and The Lancet Psychiatry Conference, Barcelona Spain, November. 2018.
317. 26th Pasteur-Weizmann Symposium. Paris France, November, 2018.
318. 14th Annual ALS Symposium of the Foundation Andre-Delambre, Quebec Canada, Sept 2018.
319. 1st Simons Society of Fellows Conference. Invited Keynote Speaker, NY, October, 2018.
320. 27th ISFN Meeting Eilat, Israel January 2019
321. Gordon Research Conference on Neuroimmune Communication, California, USA January 2019.
322. AD/PD 14th International Conference on Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease. Lisbon, Portugal. March 2019.
323. Puerto De Ideas Science Festival. Atacama, Chile. April 2019.
324. Brain & Brain PET 2019 “Brain and Immunity in Health and Disease” Yokohama, Japan. July 2019.
325. “New Frontiers in the brain: unexpected roles of the Choroid plexus-cerebrospinal fluid system in health and disease” Company of Biologists Workshop 2019. West Sussex, UK. July 2019.
326. NEURO2019 Nigata, Japan. July 2019.
327. EMBO 2019 “Genes and Molecules in Precision Medicine” Basel, Switzerland. September 2019.
328. EMDS 2019 Marseille, France. September 2019.
329. Plenary Lecture at the Congress of the Italian Society for Neuroscience (SINS) 2019. Perugia, Italy. Sept 2019.
330. BioMed Conference on “A Cure for Age-Related Diseases. Immunotherapy beyond Cancer”
November 2019.
331. PLENARY LECTURE 28th ISFN Meeting Eilat, Israel January 2020
332. Seminar in Departmental colloquium series at the Brain research center, Bar Ilan, Israel, January 2020.
333. Weizmann-UCLA Symposium “Brain Health: Molecules, Mechanisms and Disease” The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, January 2020.
334. 8th Inter Symposium on Dementia, Bressone, Italy, January 2020.
335. Keystone Symposia, Santa Fe, New Mexico USA , February 2020.
336. International Stroke Conference (ISC), LA, USA, February 2020.
339. 7th Puerto de Ideas Science Festival 2020, Antofagasta, Chile, April 2020. – (was cancelled)_
340. 4th World Congress on Cancer Biology and Immunology, Barcelona, Spain , April 2020.(was cancelled)_
341. VIB Center for Brain and Disease Research, Distinguished Lecture series, Belgium, May 2020.
– (was cancelled)_
342. The Uehara Memorial Foundation Symposium 2020, Tokyo, Japan, June 2020. (was postponed)
343. RISP2020 RIKEN-Tsinghua summer program 2020, Yokohama, Japan, June 2020. (was postponed)
346. Joint ICGEB-ALS Society Canada Symposium on Inflammation and Proteinopathy in ALS/FTD Spectrum disorder, Rijeka, Croatia, June 2020.(was cancelled)
347. Lecture on Medical device CRO market with L.E.K. Consulting USA, June 2020 , (was given on line)
348. Lecture in virtual seminar series on Brain-Body Interactions USA, June 2020 , (was given on line)
349. AAIC20 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2020. (was given on line).
350. Annual meeting of the Graduate Program of immunology and Infectious Diseases, The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, The University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, August2020.(was cancelled)
351. Lecture in 2nd Annual Pharmacology & Toxicology Conference, Paris, September 2020. (was given on line).
352. 4th World Congress on “Genetics, Geriatrics and Neurodegenerative diseases research” GeNeDis2020, Heraklion, Crete, October 2020. (was given on line)
353. 2nd International Alzheimer ’s disease Research, Varna, Bulgaria, October 2020.
354. Lecture in Virtual Congress on Brain Health, Innovation & Technologies- Israel, October 2020.
355. ISNI2020, Nice, France, November 2020. (was postponed)
356. Lecture in the seminar series at The Hope Center for Neurological Disorders at Washington University in St. Louis, USA, January 2021 (on line).
357. Lecture in CAMONDO Web conference; Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia: latest developments , April 2021 (on line).
