Prof. Vladimir Turetsky

Prof. Vladimir Turetsky

Prof. Vladimir Turetsky

מחלקה: Applied Mathematics
תפקיד נוכחי: Professor


Ph.D.1988, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the USSR Academy

M.Sc.1981, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural State University, Sverdlovsk


Research Interests
  • 1. Robust Control
  • 2. Differential Games
  • 3. Guidance
  • 4. Inverse Problems
  • 1. Calculus of Variations
  • 2. Ordinary Differential Equations
  • 3.  Partial Differential Equations
  • 4. Numerical Analysis
  • 5. Optimization Methods in Industrial Engineering
  • 6. Analytical Methods in Mechanical Engineering 2
  • 7. Ordinary Differential Equations and Control Systems


שם הקובץ
Vladimir Turetsky_CV

Refereed Papers

  1. Turetsky, V.Ya., A Solution of linear-quadratic game of general form, All-Union Institute of Scientific Research and Technical Information (VINITI), 1988, No. 3846-v88, 36 p. (in Russian).
  2. Turetskij, V.Ya., Moving a linear system to a neighborhood of the, Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 50, No. 1, 1989, pp. 75 – 81.
  3. Turetskij, V.Ya., Solubility condition for a linear-quadratic game, Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 50, No. 8, 1989, pp. 1045 – 1052.
  4. Tret'yakov, V.Ye., and Turetskij, V.Ya., Using an auxiliary differential game to synthesize a pursuit strategy, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, Vol. 33, No. 6, 1995, pp. 140 – 145.
  5. Turetskij, V.Ya., Differential game with generalized positional performance index (English, Russian original), Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, Vol. 36, No. 1, 1997, pp. 83 – 86.
  6. Turetsky, V., and Shinar, J., Missile guidance laws based on pursuit-evasion game formulations, Automatica, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2003, pp. 607 – 618.
  7. Turetsky, V., Upper bounds of the pursuer control based on a linear-quadratic differential game, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 121, No. 1, 2004, pp. 163 – 191.
  8. Shinar, J., and Turetsky, V., What happens when certainty equivalence is not valid? / Is there an optimal estimator for terminal guidance? Annual Reviews in Control, Vol. 27, Issue 2, 2003, pp. 119 – 130.
  9. Turetsky, V., and Glizer, V.Y., Robust state-feedback controllability of linear systems to a hyperplane in a class of bounded controls, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 123, No. 3, 2004, pp. 639 – 667.
  10. Turetsky, V., and Glizer, V.Y., Continuous feedback control strategy with maximal capture zone in a class of pursuit games", International Game Theory Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2005, pp. 1 – 24.
  11. Shinar, J., and Turetsky, V., Improved estimation is a prerequisite for successful terminal guidance", Special Issue "Advances in Missile Guidance and Control: Theory and Practice", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 129, No. G2, 2005, pp. 145 – 156.
  12. Shinar, J, Turetsky, V., and Oshman, Ya., Integrated estimation/guidance Design approach for improved homing against randomly maneuvering targets", Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics. Vol. 30, No. 1, 2007, pp. 154 – 160.
  13. Turetsky, V., Capture zones of cheap control interception strategies, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 135, No. 1, 2007, pp. 69 – 84.
  14. Glizer, V.Y., Fridman, L.M., and Turetsky, V., Cheap suboptimal control of uncertain systems with state delays, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 52, No. 10, 2007, pp. 1892 – 1898.
  15. Turetsky, V., and Glizer, V.Y., Robust solution of a time-variable interception problem: a cheap control approach", International Game Theory Review, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2007, pp. 637 – 655.
  16. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Robust controllability of linear systems: analysis and application to pursuit problems, Proceedings of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 7, 2007, pp. 2030035 – 2030036.
  17. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Complete solution of a differential game with linear dynamics and bounded controls", Applied Mathematics Research eXpress, Vol. 2008, article ID: abm012, 49 pages.
  18. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., On the inverse problem for robust capture zone construction, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 137, No. 2, 2008, pp. 381 – 400.
  19. Turetsky, V., Capture zones of linear feedback pursuer strategies, Automatica, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2008, pp. 560 – 566.
  20. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., A linear differential game with bounded controls and two information delays", Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2009, pp. 135 – 161.
  21. Shinar, J., Turetsky, V., Glizer, V.Y., and Ianovsky, E., Solvability of linear- quadratic differential games associated with pursuit-evasion problems", Special Issue of International Game Theory Review, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2008, pp. 481 – 515.
  22. Shinar, J., and Turetsky, V., Three-dimensional validation of an integrated estimation/guidance algorithm against randomly maneuvering targets", Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, V. 32, No. 3, 2009, pp. 1034 – 1039.
  23. Shinar, J., Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., A pursuit-evasion game with hybrid pursuer dynamics", European Journal of Control, Vol. 15, No. 6, 2009, pp. 665 – 684.
  24. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Robust transferrable sets of linear transferring strategies, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 145, No. 1, 2010, pp. 36 – 52.
  25. Shinar, J., Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Robust pursuit of a hybrid evader, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 217, Issue 3, 2010, pp. 1231 – 1245.
  26. Glizer, V.Y., Turetsky, V., Fridman, L., and Shinar, J., History-dependent modified sliding mode interception strategies with maximal capture zone, Journal of Franklin Institute , Vol. 349, 2012, pp. 638 – 657.
  27. Glizer, V.Y., Turetsky, V., and Shinar, J., Terminal cost distribution in discrete-time controlled system with disturbance and noise-corrupted state information, IAEng International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 42, 2012, pp. 52 – 59.
  28. Shinar, J., Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Complete solution of a pursuit-evasion differential game with hybrid evader dynamics, International Game Theory Review, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2012, pp. 1250014-1 – 1250014-31.
