Dr. Abed Abedelfatah

Dr. Abed Abedelfatah

Dr. Abed Abedelfatah

מחלקה: Applied Mathematics
תפקיד נוכחי: Lecturer

Education :

Ph.D.2016, Mathematics, University of Haifa, Thesis: On Hilbert functions of graded ideals, Advisor: Prof. M. Roitman.

M.Sc.2010, Mathematics , University of Haifa, Thesis: On stably free modules over Laurent polynomial rings, Advisor: Prof. M. Roitman.

Refereed Papers

1. On stably free modules over Laurent polynomial rings, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139 (2011), 4199-4206.
2. On the action of the elementary group on the unimodular rows, Journal of Algebra, 368 (2012), 300-304.
3. Macaulay-lex rings, Journal of Algebra, 374 (2013), 122-131.
4. On the Eisenbud-Green-Harris Conjecture, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (2015), 105-115.
5. Hilbert functions of monomial ideals containing a regular sequence, Israel Journal of Math. 214 (2016), 857-865.
6. On vanishing patterns in j-strands of edge ideals, with E. Nevo, J. Algebraic Comb. 46 (2), 287-295 (2017).

Academic Appointments

[10/2014- 10/2016] Postdoctoral researcher, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Einstein Institute of Mathematics (Jerusalem). Advisor: Prof. E. Nevo.

Teaching Experience

Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Technion Israel Institute of Technology.
•2017-2018: Linear Algebra A.
•2016-2017: Calculus 1.
ecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Haifa.
•2015-2016: Linear Algebra A, Analytic Geometry.
Lecturer, Department of Information Systems, University of Haifa.
•2014-2015: Discrete Mathematics.
Lecturer, Department of Statistics, University of Haifa.
•2013-2014: Linear Algebra, Calculus 2.
•2012-2013: Mathematical analysis, Calculus 1.
•2011-2012: Mathematical analysis, Calculus 1.
•2010-2011: Mathematical analysis
Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, University of Haifa.
• 2008-2009: Topology, Modern Algebra 1, Discrete Mathematics. • 2009-2010: Topology, Set theory

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