358. Seminar speaker at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA May 2021
359. Distinguished Lecture in KU Leuven-VIB Center for Brain & Disease Research, Belgium June 10 2021 (on line).
360. Plenary lecture -11th FAIS African Congress of Immunology-Virtual, August 2021. (on line).
361. Scientific mentor to the 8th SCRM PhD Student Retreat in Switzerland, August 2021. (on line).
362. Lecture at SWAN: Symposium of Western Australia Neuroscience, September 2021. (on line).
363. Lecture at PTN Symposium – Neuroinflammation and Autoimmune Disease, October 2021. (was given on line).
364. Future Neurology 2022, Germany, June 2022
365. FENS-EJN Award Lecture at FENS Forum 2022, Paris, July 2022
Brief summary of Professional activities (past and Present)
• Promotion Committee for the rank of associate professor with tenure and full professor, Weizmann Institute of Science (2013-2015).
• Life science Promotion committee for the rank of associate professor with tenure and full professor, Weizmann Institute of Science (2010-2016).
• Co-chair of the 2016 Meeting of the International Society of Neuroimmunology.
• Member of ERC Evaluation Panel in Neuroscience, 2013, 2015, 2017.
• Member of Review Board, Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors, Dortmund, Germany, 2017.
• Life Science Education Committee, The Feinberg graduate School, The Weizmann Institute.
• Promotion Committee for senior scientists, Weizmann Institute of Science.
• Ad-hoc member of Promotion Committees for associate and full professors at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
• Ad-hoc member of Promotion Committees for associate and full professors, Bar-Ilan University.
• Ad-hoc member of Promotion Committees for associate and full professors, Tel Aviv University.
• Chairperson of Grant Committees, Israel Academy of Science (twice, Neuroscience).
• Chairperson of Grant Committees, Israel Academy of Science (three times; Neurology).
• Member of Grant Committees, Israel Academy of Science (several times).
• Member of EMET Prize committee.
• Ad-hoc member of Promotion Committees for associate and full professors, Technion.
• Member of the Alon National Fellowship Committee for young investigators.
• Member of Grant Committees, Israel Ministry of Health.
• University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics – expert evaluator.
• Member of Grant Committees for the Glaucoma Research Foundation.
• Member of Grant Committees International Multiple Sclerosis Society.
• Member of The Alzheimer’s Association International Research Grant Program committee.
• Member of Germany Ministry of Education and Research grant committee.
• Member of Rappaport Prize committee
Scientific advisory boards
1994- 2010: The Glaucoma Research Foundation, NY, USA.
1998-2000: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO).
1999-2000: The Alan T. Brown Foundation to Cure Paralysis.
2000: FASEB meeting, vice chair of the Scientific Advisory Board meeting.
2002: FASEB meeting, chair of the Scientific Advisory Board meeting.
2000-2003: Society of Neuroimmunomodulation.
2006-2007: World Health Organizations (WHO), Global Advisory Committee.
2006: Conference of the International Society of Neuroimmunology (scientific advisory committee, Japan).
2007-present: The International Society of Neuroimmunology (elected member of scientific advisory board).
2008-present: The European Society of Neuroimmunology (elected member of scientific advisory board).
2015-present Step by Step Foundation- International Spinal Cord Repair Meeting, Barcelona Spain.
2014-2016: Vice president of the International Society of Neuroimmunology.
2016: Co-chair, International Society of Neuroimmunology conference.
2016-2018: President of the International Society of Neuroimmunology.
Have mentored approximately 40 PhD students (12 of them received awards by The Feinberg Graduate School in recognition of their achievements during their PhD), and approximately 39 MSc students (8 of them received an award in recognition of their excellence during their MSc).
Former PhD students who are in academic positions (14):
Yaffa Mizrahi, BenGurion University (BGU), Israel; Shoshan Eitan, Texas A&M University, USA (Received Awards in recognition of her achievements during her MSc and PhD studies under mysupervision); Orly Lazarov, University of Illinois, USA (Received Award in recognition of herachievements during her PhD studies under my supervision); Gial Moalem, UNSW, Australia (Received Award in recognition of her achievements during her PhD studies under my supervision); Alon Monsonego, BenGurion University (BGU), Israel; Uri Nevo, Tel Aviv University, Israel (Received Award in recognition of his achievements during his PhD studies under my supervision); Jasmin Fisher, Faculty Position, Cambridge University, UK; Jonatan Kipnis, University of Virginia, USA (Received Awards in recognition of his achievements during his MSc and PhD studies under my supervision); Yaniv Ziv, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (Received Award in recognition of his achievements during his PhD studies under my supervision); Noga Ron-Harel, Technion, Israel (Received award in recognition of her achievements during her MSc and PhD studies under my supervision); Asya Rolls, Technion, Israel (Received Award in recognition of her achievements during her PhD studies under my supervision); Oleg Butovsky, Harvard Med. School, USA; Merav Cohen, Tel Aviv University; Alreksandra Deczkowska, Pasteur Institute (received an award in recognition of her excellence during her PhD studies under my supervision).