  29. Shinar, J., Turetsky, V., and Glizer, V.Y., On estimation in interception endgames, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, invited paper, Vol. 157, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 593 – 611.
  30. Turetsky, V., Glizer, V.Y., and Shinar, J, Robust trajectory tracking: differential game/ cheap control approach, International Journal of Systems Science (invited paper), Vol. 157, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 593 – 611.
  31. Turetsky, V., Glizer, V.Y., and Shinar, J., Robust trajectory tracking: differential        game/ cheap control approach, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 45, Issue 11, 2014, pp. 2260 – 2274.
  32. Shinar, J., Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Capture zone of linear strategies in interception problems with variable structure dynamics, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Special Issue on 2010-2012 Advances in Variable Structure Systems and Sliding Mode Algorithms, Vol. 351, 2014, pp. 2378 – 2395.
  33. Shinar, J., Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Solution of a singular zero-sum linear- quadratic differential game by regularization, Special Issue of International Game Theory Review, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2014, pp. 1440007-1– 1440007-32.
  34. Glizer, V.Y., Turetsky, V., and Bashansky, E., Statistical process control optimization with variable sampling interval and nonlinear expected loss,  Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2015, pp. 105 – 133.
  35. Shinar, J., Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Terminal state distribution of continuous-  time system with random disturbance and noise-corrupted information, IAEng  International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 45, No. 2, 2015, pp. 77 – 84.
  36. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Increasing pursuer capturability by using hybrid dynamics, Special Issue of International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2015, pp. 78 – 92.
  37. Turetsky, V., Book review: “Mathematical Game Theory and Applications” by Vladimir Mazalov, International Game Theory Review, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2015, pp. 1580001-1 – 1580001-3.
  38. Turetsky, V., and Bashkansky, E., Testing and evaluating one-dimensional latent abilty, Special Issue of Measurement, Vol. 78, 2016, pp. 348 – 357.
  39. Turetsky, V., Robust route realization by linear-quadratic tracking, Journal of  Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 170, No. 3, 2016, 977 – 992.
  40. Bashkansky, E., and Turetsky, V., Proficiency testing: binary data analysis,  Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Vol. 21, 2016, pp. 265 – 270.
  41. Turetsky, V., and Shima, T., Target evasion from a missile performing multiple switches in  guidance law, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 39, No. 10, 2016, pp. 2364 – 2373.
  42. Bashkansky, E., and Turetsky, V., Ability evaluation by binary tests: Problems, challenges & recent advances, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 172, No. 1, 2016, pp. 1 – 6.
  43. Turetsky, V., Steinberg, D.M., and Bashkansky, E., Binary test design problem,      Measurement (2018), doi:      (published online 27/02/2018).
  44. Turetsky, V., and Glizer, V. Y. Open-loop solution of a defender-attacker-target game: penalty function approach, Journal of Control and Decision, doi: 10.1080/23307706.2018.1453311 (published online 21/03/18).
  45. Turetsky, V., and Shima, T., Pursuit-evasion guidance in a switched system,  SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 2613 – 2633.
  46. Bhargav, J., Turetsky, V., and Shima, T., Robust path tracking by a Dubins ground vehicle, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,  doi: 10.1109/TCST.2018.2870571  (published online 28/09/18).
  1. V.Ya.Turetsky. Mathematics and Computers / A textbook for the liberal arts faculties. Ekaterinburg, Ural State Univ., 1997. 612 p. 2nd Edition: 1998. 3rd edition: Moscow, Infra-M, 2000 – 2018 (in Russian).
  2. Valery Y. Glizer, and Vladimir Turetsky, Robust controllability of linear systems, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, NY, 2012.
Book Chapters
  1. V.Ya.Turetsky, A prescribed motion tracking problem in conditions of non-controllable disturbances, In: Optimization and stability problems in controlled systems, pp. 91 – 106, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Urals Department of USSR Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, 1990 (in Russian).
  2. V.Ya.Turetsky, Saddle point in the differential game with non-positional cost functional, In:    Some control and stability problems, pp. 107 – 123, Institute of Mathematics and            Mechanics, Urals Department of USSR Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, 1989 (in          Russian).
  3. V.Ya.Turetsky, Differential game solubility condition in H-infinity optimization, In: Nonsmooth and discontinuous problems of control and optimization.  Proceedings of the  IFAC Workshop (NDPCO'98) held in Chelyabinsk, June 17–20, 1998, edited by V. D. Batukhtin, F. M. Kirillova, and V. I. Ukhobotov, Pergamon  Press, pp. 209—214, New York, NY, 1999.
  4. Turetsky, V., and  Lemsh, E.,  A feedback control in linear system identification, In: "Control Applications of Optimization 1995".  A postprint  Volume from the 10th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, December 1995Haifa, Israel, pp. 1 – 4, Pergamon Press, 1996.
  5. Shinar, J., Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Solution of a linear pursuit-evasion game with variable structure and uncertain dynamics". In: Advances in Dynamic Game Theory – Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Applications to Ecology and Economics (S. Jorgensen, M. Quincampoix and T. Vincent, Eds.), Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, Vol. 9, Birkhauser, Boston, pp. 195 – 222, 2007.
  6. Shinar, J., Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., The effect of pursuer dynamics on the value of linear pursuit-evasion games with bounded controls, In:  Advances in Dynamic  Game Theory Theory, Applications and  Numerical Methods (V. Krivan, G. Zaccour, Eds.), Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, Vol. 13,  Ch. 15, pp. 313 – 350, Birkhauser Basel, 2013.
  7. Shinar, J., Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Pursuit-evasion game of kind between hybrid players, In: Advances in Dynamic and Evolutionary Games (F. Thuijsman and F. Wagener, Eds.), Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, Vol.14,  Ch. 9, pp. 187 – 208, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016.

Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

 Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. V.A.Zakharov, V.Ya.Turetsky, V.A.Firsanov, Error analysis of analogous algorithm of signal restoration, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Dynamical Measurements, Leningrad, 1984 (in Russian).
  2. V.Ya.Turetsky, A prescribed route tracking in conditions of uncontrolled disturbances, Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Optimal Control in Mechanical Systems, Lvov, 1988 (in Russian).
  3. V.Ya.Turetsky, The stable signal differentiation method using the linear-quadratic synthesis, Proceedings of the Latvian Signal Processing International Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 57 – 60, EURASIP, Riga, 1990.
  4. M.L.Arkhipova, V.Ye.Tretyakov, V.Ya.Turetsky, On tracking problem in the heat equation, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Multicriterial Problems in Uncertainty Conditions, Orekhovo-Zuevo, 1994 (in Russian).
  5. V.Ya.Turetsky, Differential game with generalized positional index", Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Non-smooth and Discontinuous Problems of Control and Optimization, St.Petersburg, 1995.
  6. V.Ya.Turetsky, A disturbance compensation problem and H-infinity control, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Multicriterial Problems in Conditions of Uncertainty, Orekhovo-Zuevo, 1996.
  7. V.Ya.Turetsky, H-infinity problem and LQDG solubility condition, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Dynamical Games and Applications, pp. 599- 602, Chateau Vaalsbroek, Maastricht, the Netherlands, July 1998.
  8. V. Turetsky, J. Shinar, Capture zone comparison of two differential game based guidance laws, Proceedings of the 41st Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, pp. 192 – 202, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel, February 2001.
  9. J. Shinar, V. Turetsky, Missile guidance laws based on pursuit-evasion game formulations, invited paper, Preprints of the 15th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, pp. 437 – 442, Bologna – Forli, Italy, September 2001.
  10. J. Shinar, V. Turetsky, On improved estimation for interceptor guidance", invited paper, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Vol. 1,  pp. 203 – 208, May 2002, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 2002.
  11. J. Shinar, V. Turetsky, Interceptor missile guidance, – mature science or new challenge?, invited paper, Proceedings of the IFAC Congress,Vol. 15, Part 1, pp. 1238 – 1248, July 2002, Barcelona, Spain, IFAC-PapersOnLine.
  12. V. Turetsky, Upper bounds of missile control based on linear-quadratic differential game, Proceedings of the 43rd Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel, February 2003.
  13. J. Shinar, Y. Oshman, V. Turetsky, J. Evers, On the need of integrated estimation/guidance design for hit-to-kill accuracy", invited paper, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 402 – 407,  Denver, Colorado, June 2003.
  14. J. Shinar, V. Turetsky, What happens when certainty equivalence is not valid? / Is there an optimal estimator for terminal guidance? (invited survey paper), Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, July 2003, Visegrad, Hungary, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Vol. 36, Issue 8, June–July 2003, pp. 175– 184.
  15. V. Turetsky, V.Y.Glizer, Saturated missile control based on a linear-quadratic differential game, Proceedings of the 44th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel, February 2004.
  16. V.Turetsky, V.Y.Glizer, Zero miss interception guidance: cheap control approach", Preprints of the 16th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Vol. II, pp. 74 – 79, St.-Petersburg, Russia, June 2004.
  17. J. Shinar , V. Turetsky, and Y.Oshman, New logic based estimation/guidance algorithm for improved homing against randomly maneuvering target", Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, pp. 1 – 17, paper ID  AIAA 2004 – 4886, Providence, RI, August 2004.
  18. J. Shinar, V. Y. Glizer and V. Turetsky, On a class of pursuit-evasion games with variable structure and uncertain dynamics, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, pp. 898 – 917, Tucson, AZ, December 2004.
  19. V.Turetsky and V.Y.Glizer, Capture-guaranteeing pursuer linear strategies, Proceedings of the 45th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel, February 2005.
  20. J. Shinar and V. Turetsky, Further improved homing accuracy in ballistic missile defense against randomly maneuvering targets , Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference,pp. 1 – 26, paper ID AIAA 2005 – 6160, San Francisco, CA, August 2005.
  21. V.Y. Glizer and V. Turetsky, On a linear differential game with various information delays, Proceedings of the 46th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Israel, March 2006.
  22. V. Turetsky and J. Shinar, Capture zones of cheap control interception strategies, Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, Paris – Cachan, France, April, 2006.
  23. V.Y. Glizer and V. Turetsky, Robust solution of a linear pursuit problem with bounded control: an invariant set approach, Preprints of the 12th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, pp. 97 – 98, Sophia-Antipolis, France, July 2006.
  24. V.Y. Glizer and V. Turetsky, Inverse problem for robust capture zone construction, Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Toulouse, France, July 2006, Vol. 5, Part 1, pp. 667 – 672,IFAC-PapersOnLine.
  25. J. Shinar, V.Y. Glizer, and V. Turetsky, A pursuit-evasion game with hybrid pursuer dynamics, invited paper, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, pp. 1306 – 1313, Kos, Greece, July 2007.
