Dr. Avi Weiss

Dr. Avi Weiss

Dr. Avi Weiss

Tue 10:30-12:10
מחלקה: Mechanical Engineering
תפקיד נוכחי: ראש המרכז לחינוך הנדסי וליזמות

Education :

Ph.D Aerospace Engineering, 2010 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Topic: “Generalized Mathematical Modeling of a Novel Singularity-free Class of Six Degrees of Freedom Motion Platform”

M.Sc. Aerospace Engineering, 2004 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Dynamics & Control Stream University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA Topic: “Aeroelastic Modeling for the Trim Analysis of a Missile in Steady, Supersonic Flight”

B.Sc. Aerospace Engineering, 1990 The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

B.A.Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 1996 The Open University, Tel-Aviv, Israel

  • 1.  Kinematics and Theory of Mechanisms
  • 2. Dynamics
  • 3. Vibration Theory
  • 4. Finite Elements
  • 5. Aerial Robotics
  • 6. Introduction to Flight Mechanics
  • 7. Systems and Signals
  • 8.  Introduction to Control

Refereed Papers

Refereed Papers
1. A. Weiss, R.G. Langlois, and M.J.D. Hayes. “The Effects of Dual-Row Omnidirectional
Wheels on the Kinematics of the Atlas Spherical Motion Platform”. Journal of
Mechanism and Machine Theory, v 44, n 2: pages 349–358 February 2009.
2. M.J.D. Hayes, R.G. Langlois, and A. Weiss. “Atlas Motion Platform Generalized Kinematic
Model”. Meccanica, n46, v1, pages 17-25, January 2011.
3. A. Weiss, R.G. Langlois, and M.J.D. Hayes. “Unified Treatment of the Kinematic Interface Between a Sphere and Actuating Omnidirectional Wheels”. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, v3, n4, pp 041001:1-9, November 2011.
4. A. Weiss, R. G. Langlois and M. J. D. Hayes "Dynamics and vibration analysis of the interface between a non-rigid sphere and omnidirectional wheel actuators". Robotica, v33, issue 09, pp 1850-1868, November 2015, doi:10.1017/S0263574714001088
5. G. Avigad, A. Weiss, "Enhancing Robustness through Mechanical Cognitivization". International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, v7, n3&4, 2014, pp652-661, December 2014.
6. G. Avigad, W. Li, A. Weiss, (2015), "Mechanical Cognitivization: a kinematic proof of concept", Adaptive Behavior 23 (3) 155 – 170. DOI: 10.1177/1059712315584380.
7. Zaytsev V., Gvirsman O., Ben-Hanan U., Weiss A., Ayali A., Kosa G., "A Locust-Inspired Miniature Jumping Robot", Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, v10, n6, pp066012, 2015.
8. Beck. A, Zaytsev V., Ben-Hanan U., Kosa G., Ayali A., Weiss A., "Jump Stabilization and Landing Control by Wing-Spreading of a Locust-Inspired Jumper", 2017 Bioinspir. Biomim. 12 066006, October, 2017, DOI: 10.1088/1748-3190/aa8ceb.
9. A. Weiss, E. Fadida, U. Ben Hanan. "Optimizing step climbing by two connected wheeled inverted pendulum robots", Procedia Manufacturing, v21, pp236-242, 2018.
10. U. Ben Hanan A. Weiss, V. Zaitsev,. "Jumping efficiency of small creatures and its applicability in robotics", Procedia Manufacturing, v21, pp243-250, 2018.

Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

  1. 11. A. Weiss, R.G. Langlois, and M.J.D. Hayes. “Kinematics of the Atlas Platform with
    Redundant Contact Points”. 2008 CSME Symposium on Machines, Mechanisms and
    Mechatronics, on CD, Ottawa, Canada, June 2008.
    12. M.J.D. Hayes, R.G. Langlois, and A. Weiss. “Atlas Motion Platform Generalized Kinematic
    Model”. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Fundamental Issues
    and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, September
    21-22, 2008, Montpellier, France.
    13. A. Weiss, G.Avigad, U. Ben Hanan, " Mobile Hybrid Kinematic Chain – Utilizing two small robots for climbing stairs", ICME 2012, on CD, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 2012.
    14. A. Weiss, G. Avigad, "Optimal design of a pair of cooperating robots by kinetic analysis of stair climbing states", ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics, on CD, Zagreb, Croatia, July 2013.
    15. A. Weiss, G. Avigad, U. Ben Hanan, "Enhancing Wheelchair Maneuverability by Dynamics Mimicking", Israeli Conference on Robotics, on CD, Tel Aviv, Israel, November 2013.
    16. Zaytsev V., Weiss A., Ben Hanan U., Ayali A., Kosa G., "A Biomimetic Jumping Robot", Israeli Conference on Robotics, on CD, Tel Aviv, Israel, November 2013.
    17. G. Avigad, A. Weiss, "Mechanical Cognitivization", COGNITIVE 2014, May 25-29, Venice, Italy. – won best paper award.
    18. A. Weiss, G. Avigad, U. Ben Hanan, "Enhancing Wheelchair Mobility Through Dynamics Mimicking", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical engineering and Mechatronics
    Prague, Czech Republic, August 14-15, 2014.
    19. A. Weiss, R.G. Langlois, and M.J.D. Hayes. "The Atlas Spherical Motion Platform", Israeli Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ICME 2015, on Disc, Tel Aviv, March 2015.
    20. V. Zaitsev, O. Gvirtsman, U. Ben Hanan, A. Weiss, A. Ayali, G. Kosa. "Locust-Inspired Miniature Jumping Robot", 2015 IROS – IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, Sept 28 – Oct 02, 2015.
    21. A. Weiss, E. Fadida, U. Ben Hanan. "Optimizing step climbing by two connected wheeled inverted pendulum robots", 15th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Sep 2017.
    22. U. Ben Hanan A. Weiss, V. Zaitsev,. "Jumping efficiency of small creatures and its applicability in robotics", 15th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Sep. 2017.

Other Publications


1. G. Avigad, Weiss A., "Method and System for Developing Cognitive Responses in a Robotic Apparatus Through Mechanical Cognition", Provisional, EFS ID 14431891, Dec. 2012. PCT.
2. G. Avigad, Weiss A., "A Wheelchair Transportation System", US 8,960,352, Feb, 2015.
3. Ben Hanan U., Weiss A. Zaytsev V., "Jumping Robot", Provisional, 62/555,091, Sep. 2017.

Academic Appointments


Department Head

M.Sc. Degree Committee

Kinematics and dynamics of mobile and motion platforms with emphasis on the design optimization perspective, mobility enablement, cognitive mechanics, jumping biomimetic robots, and dynamics of rigid bodies in magnetic fields.

Omnidirectional Motion Platform – Motion platforms such as those popular in flight simulators are parallel manipulators utilizing six extensible legs to control six degrees of freedom. Such platforms are used due to their ability to bear large weight, but have a very limited range of motion, singularities in their workspace and highly coupled kinematics. This research focuses on developing, modeling, and optimizing the design of an omnidirectional motion platform with unlimited, singularity-free angular motion that is decoupled from the translational motion.
Omnidirectional Mobile Robots – Most mobile robots and ground vehicles are non-holonomic, that is, they have more degrees of freedom than controls. Mobile robots utilizing omnidirectional wheels would be holonomic, thus being able to have full control over the pose of the robot instantly, without resorting to maneuvers circumventing motions that are not available for non-holonomic vehicles (such as lateral motion).
Omnidirectional Wheels design – Omnidirectional wheels are wheels with rollers on their periphery. These rollers allow for a passive degree of freedom in the rollers rolling direction. Different architectures of these wheels exist, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The common problem with such wheels is their low load capacity due to the fact that the load is concentrated on the axis of the small rollers as opposed to the large axis of the wheel. In order to be able to utilize such omnidirectional wheels for high-load vehicles, this problem must be resolved.
Electromagnetic Rotational Motion Actuation and Control – Controlling rotational motion of a cylinder (one-dimensional) and sphere (two and three dimensional) over flat and curved surfaces. The ultimate goal is creating an active spherical joint.
Dynamic Immitation – Creating a robot that can imitate the dynamics of another vehicle in real time. The problem is simple when the workspace of both the robot and the vehicle are the same but when there are mismatches in the workspace of the vehicles the problem becomes one of optimization.
Mechanical Cognition – A novel concept for developing cognition in mechanical system, approaching the problem from the mechanical side of the problem instead of the traditional computer science approach. The idea is based on training a mechanical system to perform tasks when over-constrained to obtain better performance and adaptation ability when working under new unknown constrains
Jumping Biomimetic Robot – Design and Experimantal validation of a jumping robot mimicking the jumping mechanism of a grasshopper. The robot is in advanced stages, where capabilities such as stability, landing control and recovery from landing are under investigation.

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