International Patent Applications and Granted Patents
A. WIPO PCT Patent Application Publications
1. WO 2017/042633, Reducing Systemic Regulatory T Cell Levels or Activity for Treatment of Disease and Injury of the CNS.
2. WO 2017/009829, Reducing Systemic Regulatory T Cell Levels or Activity for Treatment
of Disease and Injury of the CNS.
3. WO 2016/071911, Treatment of CNS Inflammatory Disorders.
4. WO 2016/009430, Reduction of Aging-Induced Type I Interferon Signaling at the Brain's Choroid Plexus or Within the CNS For Treatment of Disease or Injury of the CNS.
5. WO 2015/136541, Reducing Systemic Regulatory T Cell Levels or Activity for Treatment of Disease and Injury of the CNS.
6. WO 2014/188436, Human Monocyte Sub-Population for Treatment of Eye Diseases and Disorders.
7. WO 2014/037952, Individualized Immunomodulation Therapy for Neurodegenerative Disorders, CNS Injury and Age-Related Dementia.
8. WO 2013/144957, Cellular Markers for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and for Alzheimer's Disease Progression.
9. WO 2013/136338, Modified Kisspeptin Peptides and Uses Thereof.
10. WO 2013/088441, Human Monocyte Sub-Population for Treatment of Central Nervous System Injury.
11. WO 2013/080207, Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury with Resolving Phenotype Macrophages or with MMP-13.
12. WO 2011/111043, Cellular Blood Markers for Early Diagnosis of ALS and for ALS Progression.
13. WO 2010/137022, GPR54 Agonists or Antagonists for Treatment of Diseases Presenting Behavioral Abnormalities.
14. WO 2009/128070, Agents and Methods for Treatment of Anxiety Disorders.
15. WO 2009/015107, Modulation of Toll-Like Receptors for Controlling Neurogenesis.
16. WO 2008/001380, Method of Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
17. WO 2008/001379, Activated Myeloid Cells for Promoting Tissue Repair and Detecting Damaged Tissue.
18. WO 2006/056998, Methods of Cell Therapy, Neurogenesis and Oligodendrogenesis.
19. WO 2006/057003, Induction of Neurogenesis and Stem Cell Therapy in Combination with Copolymer 1.
20. WO 2005/089787, Use of Poly-Glu,Tyr for Treatment of Stroke and Other Disorders.
21. WO 2005/056574, Method and Vaccine Comprising Copolymer 1 for Treatment of
Psychiatric Disorders.
22. WO 2005/055920, Compositions and Methods for Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders.
23. WO 2005/046719, Vaccine and Method for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases.
24. WO 2004/103262, Dopamine and Agonists and Antagonists Thereof for Modulation of Suppressive Activity of CD4+Cd25+ Regulatory T Cells.
25. WO 2004/103263, Dopamine and Agonists and Antagonists Thereof for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases.
26. WO 2004/060265, Eye-Drop Vaccine Containing Copolymer 1 for Therapeutic Immunization.
27. WO 2004/060266, Eye-Drop Vaccine Containing Copolymer Poly-Ye for Therapeutic Immunization.
28. WO 2003/105750, Antigen-Presenting Cells for Neuroprotection and Nerve Regeneration.
29. WO 2003/079968, Use of an Organ-Specific Self-Pathogen for Treatment of a Non-Autoimmune Disease of Said Organ.
30. WO 2003/047500, Vaccine and Method for Treatment of Motor Neuron Diseases.
31. WO 2003/044037, Process for the Manufacture of Human Mononuclear Phagocytic Leukocytes.
32. WO 2003/002602, Nogo and Nogo Receptor-Derived Peptides for T-Cell Mediated Neuroprotection.
33. WO 2003/002140, Use of Poly-Glu,Tyr and T Cells Treated Therewith for Neuroprotection Therapy.
34. WO 2002/055010, Pharmaceutical Compositions Comprising Modified CNS-Derived Peptides for Promoting Nerve Regeneration and Prevention of Nerve Degeneration.