  26. V. Turetsky and V.Y. Glizer, Feasibility sets of nonlinear strategies in scalarizable robust transfer problem, Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, pp. 434 – 439, November 2007, Cambridge, MA, USA.
  27. V.Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky, and J. Shinar, Continuous robust control strategies in an interception problem with variable dynamics, Proceedings of Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology, August 2008, Chofu City, Japan, pp. 727 – 732.
  28. J. Shinar and V. Turetsky, Estimation aspects in the interception of randomly maneuvering targets", Proceedings of the 49th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, March 4-5, 2009, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel.
  29. J. Shinar, V.Y. Glizer and V. Turetsky, Novel method to control linear systems of acceleration constrained dynamics", Preprints  of the IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of                Optimization,  Vol. 7, Part 1,  pp. 35 – 39, May 2009, Jyväskylä, Finland, IFAC-PapersOnLine.
  30. V. Turetsky and V. Y. Glizer, Cheap control in generalized linear-quadratic differential game", The 4th Conference on Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems, May 2009, Nahariya, Israel.
  31. J. Shinar and V. Turetsky, Meeting the challenges of modern interceptor guidance by nonorthodox approaches", Proceedings of the 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, pp. 1563 – 1568, June 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  32. J. Shinar and V. Turetsky, Two potential breakthroughs answering the ballistic missile defense challenges", Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference for Aerospace Sciences, July 2009, Versailles, Paris, France.
  33. J. Shinar, V.Y. Glizer and V. Turetsky, A pursuit-evasion game with hybrid evader dynamics, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, pp. 121 – 126, August 2009, Budapest, Hungary.
  34. J. Shinar, V.Y. Glizer and V. Turetsky, Pursuit of an evader with hybrid dynamics, Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, pp. 98 – 103, September 2009, Zaragoza, Spain.
  35. V.Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky and J. Shinar, Differential game with linear dynamics and multiple information delays, Proceedings of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on Systems, Rodos, Greece, July 2009, pp. 179 – 184.
  36. J. Shinar and V. Turetsky, Interceptor guidance laws – robustness and implementation, Proceedings of the 50th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, February 2010, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel.
  37. V.Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky, L. Fridman and J. Shinar, Modified super-twisting interception strategy with a maximal capture zone, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 173 – 180September 2010, Cambridge, MA, USA, paper ID DSCC2010-4016.
  38. J. Shinar, V.Y. Glizer and V. Turetsky, Robust pursuit of a hybrid evader – the generalized solution, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE 26-th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, November 2010, Eilat, Israel, pp. 717 – 721.
  39. J. Shinar, V.Y. Glizer and V. Turetsky, Complete solution of a pursuit-evasion differential game with hybrid evader dynamics, The 5th International Conference on Game Theory and Management, June 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  40. V.Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky and J. Shinar, Distribution of terminal cost functional in discrete-time controlled system with noise-corrupted state information, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2011, WCE 2011, 6-8 July, 2011, London, U.K., Vol. 1, pp. 296 – 300 (best paper award).
  41. V. Turetsky, V.Y. Glizer, Robust trajectory tracking problem: cheap control approach, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation, September 2011, Rome, Italy, pp. 26 – 34.
  42. J. Shinar, V.Y. Glizer and V. Turetsky, The effect of pursuer dynamics on the value of linear pursuit-evasion games with bounded controls, The 15th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, July 2012, Bysice, Czech Republic.
  43. V. Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky, and E. Bashansky, Application of Pontryagin's maximum principle to statistical process control optimization, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Volume 3: 38th Design Automation Conference, Parts A and B, paper No. DETC2012-70104, pp. 813 – 822, August 2012, Chicago, IL, USA, ASME Digital Collection.
  44. V. Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky, and J. Shinar, Robust controllability sets of linear and saturated linear strategies with discontinuous gains, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation, September 2012, Vienna, Austria, pp. 11 – 20.
  45. J. Shinar, V.Y. Glizer and V. Turetsky, Distribution of terminal cost functional in continuous-time controlled system with noise-corrupted state information, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 27-th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, pp. 1 – 5, November 2012, Eilat, Israel.
  46. Shinar, J., and Turetsky, V., Estimation of random target maneuvers in interception  endgames,  Proceedings of the 53rd  Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences,  March 2013, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel.
  47. Shinar, J., and Turetsky, V., On the crucial role of the estimation in interception          endgames, Proceedings of the EuroGNC 2013,  2nd CEAS Specialist Conference on         Guidance,  Navigation & Control, pp. 499 – 506, April 2013, Delft, The Netherlands.
