Dr. Ofir Schnabel

Dr. Ofir Schnabel

Dr. Ofir Schnabel

מחלקה: Applied Mathematics
תפקיד נוכחי: Lecturer

Education :

Ph.D. Mathematics, University of Haifa, 2014. Advisor: Yuval Ginosar. Thesis: Gradings of complex algebras, groups of central type, the intrinsic fundamental group and semi-invariant matrices.

M.Sc. Mathematics, Summa Cum Laude, University of Haifa, 2010. Advisor: Yuval Ginosar. Thesis: exact covering systems and their generalizations.


Refereed Papers

1.Prime factorization conditions providing multiplicities in coset partitions of groups, with Y. Ginosar, Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 3 (2011), no.2, 75-86.
2.Semi-invariant matrices over finite groups, with Y.Ginosar, Algebras and Representation Theory 17 (2014), no.1, 199-212.
3.A graph-theoretic approach for comparing dimensions of components in simply-graded algebras, with Y. Ginosar, Discrete Mathematics 338 (2015), no. 1, 59-63.
4.On the reducibility of exact covering systems, Integers 15 (2015), A34, 8 pp.
5.Simple twisted group algebras of dimension p^4 and their semi-centers, Communications in Algebra 44 (2016), no. 12, 5395-5425.
6.On weak equivalences of gradings, with A. Gordienko, Journal of Algebra 501 (2018), 435-457.
7.Categories and weak equivalences of graded algebras, with A. Gordienko, accepted for publication in Algebra Colloquium (see https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.04073.pdf).
8.Groups of central type, maximal connected gradings and intrinsic fundamental groups of complex semisimple algebras, with Y. Ginosar, accepted for publication in Transactions of the AMS (see http://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.06694.pdf).
9.Twisted group ring isomorphism problem, with L. Margolis, accepted for publication in The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (see http://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.00499.pdf).
10.The Herzog-Schonheim Conjecture for small groups and harmonic subgroups, with L. Margolis, accepted for publication in Contributions to Algebra and Geometry (see https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.03569.pdf).

Academic Appointments

October 2017- October 2018: Post-doctoral researcher in mathematics in the Technion- Israel institute of technology.

January 2017- October 2017:
Post-doctoral researcher in mathematics in the University of Haifa.
October 2014- December 2016: Post-doctoral researcher in mathematics in the University of Stuttgart.

Teaching Experience


2017-2018: Technion, Lecturer: Algebra A and Algebra 1M.

2010-2014University of Haifa, Lecturer: Analytic Geometry, Linear algebra B, Discrete mathematics, Calculus B for Information Systems.

2006-2010University of Haifa, Teaching assistant: Modern algebra, Discrete mathematics, Linear algebra B, Linear algebra A.

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