35. WO 2001/093893, The Use of Copolymer 1 and Related Peptides and Polypeptides and T Cells Treated Therewith for Neuroprotective Therapy.
36. WO 2001/052878, The Use of Copolymer 1 and Related Peptides and Polypeptides and T Cells Treated Therewith for Neuroprotective Therapy.
37. WO 2000/012119, Pharmaceutical Compositions Comprising Factor XIIIa.
38. WO 1999/060021, Use of Activated T Cells, Nervous System-Specific Antigens for Treating Disorders of the Nervous System.
39. WO 1999/034827, Activated T-Cells and Their Uses.
40. WO 1998/041220, Mononuclear Phagocytes and Their Use to Promote Axonal Regeneration.
41. WO 1998/009985, Anti-Inflammatory Peptides and Uses Thereof.
42. WO 1998/009984, Central Nervous System-Derived Immune Privilege Factor and Uses Thereof.
43. WO 1997/026901, Regeneration of Nerves in the Central Nervous System.
44. WO 1997/009885, Compositions and Methods of Use of Mononuclear Phagocytes to Promote Axonal Regeneration.
B. US Patents
1. US Patent 9,534,052, Reducing Systemic Regulatory T Cell Levels or Activity for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
2. US Patent 9,517,256, Vaccine and Method for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases.
3. US Patent 9,512,227, Reducing Systemic Regulatory T Cell Levels or Activity for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
4. US Patent 9,512,225, Reducing Systemic Regulatory T Cell Levels or Activity for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
5. US Patent 9,394,365, Reducing Systemic Regulatory T Cell Levels or Activity for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
6. US Patent 9,382,293, Modified Kisspeptin Peptides and Uses Thereof.
7. US Patent 9,314,483, Human Monocyte Sub-Population for Treatment of Central Nervous System Injury.
8. US Patent 9,089,509, Method of Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
9. US Patent 8,895,501, Eye-Drop Vaccine Containing Copolymer 1 for Therapeutic Immunization.
10. US Patent 8,828,404, Vaccine and Method for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases.
11. US Patent 8,716,228, GPR54 Agonists or Antagonists for Treatment of Diseases Presenting Behavioral Abnormalities.
12. US Patent 8,377,692, Process for the Manufacturing of Human Mononuclear Phagocytic Leukocytes.
13. US Patent 7,560,102, Method for Reducing Neuronal Degeneration so as to Ameliorate the Effects of Injury or Disease.
14. US Patent 7,560,100, Mixtures of Polypeptides, Compositions Containing and Processes for Preparing Same, for Treating Neurodegenerative Diseases.
15. US Patent 7,407,936, Use of Copolymer 1 and Related Peptides and Polypeptides and T Cells Treated for Neuroprotective Glaucoma Therapy.
16. US Patent 7,399,740, Poly-Glu,Tyr for Neuroprotective Therapy.
17. US Patent 7,351,686, Method for Neuronal Protection in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by a Vaccine Comprising Copolymer-1 or Copolymer-1 Related Peptides.
18. US Patent 6,844,314, Use of Copolymer 1 and Related Peptides and Polypeptides and T Cells Treated Therewith for Neuroprotective Therapy.
19. US Patent 6,835,711, Use of Poly-Glu, Tyr for Neuroprotective Therapy.
20. US Patent 6,267,955, Mononuclear Phagocytes and Their Use to Promote Axonal Regeneration.
21. US Patent 6,126,939, Anti-Inflammatory Dipeptide and Pharmaceutical Composition Thereof.
22. US Patent 6,117,424, Compositions of Mononuclear Phagocytes Useful for Promoting Axonal Regeneration.
23. US Patent 5,962,404, Enzymatically-Produced Oligodendrocyte Cytotoxic Dimeric IL-2 Factor.
24. US Patent 5,849,713, Chemotactic Factors for Human Spermatozoa and Their Use in Human Assisted Fertilization.
25. US Patent 5,800,812, Methods of Use of Mononuclear Phagocytes to Promote Axonal Regeneration.
C. European Patents
1. EP Patent 2790712, Human Monocyte Sub-Population for Treatment of Central Nervous System Injury.
2. EP Patent 2046366, Copolymer-1 for Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
3. EP Patent 1827108, Induction of Neurogenesis and Stem Cell Therapy in Combination with Copolymer 1.
4. EP Patent 1701730, Method and Vaccine Comprising Copolymer 1 for Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders.