  48. Shinar, J., and Turetsky, V., The estimator is the key element in interception endgames, The 5thEuropean Conference for Aero-Space Sciences, July 2013, Munich, Germany.
  49. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., When hybrid dynamics increases interceptor's         capturability? Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant  Systems, pp. 814 – 819,  October 2013, Nice, France.
  50. Shinar, J, and Turetsky, V., "Time-to-go adaptive" estimation in interception endgames, 54th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel, February 2014.
  51. Turetsky, V., Shinar, J., and Goldenshluger, A., Novel switch detection algorithm in logic-based guidance, Proceedings of the 2014 Joint Statistical Meetings, pp. 505 – 518, August 2014, Boston MA, USA.
  52. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Limit behavior of LQG control problem with small noise in observation and some aerospace application,  Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, pp. 62.1 –   62.9, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2014.
  53. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Optimal quadratic control of linear time delay systems: one approach to numerical solution, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA), pp. 797 – 802, Taichung, Taiwan, June 2014.
  54. Shinar, J., Turetsky, V., and Glizer, V.Y., Fault-tolerant robust capture zone construction: hybrid dynamics approach,  Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 28-th  Convention of  Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, December 2014,  Eilat, Israel, pp. 1 – 5.
  55. Glizer, V. Y., and Turetsky, V., Optimal schedule of a statistical process control with a nonlinear expected loss, Proceedings of the 7th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, pp. 42 – 54, August 2015,  Prague, Czech Republic.
  56. Shinar, J., Glizer, V. Y., and Turetsky, V., Fault-tolerant robust capture zone with respect to two faults, Proceedings of  the IEEE International Conference on Automation  Science and Engineering, pp. 1036 – 1041,  August 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  57. Glizer, V. Y., and Turetsky, V., Linear-quadratic pursuit-evasion game with zero-order players' dynamics and terminal constraint for the evader, IFAC – Papers OnLine, Vol. 48, Issue 25, Proceedings ofthe16th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization CAO 2015, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 9 October 2015 (Edited by Stefan Wolfgang Pickl and Martin Zsifkovits),  pp. 22 – 27.
  58. Turetsky, V., and Shima, T., Target evasion strategy against a missile with switched guidance law, The 56th Israel Annual Conference on  Aerospace  Sciences, March 2016, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel.
  59. Bashkansky, E., and Turetsky, V., A new approach to simultaneous latent ability & test difficulty estimation, Proceedings of  the  Second International Symposium on  Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management (SMRLO16), Ilia Frenkel and Anatoly Lisnianski (eds.), Beer Sheva, Israel, February 15-18, 2016, pp. 71 – 75.
  60. Turetsky, V., and Glizer, V. Y., Cheap control robust tracking: insight by solving the       problem with simple motions, Proceedings of the 24th Mediterranean Conference on        Control and Automation, June 2016, Athens, Greece, pp. 1059 –1064.
  61. Turetsky, V., Robust trajectory tracking for a feedback linearizable nonlinear system,       Proceedings of the 10th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems – NOLCOS       2016, August 2016, Monterrey, CA, USA,   IFACPapersOnLine, Vol. 49, Issue 18, 2016, pp. 540 – 545.
  62. Turetsky, V., and Shima, T., Hybrid evasion strategy against a missile with guidance  law with variable structure, Proceedings of the 2016 American Control Conference,  July 2016, Boston, MA, USA, pp. 3132 – 3137.
  63. Turetsky, V., and Le Ménec, S., Robust capture zone approximation by interval      integration with uncertainty, Proceedings of the 20th IFAC Symposium on Automatic         Control in Aerospace – ACA 2016, August 2016, Sherbrooke, Canada,  IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 49, Issue 17, 2016, pp. 28 – 33.
  64. Turetsky, V., and Shima, T., On matrix games associated with pursuit-evasion problem for a  switched system, Proceedings of 57th Israel Annual Conference on  Aerospace  Sciences,     March 2017, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel.
  65. Bhargav, J., Turetsky, V., and Shima, T., Planar path tracking by a Dubins vehicle in the presence of disturbance, Proceedings of the 58th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, March 2018, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel, pp. 1670  –1682.
  66. Bhargav, J., Turetsky, V., and Shima, T., Linear-quadratic robust path tracking for a Dubins vehicle, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, June 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, pp. 2101 –2106.
  67. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Optimal time-sampling problem in a statistical control with a quadratic cost functional:   analytical and numerical approaches, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2018), July 2018, Porto, Portugal, pp. 21 – 32.
  68. Turetsky, V., Hayoun, S. Y., Shima, T., and Tarasyev, A., On the value of differential       game with asymmetric control constraints, IFAC – Papers OnLine, Vol. 51, Issue 32, Proceedings of the 17th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization CAO 2018, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 15 1 9 October 2018 (Edited by Tatiana Filippova), pp. 799 – 804.


