Ph.D.1984, physics and mathematics ,Moscow Physico-Technical Institute, Moscow, Soviet Union
M.Sc.1976, theoretical physics, Kishinev State University, Kishinev, Soviet Union
Author of more then 20 publications including:
2000– 2013 Teacher, ORT Braude College, Department of Mathematics
1996 – 2000 Teacher, Tefen Experimentl Scool, Tefen, Israel ,Mathematics
1985 – 1993 Senior Staff Scientist with option to Teaching, Kishinev State University, Kishinev , Moldova, Soviet Union
1976 – 1985 Research Scientist , Academy of Science of Republic Moldova, Kishinev ,Soviet Union
ORT Braude College of Engineering:
Courses: Calculus 1,Calculus2, Algebra 1 , Algebra 2,Complex Analysis , Ordinary Differential Equations , Partial Differential Equations, Integral Transforms ,Harmonic Analysis, Theory of Chaos ( new course), Mechanics of Continuos Media( new course).
My lectures in the courses Algebra 1 , Advanced mathematics B were recorded on video cassettes for the Audiovisual Library at Braude College