5. EP Patent 1583506, Eye-Drop Vaccine Containing Copolymer 1 for Therapeutic Immunization.
6. EP Patent 1429800, Vaccine and Use Thereof for Treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
7. EP Patent 1406650, Use of Poly-Glu, Tyr for Neuroprotection Therapy of the CNS or PN.S
8. EP Patent 1294390, The Use of Copolymer 1 and Related Peptides and Polypeptides and T Cells Treated Therewith for Neuroprotection from Glutamate Toxicity.
9. EP Patent 1248643, The Use of Copolymer 1 and Related Peptides and Polypeptides and T Cells Treated Therewith for Neuroprotective Therapy.
10. EP Patent 0952772, Methods of Use of Mononuclear Phagocytes to Promote Axonal Regeneration.
11. EP Patent 1109573, Pharmaceutical Compositions Comprising Factor XIIIa for Nerve Healing.
D. Israeli Patents
1. IL Patent 196173, Use of Copolymer-1, Copolymer-1 -Related- Peptides or Polypeptides, or T Cells Activated by Them for the Preparation of Medicaments for the Treatment of Age-
Related Macular Degeneration.
2. IL Patent 183473, Copolymer 1 for Use in Treating Multiple Sclerosis or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in Combination with Stem Cell Therapy.
3. IL Patent 176217, Pharmaceutical Compositions Comprising Copolymer 1 for Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Schizophrenia, Depression or Bipolar Disorder.
4. IL Patent 175535, Compositions for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases.
5. IL Patent 169552, Eye-Drop Vaccine Containing Copolymer 1 for Systemic Neuroprotection.
6. IL Patent 162094, Process for the Manufacture of a Culture of Activated Human Mononuclear Phagocytic Leukocytes.
7. IL Patent 160105, Vaccine for Treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
8. IL Patent 150801, Use of Copolymer 1 and Related Peptides and Polypeptides and T-Cells Activated Therewith for Preparation of Medicaments for Treating a Disease Caused or Exacerbated by Glutamate Toxicity.
9. IL Patent 150800, Use of Copolymer 1 and Related Peptides and Polypeptides and T Cells Activated Therewith for the Preparation of Medicaments for Treating Neuronal Degeneration Caused by Injury in the Nervous System.
E. Canadian Patents
1. CA Patent 2,656,463, Method of Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
2. CA Patent 2,546,077, Vaccine and Method for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases.
3. CA Patent 2,469,092, Copolymer 1 Vaccine and Methods for Treatment of Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
4. CA Patent 2,398,277, The Use of Copolymer 1 and Related Peptides and Polypeptides and T Cells Treated Therewith for Protecting CNS Cells from Glutamate Toxicity.
5. CA Patent 2,397,785, The Use of Copolymer 1 and Related Peptides and Polypeptides and T Cells Treated Therewith for Neuroprotective Therapy.
6. CA Patent 2,548,310, Method and Vaccine Comprising Copolymer 1 for Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders.
7. CA Patent 2,512,735, Eye-Drop Vaccine Containing Copolymer 1 for Therapeutic Immunization.
8. CA Patent 2,588,908, Induction of Neurogenesis and Stem Cell Therapy in Combination with Copolymer 1.
9. CA Patent 2,467,046, Process for the Manufacture of Human Mononuclear Phagocytic Leukocytes.
F. Australian Patents
1. AU Patent 2012354057, Human Monocyte Sub-Population for Treatment of Central Nervous System Injury.
2. AU Patent 2007264682, Method of Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
3. AU Patent 2005308396, Induction of Neurogenesis and Stem Cell Therapy in Combination with Copolymer 1.
4. AU Patent 2004297044, Method and Vaccine Comprising Copolymer 1 for Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders.
5. AU Patent 2004288654, Vaccine and Method for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases.
6. AU Patent 2004203772, Eye-Drop Vaccine Containing Copolymer 1 for TherapeuticImmunization.
G. New Zealand Patents
1. NZ Patent 533356, Vaccine and Method for Treatment of Motor Neuron Diseases.
2. NZ Patent 533033, Process for the Manufacture of Human Mononuclear Phagocytic
3. NZ Patent 520282, The Use of Copolymer 1 and Related Peptides and Polypeptides and T
Cells Treated Therewith for Neuroprotective Therapy.