  1. Turetsky, V., Linear-quadratic differential game control: two ways to ensure solvability, The 22nd Nordic Process Copntrol Workshop, August 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark


  1.  Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Optimal decision in a statistical process control, Advances in Decision Analysis 2019, June 2019, Milan, Italy.
  2. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Robust optimization of statistical process control, The 27th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, July 2019, Akko, Israel.
  3. Turetsky, V., Input restoration as a linear-quadratic tracking control, The 61th British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, April 2019, Bath, UK.
  4. Turetsky, V., Weiss, M., and Shima, T., Minimum control effort guidance with intermediary pursuit decision, The 27th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, July 2019, Akko, Israel.

 Conference Abstracts

  1. V.A.Zakharov, V.Ya.Turetsky, The input signal restoration in the sliding mode, Conference "Methods of identification theory in the metrology problems", Novosibirsk, 1985 (in Russian).
  2. V.Ya.Turetsky, A dynamic disturbance compensation via auxiliary differential game, The 8th Scientific Conference of Young Scientists of Gosstandart, Novosibirsk, 1989 (in Russian).
  3. V.Ya.Turetsky, A game approach to the disturbance-attenuated systems synthesis, Conference on Physical Processes Modeling and Stability, Kiev, 1990 (in Russian).
  4. V.Ya.Turetsky, Linear-quadratic synthesis in the tracking and restoration problems, The 2nd Conference "Control and Automation in Modern Industry", Minsk, 1990 (in Russian).
  5. V.Ya.Turetsky, Method of identification of linear non-stationary system by means of auxiliary linear-quadratic regulator, International Conference on Ill-Posed Problems, Moscow, 1991.
  6. Arkhipova, M., Tretyakov, V., and  Turetsky, V., On tracking problem in the heat equation, Abstracts of the 3rd International Workshop on Multi-Criteria Problems in Uncertainty Conditions, Orekhovo-Zuevo, 1994 (in Russian)
  7. V.Ya.Turetsky, On linear equation identification via control synthesis, Conference on Algorythmical and Numerical Analysis of Ill-Posed Problems, Ekaterinburg, 1995 (in Russian).
  8. Turetsky, V. A disturbance compensation problem and H-infinity control,  The 4th International Workshop on Multi-Critera Problems in Conditions of Uncertainty, Orekhovo-Zuevo, 1996.
  9. V.Ya.Turetsky, The tracking problem and linear-quadratic game for the heat equation , Workshop "The Physical Systems Modeling and Stability", Kiev, 1996 (in Russian).
  10. V.Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky, Robust controllability of linear systems and its applications: overview of some recent results, The Third Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the Ort Braude College, October 2007, Ha'Goshrim, Israel.
  11. V.Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky and J. Shinar, Differential game with linear dynamics and multiple information delays, International Conference on Actual Problems of Stability and Control Theory, September 2009, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
  12. V.Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky, On an approach for replacing state constraints with control constraints in linear systems, The Fifth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the Ort Braude College, October 2009, Kiryat Shmona, Israel.
  13. Turetsky, V., and  Glizer, V.Y., Cheap control in generalized linear-quadratic differential game,The 4th International Conference on Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems, pp. 43-44, May 2009, Nahariya, Israel.
  14. V.Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky, Continuous pursuit strategies with a maximal capture zone, The Sixth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the Ort Braude College, October 2010, Haifa, Israel.
  15. V. Turetsky, V.Y. Glizer, Robust trajectory tracking problem: cheap control approach, The Seventh Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the Ort Braude College, September 2011, Kfar Blum, Israel.
  16. Shinar, J., Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Complete solution of a pursuit-evasion     differential game with hybrid evader dynamics, Book of Abstracts of the 5th International Conference on Game Theory and Management, pp. 223 – 225, June 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  17. V.Y. Glizer, V. Turetsky, Robust controllability of uncertain systems by strategies with discontinuous gains, The Eighth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the Ort Braude College, October 2012, Acre, Israel.
  18. Shinar, J., Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., The effect of pursuer dynamics on the  value of linear pursuit-evasion games with bounded controls, Abstracts of the 15th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, July 2012, Bysice, Czech Republic.
  19. Shinar, J., and Turetsky, V., New estimator design for interception endgames, Abstracts of  the 3rdIsrael Multinational Ballistic Missile Defense Conference, February 2013, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  20. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., New cases of increasing pursuer capturability by using hybrid dynamics, The Ninth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the Ort Braude College, October 2013, Ha’Goshrim, Israel.
  21. Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., One approach to numerical solution of a finite- horizon linear-quadratic optimal control problem for time delay systems,  Book of Abstracts of 2013 International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, pp. 167-168, Valladolid, Spain, 2013.
  22. Turetsky, V., and Bashkansky, E., A possible approach to one-dimensional latent X-        abilty testing and evaluation, The Tenth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of  the  Ort Braude College, October 2014, Nahariya, Israel.
  23. Shinar, J.,  Glizer, V.Y., and Turetsky, V., Robust pursuit of a hybrid evader by a                      hybrid pursuer, The 16th ISDG Symposium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 2014.
  24. Shinar, J., and Turetsky, V., Innovative estimator design for interception endgames,       Workshop on Optimization and Control, Israel Aerospace Industries, January 2015,        Israel.
  25. Glizer, V. Y., and Turetsky, V., Linear-quadratic pursuit-evasion game with terminal constraint for the evader, Abstracts of II International Seminar dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Academician A. I. Subbotin “Control Theory and Theory of  Generalized Solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi Equations”, Ekaterinburg, Russia, April 2015, pp. 160 –162.
  26. Turetsky, V., and Glizer, V.Y., Linear-quadratic pursuit-evasion game with terminal constraint for the evader, Book of Abstracts, The 10th International ISDG Workshop, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 2015.
  27. Turetsky, V., and Bashkansky, E., Estimating latent ability from the non-destructive test results when the test items difficulties are unknown beforehand, 2015 Joint Statistical Meetings, August 2015, Seattle WA,USA.
  28. Bashkansky, E., and Turetsky, V., Estimating latent ability from the NDT results, when  the test items difficulties are unknown beforehand, Book of Full Papers of the XXI World Congress IMEKO, August 30 – September 4, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 1881 – 1884.
  29. Bashkansky, E., and Turetsky, V., A novel method to deal with latent ability testing   and evaluation, Book of Abstracts, European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics, September 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
  30. Bashkansky, E., and Turetsky, V., Ability evaluation by binary tests: problems,          challenges & recent advances, The Twelveth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of  the  Ort Braude College, October 2016, Ha-Goshrim, Israel, p. 38.
  31. Turetsky, V., Nonlinear robust tracking by feedback linearization, The Twelfth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of  the  Ort Braude College, October 2016, Ha-Goshrim, Israel, p. 6.
  32. Turetsky, V.,  On solvability of linear-quadratic differential game for a heat equation,        Book of  Abstracts, British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, April 2017, Guildford,        UK, p. 128.
  33. Turetsky, V., Robust terminal tracking problem for one-dimensional heat equation, The VIII Workshop “Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics”, August    2017, Benasque, Spain.
  34. Bashkansky, E., and Turetsky, V., Binary test design problem, XI International        Conference “Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and         Testing”, August 2017, Glasgow, UK.
  35. Bashkansky, E., and Turetsky, V., Assessing assessors (by means of binary test design        and analysis),  European Network for Buisness and Industrial Statistics, September 2017, Naples, Italy.
  36. Bashkansky, E., and Turetsky, V., Binary test design problem,  The Thirteenth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of  the  Ort Braude College, October 2017, Nahsholim, Israel, p.39.
  37. Turetsky, V., Tracking error and control effort trade-off in a robust trajectory tracking problem, The 60thBritish Applied Mathematics Colloquium, March 2018, St. Andrews, UK.
  38. Turetsky, V., Receding horizon robust linear-quadratic control,  ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 2018, Quebec City, Canada.
  39. Bashkansky, E., and Turetsky, V., Binary test of latent ability: evaluation & design problems, European Network for Buisness and Industrial Statistics, September 2018, Nancy, France.
  40. Turetsky, V., Weiss, M., and Shima, T., Minimum effort guidance with delayed engagement resolution, 2018 ICSEE International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering, December 2018, Eilat, Israel.

