Dr. Ofer Eyal

Dr. Ofer Eyal

Dr. Ofer Eyal

מחלקה: Physics Unit
תפקיד נוכחי: מרצה מן החוץ

Education :

Ph.D.1988, Pysics, The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israe

M.Sc.1983, Physics, The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

B.Sc.1979, Physics, The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel


שם הקובץ

Refereed Papers

  1. O.Eyal, M.Moshe: Flat directions and scale invariance breaking in anO(N)XO(N) supersymmetric model,Phys.Lett.B11 397 (1986).
  2. O.Eyal , How to regularize constrained systems: some simple examples, Int.Journal of Mod.Physics A1 3003 (1990)
  3. O.Eyal , A spinning particle in magnetic field and the super harmonic oscillator,Journal of Physics A:Math andGen.ll 1453 (1990)
  4. O.Eyal , An alternative description of finite states systems, Journal of PhysicsA:Math and Gen.ll 1841 (1990)

Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

  1. O. Eyal and M. Moshe Flat Direction and Spontaneous Breaking of SuperSymmetric O(N) X O(N) Models Contributed to 23rd International Conference on High-Energy Physics held in Berkeley, CA, 16-23 July 1986.
  2. O.Eyal, Variational Methods in Large N SuperSymmetric Models , Proceeding of Wangerooge “Variational Calculations in Quantum Field Theories 1987 157-171,

Other Publications

  1. Eli Raz and Ofer Eyal, “The 12th Final Stage of the National Physics Olympiad” Tehuda 23/2 25-34 (2003). (in Hebrew).

Teaching Experience

The Ort Braude College:

Undergraduate Courses:
Udergraduate courses: Phys 1,2, 1’m, 2’m,3’mElectromagnetic fields , quantum computationThe Technion–Israel Institute of Technology

Undergraduate Courses:
Electromagnetic Theory , Phys 1.m Phys. 2.mm

University of Haifa:
Undergraduate Course: Symmetries in Nature

• Supesymmetric field theories

• Supesymmetric quantum mechanics as related to paraxial optics

• Foundation of quantum mechanics

ייעוץ לימודים

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