Other Publications

Teaching materials
  1. V.Ya.Turetsky, Introduction to mathematics. Sets and relations, handbook for undergraduate students of the Faculty of Psychology, Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, 1995.
Professional Reports
  1. V. Turetsky, Comparison of numerical integration methods for a stiff system of differential equations, modeling the myocardium oscillations, M.Sc. Thesis Advisor: Prof. G. Milstein, the Ural State University, Sverdlovsk, 1981.
  2. V. Turetsky, A guaranteed control and a problem of dynamical system moving to prescribed state, Ph.D. Dissertation, Advisors: Professors Yuri Osipov, Vladimir Tretyakov, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Sverdlovsk, 1988.
  3. V.Turetsky, On guidance laws derived using pursuit-evasion game formulations, TAE N 857. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, September 2000.
  4. J. Shinar, V. Turetsky, Validation of a new guidance law in a 3-D missile defense scenario", TAE N 886. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, November 2001.
  5. J. Shinar, V. Turetsky, Search for the “best” estimator for interceptor guidance, TAE N 892. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, June 2002.
  6. J. Shinar, V.Turetsky, Extensive validation of a new guidance law in a 3-D missile defense scenario, TAE N 907. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, November 2002.
  7. J. Shinar, Y.Oshman, V. Turetsky, On the need for integrated estimation/guidance design for hit-to-kill accuracy", TAE N 917. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, May 2003.
  8. J. Shinar, V.Turetsky, What happens when certainty equivalence is not valid?, TAE N 919. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, July 2003.
  9. V. Turetsky, V. Y. Glizer, Robust controllability of linear uncertain systems with bounded controls, TAE N 923. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, August 2003.
  10. J. Shinar, Y. Oshman, and V.Turetsky, More on integrated estimator/guidance law design, TAE N 929. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, December 2003.
  11. J. Shinar, Y. Oshman, and V.Turetsky, New logic based estimation/guidance algorithm for improved homing against randomly maneuvering target, TAE N 946. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, August 2004.
  12. V.Y.Glizer, L.M.Fridman, and V.Turetsky, Cheap suboptimal control of uncertain systems with state delays, TAE N 954. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, August 2004.
  13. V. Turetsky, Capture zone geometry of linear pursuit strategies, TAE N 959. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, July 2005.

Academic Appointments

May 2018 – Present Professor, Ort Braude College of Engineering

2010–2018 Associate Professor, ORT Braude College of Engineering

2005–2010 Adjunct Lecturer, Ort Braude College of Engineering

2006–2010 Senior Research Associate, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

2000–2006 Researcher, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

2002–2004 Adjunct Lecturer, Technion Center for Pre-University Education

1994–1999  Associate Professor, Ural State University, Faculty of Mathematics, Ekaterinburg, Russia

1992–1994  Assistant Professor, Ural State University, Faculty of Mathematics, Ekaterinburg,  Russia

Teaching Experience

ORT Braude College of Engineering:
  • Graduate Course:Optimization Methods in Industrial Engineering (new course), Analytical Methods in Mechanical Engineering 2 (new course)
  • Undergraduate Courses:Calculus II, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Differential Equations and Integral Transforms, Linear Algebra I, Numerical Analysis, Nonlinear Optimization, Calculus of Variations (new course), Ordinary Differential Equations and Control Systems (new course)
Ural State University:
  • Graduate Courses:Linear SystemsControl TheoryLinear-Quadratic Control Problem in Hilbert Space
  • Undergraduate Courses:Mathematics and Computer Sciences (liberal arts faculties)Database programmingC Language Programming

Academic and Professional Awards and Grants

1999 George Soros Associate Professorship
 2011   Best paper award, International Conference of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, World Congress on Engineering, London, UK.

2016 Ort Braude College Award for Excellence in Research (2013-2014 academic year)

2017  Ort Braude College Award for Excellence in Research (2014-2015 academic year)
2018 Ort Braude Colelge Award for Excellence in Research (2015-2016 academic year)

Professional Activities

  • Member of Organazing Committee:

1)  The Eleventh Interdisciplinary Research Conference of  the  Ort Braude College, October 2015.

  • Special sessions and mini-symposiums co-organizer:

1)  The 60th British Applied Mathematic Colloquium, March 2018, St. Andrews, UK, Mini-symposium “Optimal Control and Dynamic Games: Theory and Application”.

  •   Member of International Program Committee:

1)    6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT'19) , Paris, France, April 2019.

2)  17th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization,  Yekaterinburg, Russia, October 2018.

3)  The 11th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied  Control and Automation, September 2018, Budapest, Hungary.

4)  The 8th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied  Control and Automation, September 2016, Larnaka, Cyprus.

5)  The 7th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied  Control and Automation, September 2015, Bergeggi, Italy.

6)  16th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, October 2015, Garmisch – Partenkirchen, Germany.

7)  The 6th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied  Control and Automation, September 2013, Athens, Greece.

  • Technical Associate Editor: The 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, August 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.
  •  Session chair/co-chair:

1)  The 17th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization CAO’2018, October 2018, Yekaterinburg, Russia.

2)  The 10th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems – NOLCOS 2016,  August 2016, Monterrey, CA, USA

3) The 16th IFAC workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, October 2015, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

4)  The 55th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, February 2015, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel.

5)  The Tenth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of  the  Ort Braude College, October 2014, Nahariya, Israel.

6)  The 2nd International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant  Systems,  October 2013, Nice, France.

7)  International Conference of Applied and Engineering Mathematics,   World Congress on Engineering, July 2011,  London, UK.

8)  IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, May 2009,  Jyvaskyla, Finland.

9) International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology, August 2008, Chofu City, Japan.


Educational activities
  • Creating the educational program on Mathematics and Computer Sciences at non-mathematical faculties, 1992.
  • Developing the course "Calculus of Variations", Department of Applied Mathematics, Ort Braude College, 2010
  • Developing the course "Methods of Optimization in Industrial Engineering" (M.Sc.), Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ort Braude College, 2012
International activities
  • Member of the Technical Committee TC 2.4 on Optimal Control of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)
Membership in professional societies
  • International Society on Dynamic Games
  • Israel Association for Automatic Control
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Reviewing papers for Mathematical Reviews
  • 45 reviews published
Reviewing papers for journals
  • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems;
  • Systems & Control Letters
  • IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
  • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
  • IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B
  • International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
  • International Journal of Control
  • Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
  • Journal of the Franklin Institute• Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Aerospace Science and Technology
  • IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
  • Journal of Applied Mathematics
  • Abstract and Applied Analysis
Reviewing conference papers
  • IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, L'Aquila, Italy, 2006
  • 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2008, Cancun, Mexico
  • European Control Conference, August 2009, Budapest, Hungary
  • The 11th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, June 2010, Mexico City, Mexico
  • AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, August 2010, Toronto, Canada
  • The 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, June 2011, Corfu, Greece
  • American Control Conference, June – July 2011, San Francisco, USA
  • AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, August 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA
  • 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, December 2011, Orlando, FL, USA
  • The ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE),August 2012, Chicago, IL, USA
  • 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2012, Maui, Hawaii, USA
  • European Control Conference, July 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
Participation in conferences
  • The 4th Symposium on Dynamical Measurements, Leningrad,USSR, 1984
  • Conference "Methods of identification theory in the metrology problems", Novosibirsk, USSR ,1985
  • The 6th Conference on Optimal Control in Mechanical Systems, Lvov, USSR, 1988
  • The 8th Scientific Conference of Young Scientists of the State Committee on Standards, Novosibirsk, USSR, 1989
  • Conference on Physical Processes Modeling and Stability, Kiev, USSR, 1990
  • The 2nd Conference "Control and Automation in Modern Industry", Minsk, USSR, 1990
  • Latvian Signal Processing International Conference, EURASIP, Riga, USSR, 1990
  • International Conference on Ill-Posed Problems, Moscow, USSR,1991
  • The 3rd International Workshop on Multicriterial Problems in Uncertainty Conditions, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Russia, 1994
  • Conference on Algorythmical and Numerical Analysis of Ill-Posed Problems, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 1995
  • The 3rd IFAC Workshop on Non-smooth and Discontinuous Problems of Control and Optimization, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1995
  • The 10th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, Haifa, Israel, 1996
  • Workshop "The Physical Systems Modeling and Stability", Kiev, Ukraine, 1996
  • AMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference "Optimization Methods in Partial Differential Equations", South Hadley, MA, USA, 1996
  • The IFAC Workshop on Non-smooth and Discontinuous Problems of Control and Optimization, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 1998
  • The 41st Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Haifa, Israel, 2001
  • The 15th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Bologna, Italy, 2001
  • The 43rd Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel, 2003
  • American Control Conference, Denver, CO, USA, 2003
  • The 44th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Haifa, Israel, 2004
  • The 16th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 2005
  • The 45th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Haifa, Israe, 2005
  • AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2005
  • The 46th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Haifa, Israel, 2006
  • The 12th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2006
  • The 5th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Toulouse, France, 2006
  • The 10th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2007
  • International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology, Chofu City, Japan, 2008
  • The IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2009
  • International Conference on Actual Problems of Stability and Control Theory, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 2009
  • The 4th Conference on Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems, Nahariya, Israel, 2009
  • The ASME Dynamics Systems and Control Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2010
  • IEEE 26-th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, Eilat, Israel, 2010
  • International Conference of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, World Congress on Engineering, London, UK, 2011
  • The 5th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation, Rome, Italy, 2011
  • ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 38th Design Automation Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 2012
  • The 6th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation, Vienna, Austria,2012
  • IEEE 27-th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, Eilat, Israel, 2012
  • The 2nd International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant  Systems, Nice, France, 2013.
  • The 53rd  Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel, 2013
  • IEEE 28-th  Convention of  Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, Eilat, Israel, 2014
  • Joint Statistical Meetings, Boston MA, USA, 2014
  • The 54th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel         Aviv – Haifa, Israel, 2014
  • The16th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization  Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2015
  • The IEEE International Conference on Automation  Science and Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2015
  • The 10th International ISDG Workshop, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2015
  • The 10th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Monterrey, CA, USA, 2016
  • The Second International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management, Beer Sheva,  Israel, 2016
  • The 56th Israel Annual Conference on  Aerospace  Sciences, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel, 2016
  • The 57th Israel Annual Conference on  Aerospace  Sciences, Tel Aviv – Haifa, Israel, 2017
  • The VIII Workshop “Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics, Benasque, Spain, 2017
  • The 59th British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Guildford,   UK, 2017
  • The 17th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2018
  • The 58th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel Aviv – Haifa, 2018
  • ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec City, Canada, 2018
  • The 60th British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, St. Andrews, UK, 2018
Colloquium & Seminar Lectures
1982 Seminar talk, Institute of Metrology, Sverdlovsk, USSR
1984 Seminar talk, Institute of Metrology, Sverdlovsk, USSR
1987 Seminar talk, Ural State University, Sverdlovsk, USSR
1988 Talk at the seminar of Professor B. Pshenichnii, Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev, USSR
2000 Faculty seminar, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel
2003 Faculty seminar, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel
2005 Seminar Talk, Department of Mathematics, ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel
2007 Seminar talk, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2007 The Third Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the ORT Braude College
2009 The Fifth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the ORT Braude College
2010 Seminar talk, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2010 The Sixth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the ORT Braude College
2011 The Seventh Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the ORT Braude College
2012 Seminar Talk, Department of Mathematics, ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel
2012 The Eighth Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the ORT Braude College
Participation in Professional Projects
  • 1993 – 1999 Linear-Quadratic Control Problems in Hilbert Spaces, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Principal Investigator: Professor V.Ye.Tretyakov)
  • 2000 – 2005 Guidance Research towards Reduced Miss Distances,Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, grant of the US Air Force (Principal Investigators: Professor J. Shinar, Professor Y. Oshman)
  • 2005 – 2010 Design of Improved Interception Guidance Laws by Differential Game Approach, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, grant of the Israel Scientific Foundation (Principal Investigator: Professor J. Shinar)

ייעוץ לימודים

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